

Five decades after the prophecy was made,a woman gave birth to a girl in a sense forest under the moonlight. The moment the baby opened her eyes and cried, lighting struck and the sun rose.

"Papa !, Papa!, come see I just created a flame!, and guess what papa! it was blue like the sky!"

Zaniya said as she ran towards her parents hut."Zaniya I told you not to use your powers outside didn't I !".Jero reprimanded her daughter.Zaniya pouted her lips and scanned the room for any trace of her father."But mama ..."

"Enough of your talks, come on go out and bath you stink."Jero continued kneading the dough as she scolded Zaniya."Come on Jero, don't be so harsh on my boys like that. I'm sure she didn't mean any harm."Huanji who just entered the room saw Zaniya on the verge of tears. Zaniya's eyes twinkled the moment she saw her father. Huanji walked towards her and lifted her up.

Jero finally stopped what she was doing and looked at the father and daughter pair. "Don't support her Anji , she can already create a flame at such a young age! Who knows what the king will do once he gets wind of our Niya's powers."Zaniya could clearly see fear in her mother's eyes.It broke her heart to see her mama like that. Jero burst into tears. Zaniya hopped off her father's back and rushed to her mom's side and hugged her. "Mama , I'm sorry, I won't ever use my powers again I promise! But please don't cry anymore mama."Huanji just stood there watching them with so much love. "No,no it's not your fault Niya, you didn't choose this life, it's a gift. Use it for good". Both mother and daughter engage in a tight embrace.

"I wish I could take you to a place where you will be free". Huanji says to himself and then also joins the embrace.