

Claire : The main character (she is blind)

Rachel : Claire's friend

Emelda :the mean girl and the leader of the Trio

Eve :Emelda friend and part of the Trio

Becky :Emelda fiend and part of the Trio

Matrix Anna :A strict woman and a caretaker

Matrix Teresa :The head of the orphanage

Matrix Rose:A caretaker

Sophie :one of the orphanage girl

Maya :one of the orphanage girl

Mr finch:The husband to Linda and a visitor

Mrs Flinch :The wife to Mr Flinch and a visitor

Security guard : the man who guard the gate

John:Rachel's boyfriend and the cook son.


Light shone brightly in a room full of children who were clustered together hands on their sleeve on each bunk bed except one. There was a bell chiming signally the wake of the children who refused to get up. Seeing this, The Matrix came storming in with a smaller bell ringing it loudly in your ears which made them all groan

Emelda : Arggh! Must you do this all the time( she asked the Matrix)

Matrix Rose : yes I must, now up you go and get ready, there is need for thorough cleaning today. ( she said which got them all groaning)

Claire : cleaning? Are we expecting visitors? ( Claire the most quietest among them I asked)

Matrix Rose: yes Claire dear, we're expecting a couple who want to adopt a child

Sophie: really( Sophie asked excitedly which made the Matrix to smile

Matrix Anna: yes, now put on your best clothes after your done doing your work then go eat your breakfast while we wait for our esteemed guest ( she said before leaving the room. When she left, the room was filled with joy, happiness and a lot of screaming. The children were happy that at least one of them could be selected)

Rachel : okay guys keep calm, don't you want Matrix Anna to the to get angry ( Rachel the eldest who was 16 said)

Emelda : of course that's what you say(Emelda said throwing Rachel a dirty look at Rachel )

Rachel: what's that supposed to mean ( Rachel asked seemingly annoyed by Emelda Pride and overconfidence. Who had no respect. but she did not expect anything because that's how she is naturally, always like stepping on people and looking down on them. Emelda step forward with folded arm and titled half of her body forward

Emelda : isn't it obvious, you don't like seeing us happy because you are jealous( she said then straighted her body why her two friends Eve and Becky came to her side)

Rachel : I'm not jealous, why would I( Rachel asked)

Emelda : because one of us will be lucky to get pick except you, do you know why, it's because you coming off age. Soon it would be bye-bye to Rachel who will have to fend for herself alone in this big world ( Amanda said he wanted to walk away but turn back again) and ooh! You don't have to worry cuz Claire would be joining you either way ( Emelda said as laughed while walking away with her friends leaving Rachel boiling)

Maya: okay everyone that's enough chatting now, go on ( Maya who was 14 said when she noticed the foul environment, then she walked up to Rachel wanting to speak with her but was snubbed. Rachel who left in anger and embarrassment work out of The Orphanage to a little cottage at the backyard where she bawled her eyes out. Anyone seen this would understand that what Emelda said was true and it really hurt her. She cried for a long time until she heard movement from the corner. She was curious, walked to the place to be startled by a figure she wanted to scream but a familiar voice she heard stop her from screaming

Claire : shush.... It's me ( Claire said which calmed her down)

Claire: sorry for startling you

Rachel: Claire What are you doing here?

Claire: I wanted to take my bath but lost my way around which ended me up here( Claire said clearly lying and Rachel knew she was lying)

Rachel : come, come take a seat( Rachel said as she guide Claire who was blind to a seat next to her)

Claire : I hope I'm not bothering you? (Claire ask as she tucked her hair behind her ears)

Rachel : nope not at all, so would you mind telling me the truth about how you ended up here( Rachel ask which made Claire body to stiffen after like 3 minutes Claire decide to open up. She told Rachel has Sophie wanted to escort her to wash up but was called by Matrix Meggy so Claire had no other choice than to wait for her but as she was waiting she heard footsteps and before she knew it she was being pulled forcefully outside, how she knew that she was outside was because of the cold breeze that blew harshly on her face she asked who was that and where they were taking her to but all she received was hit after hit and soon enough they push her down, then someone stepped on her back then whispered " how does it feel, how does it feel to be blind, how does it feel to know that you will always be a loser, how does it feel not to be wanted, Haa... I'm sure you know how it feels. Do you know why I cannot feel it, it's because I am not blind, I'm wanted, I'm special heck I'm a star bone Queen unlike you who was picked from a trash ( a voice said and Claire recognise the person who was saying it. It was Emelda)

Claire : you're wrong ( she said with a hoarse voice)

Eve : what did you just say

Becky: do you know who you are talking to( both of them said simultaneously and wanted to pounce on her but Emelda gestured them to be quiet then she put her feet all Claire back to the ground squatted down at one side of Claire ear.

Emelda : what's that Claire dear( Emelda whispered creepily

Claire : I said you are wrong, I'm a be blind and not wanted but I'm not a loser, well you maybe special, a star born Queen find. am blind but it doesn't change the fact that you are an unwanted child too ( Claire said with gritted. She was tired of the bullying, for God's sake they were the same age. Emelda who heard this got angry and grab a handful of her Claire hair which made her to cry out in pain

Emelda : how dare you a worthless thing say this to me hmn.. How dare you(Emelda screamed at her , pulling hair the more which made her scream out loud

Claire : let me go( she scream loudly which made Eve and Becky to cover her mouth.

Emelda : shush.... Do you want Matrix to find us, you better keep quiet or else (Emelda threatened when they heard footsteps and a voice

Matrix Rose: who's there, anyone ( Rose asked and she wanted to approach where Claire and Amanda was but before she could reach, Eve and Becky came out as a sacrificial lamb and took the blame straight away)

Becky: it is me, Matrix Rose( she said as they bow their heads low knowing that she would scold them)

Matrix Rose : you guys, what are you doing here, do you know what time it is

Eve: ma..... ( Eve wanted to speak, but she was interrupted

Matrix Rose: keep short when I speak, today is an important day and you're already behaving like this, go inside and you will get your punishment later( Rose said finally scolding them and watch them run off

Matrix Rose:( Rose sighed) good Lord Heaven Help the children( she whispered as walk back inside. Emelda and Claire was behind the building, and Emelda sighed a breath of relief. Emelda got up and kicked Claire her in the tummy

Emelda : you almost got me exposed, you really lucky that Eve and Becky acted out first but you will still pay for saying those things to me and for getting my friends into trouble ( Amanda said and kicked her a few times before breaking her walking stick and spitting on her, knocked her face slightly on the floor and leaving her there. Claire who was in a lot of pain could not cry but instead held her tears as she looked for her for her broken walking stick. Since she was blind it was a little harder, when she found it, she wrapped it in her cloth that she carried and use her hand and feet to guide herself which Led her to the cottage)

Rachel: that's awful( Rachel said as she looked at her broken walking stick and the bruise on our waist side)

Claire : I know but there is nothing I can do given that am blind

Rachel: who says that, quick and get up let's go met the head of Matrix ( Rachel said knowing that the head of Matrix has a soft spot for her but Claire being Claire refused, fearful of the consequences so Rachel had no other choice than to guide her back to the orphanage. They succeeded in reaching the room without been seen and Rachel threw a dirty look at Emelda and her friends before helping Claire to the bathroom

20 minutes later

( everywhere was spotless and visitor were already nearby so Matrix Rose came to inform the children to get their breakfast but when she's enter the room she saw that everybody was already ready except Claire which got her angry)

Matrix Rose: Claire what the hell are you doing, do you know what time it is and you're not dress ( barked Rose)

Claire : I'm sorry Matrix Rose, I'll get dressed immediately( she replied fearfully and move forward only to fall face flat on the floor which made everyone to laugh)

Emelda : what an imbecile ( Emelda whispered loudly to herself

Matrix Rose: Miss Claire are you trying to become a clown, this is not a circus and where the hell is your walking stick( Rose asked impatiently why glaring at everyone to keep shut

Rachel: well good question ma, now let me answer it for you, Emelda broke it out of wickedness ( Rachel said as she pointed at Amanda who quickly change expression to a Pitiful wronged one

Emelda : how could you accuse me of such thing why would I break my fellow mates walking stick, I'm not that bored please ma believe me( Emelda said pitifully already squeezing fake tears which made everyone to believe her immediately and look at Rachel with a scorned look)

Matrix Rose: Claire is what Rachel saying true? ( Rose asked as she waited for Claire to answer. Claire who heard the question fidgeted for for a while until she Felt someone holding her hand which gave her confidence, should nodded)

Matrix Rose: words, miss Claire

Claire : yes ma'am it's true Emelda broke my walking stick(Claire said with head down which made everyone to gasp and start mumbling

Emelda : how could you lie like that when I did not do such thing(Emelda said as she throw herself in Eve's arm crying out loudly

Eve: Claire how do you feel lying, just to gain pity don't you know it is wrong

Becky: does she even know what is right and wrong she's just a petty liar

Rachel: ENOUGH!!!!!, don't try acting innocent although Amanda broke her stick you two to also cooperated in bullying clear

Matrix Rose: bully miss Claire, no Miss Rachel that a strong accusation dear(Matrix Rose said facing Rachel with a disappointed look which made Rachel heart to drop)

Emelda : I don't know why Rachel is doing this awful thing to us and lying but it's about this morning then I'm sorry, you can stop taking revenge on us(Emelda said I she did a 90-degree blowing. Which got everyone fool except Claire and Rachel. Rachel didn't care what the truth was she just wanted revenge but seeing that things went in her favour she began to panic)

Matrix Rose: Miss Rachel what do you have to say for yourself finally, you will actually stoop this low to accuser a child that you are older than, is this how an elder should behave please set an example for this kid, how can you call Eve and Becky into this when they were with me( ma Rose said which made the colour on Becky and Eve change and make Rachel to smile triumphantly

Rachel: that's the point ma'am Claire and Emelda was also there they were behind the building when you came ( Rachel said exposing all of them)

Matrix Rose: you knew all this and you did not stop them

Rachel: I wasn't there but Claire told me

Matrix Rose: you mean to say that

Claire : yes I was Behind the building with Emelda and I hear you scored and plan to punish Eve and Becky before you left while sighing and saying good lord heaven's help these children( Claire said defending herself and Rachel )

Matrix Rose:Emelda!!! ( screamed Matrix Rose) no breakfast or lunch for three today except supper. ( Matrix Rose who couldn't take it anymore said and left the room.

25 minutes later

( All the children were lining up in the living room, when the couple entered)

Matrix Teresa: good morning Mr and Mrs Flinch

Mr Flinch : good morning

Mrs Flinch: they're all so beautiful(Mrs Flinch said while approaching each and every one of them. When she reaches Emelda she pause and compliment her beauty which Made Emelda blush and acted decent then finally she reached Claire and she was really move by her beauty and her angelic face. Mrs Finch was so drawn that she did not even know when she reach out to touch her face)

Mrs Flinch: you're so beautiful my dear( she said why Claire's eyebrow twitched out of nervousness, then she turned to her husband and ask for his opinion on her beauty

Mr Flinch: yeah she's really pretty( he said reaching over to part her hair. This thing made Emelda, Eve, Becky, and Rachel jealous and annoyed)

Mrs Flinch: I want to adopt her( Mrs Flinch said which shocked everyone and made Claire eyes to tremble.

Matrix Anna: I'm afraid I do not think it is possible ma'am ( Anna said)

Mrs Flinch: and why is that

Matrix Teresa: yes why is that Matrix Anna( Teresa ask with folded Arms.

Matrix Anna : the girl's blind, do you want to adopt a leverage, she is just waste of money, effort and time so I think it's best if you choose another person( Anna said which made Rachel and Emelda to sigh in relief happy that she interrupted while Claire was covered with grief. Mrs Flinch didn't care about what they said, she really meant it when she said she wanted to adopt Claire

Mrs Flinch: what's your name( she asked her

Claire :CL.... CL.... Claire said Softly which made Mrs Flinch to smile

Mrs Flinch: would you like to go home with us

Mr Flinch: Linda a word please(Mr Flinch said then him and his wife went to a corner of the living room. Some minutes later they came back and Mrs Flinch had a Down casted look. Everyone was seeing this had a pleasant smile while some pitifully faces).

Mrs Flinch: I'm sorry my dear but we don't have enough budget and capacity, so we have to let you go but don't worry I pray you find better parents who could take care of you(Mrs Flinch said as already made up her mind that she would contact each of her friends)

Claire : it's okay ma'am (Claire responded already accepting her fate.

Mrs Flinch : we should take this one(Mrs flinch pointed Sophie who smiled although shocked)

Mr flinch:, Ehm.... Honey we haven't finished, yet you forgot the last one( what Rachel heard what Mrs said I've got deemed but it brightened up when Mr flinch spoke up

Mrs flinch: oh her, what she look other than the rest and has a quite mature face(Mrs flinch said already losing interest)

Matrix Anna : yes Mrs Flinch, your right, she is the oldest girl in this "Lilac girl orphanage", she's actually 16 turning 17 in 5 months(Mrs Anna elaborated which left Rachel with an ugly sneer but quickly put on a decent smile when looked upon. " who asked you damn woman" asked herself inwardly)

Mrs Flinch: I'm afraid she's not an option, I have made my decision and I will go with that girl. Now honey I will be waiting in the car hurry up with the necessary formalities. ( she said I left quickly. Matrix Teresa dismissed everyone to your room also panting Claire shoulder and giving it a small squeeze. They all went upstairs to their room. When Rachel and Claire entered the room they were both mocked by the Trio

Emelda : didn't I tell you guys that nobody would want you, now you have seen it for yourself(Emelda said smirking)

Eve: integrate serves you right

Becky:ooh, you poor blind thing I hope you are okay, and i hope you are not suffering from old age(Becky mocked both of them which made everyone to laugh. Rachel got angry and wanted to pounds on them but a voice behind her made her made to stop)

Matrix Rose:Enough!! all of you, go take your afternoon nap, Sophie go pack your things and meet me downstairs (ma'am Rose said. while Sophia quickly pack her thing ignoring the envious glares from Emelda

Emelda : That woman is sure blind, she actually left me and picked miss goody little goody(Emelda said eyeing Sophie, which she ignored

Becky: Are you surprised! Anyone who call Claire beautiful and want to adopt her, is blind

Sophie :you just jealous that you weren't picked, if anyone that call Claire beautiful is blind then you are trying to tell me that your parent are blind too( throw a bomb at Emelda which made her freeze. Her parents was an abomination topic of her. She wanted to attack her when Sophie threatening that if there is any scratch on her, that her foster parents would take her to jail (and with that Emelda walked at of the room with anger.)


( it has been two weeks since Sophie left and they were a total of 19 girls remaining. Emelda and her group never tried to harm Claire again which made her to have peace of mind and Claire and Rachel became Close. Weeks turn months and months into year,so it has been a year and 2 months since Rachel and Claire became close friends,during this periods Rachel fell in love with the chef son. Very time at 6 o'clock at on the dot they will meet up in the cottage with Claire. It continue for a while until Emelda caught them and reported them to Matrix Anna who called them to the counsellings room

Matrix Teresa: explain yourselves ( Claire who didn't want to expose her friend kept quiet, thinking of a way to save them when Rachel spoke up)

Rachel :Am sorry ma'am Teresa but I and John did nothing wrong is just a misunderstanding

Matrix Anna :But Emelda said that she saw you two been intimate

Rachel :ma'am Anna I know it's true but it was a mistake, I and John was called out by Claire today because we wanted to watch the sunset but that's when I tripped and John had to catch me since Claire can't see and that what Emelda saw (Rachel said pinning most the blame on Claire. Claire was dumbfounded. When Claire was asked she agreed to it. Since It was all a misunderstanding Claire was give a light punishment to wash the dishes given that she is blind. Getting back to their room Claire

ignore Rachel the whole day, Rachel didn't not care that much but she needed Claire for some how, because Claire his her only excuse to escape being caught with John, so she want to apologize for her mistakes

Rachel : Hey, let take a walk

Claire :No (in a cold way)

Rachel :am sorry, is just that I had to pin the blame on you so don't be angry. If I didn't do that I and John would have been casted out and John mother will be fired and who will save you from those bullies(Rachel said buttering her with cheesy words after a long talk of persuasion Claire finally gave in)

( 2 months pass in the blink of an eye and Emelda has been quiet since then. Claire has been noticing that Rachel has been drawing away from her, so she thought that it was because of John seeming that she wanted to spend more time with him before she leaves)

Maya: hey Claire do you need help( Maya asked)

Claire: nope thanks(Claire replied as she walked out of the room. Earlier Today Rachel told her to meet her in The Cottage after supper because she wanted to tell her some thing. Claire who was already familiar with her step counted it until she reach the Cottage then she shouted for Rachel name lowly but no one answered then she proceeded inside and shouted for John's name but still no one answered when she was about to leave she felt her body grow hot and uncomfortable it was just so pressuring that she wanted to soak herself into a cold pool of water.

Rachel: Claire, Claire are you there ( asked as walked inside, Claire hearing Rachel's voice felt she was safe, she became weak and helpless).

Claire : Rachel come quick, come help me I don't know what's happening( she said hoarsely) Rachel: what do you mean, what's happening( Rachel asked with fake concern which Claire did not notice)

Claire : no time for question just get me cold ice water please(Claire said)

Rachel: okay I'm coming( Rachel said and in 5 minutes came with a bowl of ice cold water, I've brought it ( Richard said as she approached Claire with unclean intentions)

Claire : okay then..... (Claire was saying when she first water being poured on her head to her face which surprise her.

Rachel: oops! Sorry my hand slipped( she said sarcastically). You know Claire your a fool, a very big fool that sometimes I feel pity for you, you taught I will actually want to befriend the likes of you( Rachel said which left Claire shocked)

Claire : Rachel what's wrong with you(Claire asked puzzled.

Emelda :Ha.... She doesn't get it doses She, allow me to explain, you see sweetheart this was all a game and a bet, you see you are our toy, we are so bored and decided to play with a yoyo bouncing it to any direction will wanted to put It. Rachel was never your friend instead she hated you so much because all these years it was because of you nobody saw the beauty in her because they thought Claire is so beautiful, so I collaborated with her now we are friends how does it sound( Emelda said as laughed again)

Claire : why? Why are you doing this to me(Claire asked still felt uncomfortable)

Emelda : isn't it obvious, we want to destroy you by driving you away from here(Emelda said)

Claire : that's not possible because I will always fight back. (Claire said wiyh encourage)

Rachel: I'm afraid not dear, you see you trust people too much and I don't blame you, considering you're blind and I took that as an opportunity to give you aphrodisiac drug which was slipped into your food today. I could have done it sooner but I heard blind people are sensitive so had to gain your trust( Rachel said as she looked down on her fingers living Claire with a pained and panic expression, who did not know what that drug was. It was two in tensity one sexual pleasure for sex and with the way she was feeling really hot, she had humble herself by asking them to take pity and help her.

Claire : please Emelda, Richard help me and I shall be your loyal servant forever( she said as grab their legs but they push her hand away).

Emelda : it is too late. right now we paid the security guard to have fun with you, so you should enjoy(Emelda said and signally the security man to come in while she and Rachel walked at gently closing the door, to avoid any interruption and to make sure that he was seriously doing it they waited until they heard sound of moaning then they smirked and left.


( A scream woke everybody up, Emelda and Rachel hearing this also got up. they saw that the scream was coming from the Cottage. They were happy thinking Claire was dead, but only getting to reach there and was shocked the person that was dead was the security man who looked like he was stabbed countless times. People seeing this sight could not help but want to throw up. Matrix Teresa ordered some men to clean it up and called everyone for interrogation. Emelda and Rachel we're so scared, but when they remember that it was only the blind idiot that knows about it they pinned the blame on her which made Matrix Teresa to summon Claire. But after a while they did not find or See Claire which made everyone worried, ma'am Teresa order them to search every crook and corner and even after one hour they did not find her. Days passed since they checked their whole full neighborhood. Seeing that it had come to that Matrix Anna call the police and inform them that Claire killed someone and fled, they even gave him a picture but no one could still find her. Matrix Teresa was worried, but the case was already off her hands and her only prayer was that Claire wherever she is, she's safe and sound. Rachel, Emelda, Eve, Becky we are not sad at all, although their plans did not go as planned, Claire is gone and if found would be taken to the police station without questioning. Mostly Rachel who was glad that her love rival was gone. She noticed that John started having feelings for Claire which made her do all those things to her, although she didn't want things to escalate to this point but it was Claire doing


( two months pass in a blink of an eye and Claire was still yet to be found Emelda and Rachel did not care, although Rachel was already off age and she could leave, she did not want to and instead worked for them. One night as they were about to go to bed. Emelda and Rachel received a mail from an unknown sources which they opened curious about what inside, but their faces turned ashen seeing the words on it.

"REVENGE IS THE MOST SWEETEST REMEDY EVEN TO YOUR ENEMY, AM COMING BACK FOR YOU TWO RACHEL & EMELDA" the words were written with blood, followed by it was a picture of the security guard dead body and the next was of them doing a deal with him. They looked up simultaneously with panic and burned everything thing leaving no trace. They tried to act brave but deep down they frightened and scared.