
The Blind Man Next Door [BL]

[Lovers To Enemies To Lovers] [MafiaXLawyer] A lawyer and a blind mysterious man next door fall in love with each other, But this blind man has plenty of hidden secrets behind him. What if the blind man aka Matthew turned out to be part of the wanted “gang” named The Segas? The same gang that’s targeting Mason and his dad to take revenge. Mason Verlice/ Matthew Wilson. __________________________ {{word count : 200,000 - 250,000}} +Lgbtq+ Book +ManXMan + SWITCH Couple (both MCs top/bottom) +Breaking rules and laws +Action & Romance +Love sex scene + Kinky-enemies sex scenes +Book cover by AuthorWissal

AuthorWissal · LGBT+
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Mafia After Him

It has been almost three days since Mason was discharged from the hospital.

Hudson took some days off his work and decided to spend these days with Mason and take care of him.

Mason told him there is no need to do so but his dad insisted which is why Mason had nothing to say about it, he just accepted his dad's decision.

A sigh came out of the said male's mouth as he rested his back on the bedboard while looking at the picture that his friends took of himself and Matthew. Matthew was dressed in a very baggy cardigan, it was pink with white flowers on it, he looked adorable unlike his usual self.

Has Mason said how good Matthew looked while sleeping?


Well, this guy is one of the most handsome men Mason has ever encountered in his entire life.

He doesn't look physically strong but when Matthew hugged him, he was able to feel hard muscles under his head.