

Long ago, before the coming of civilization, There lived 5 great nations which were the Humans, Vampires, Werewolves, Witches, and lastly Goblins. They all lived in perfect harmony and worked together as one, but unfortunately, all good things came to an end when one Goblin named Omhigan, desired power and wanted to rule all these nations. After filling his people's heads with his poisonous ideas, they too followed him and began to attack other nations, The Goblins were creatures who had the ability to control and produce fire at will, so Omhigan combined his people's magic powers and created a weapon called " Burning Star" What which had the devastating power of Cataclysm, a power so destructive it destroyed the entire nations in one sweep. But the creation of the "Burning star " came with a heavy price and that was the lives of his own people, immediately after the Cataclysm was activated his people were gone as well. The Survivors of the Cataclysm united and defeated Omhigan once and of all and that was how the Goblin nation became extinct and peace returned at last. But hundreds of years after The Great war, The nations started fighting amongst themselves and they were divided, many lives and clans were lost as a result of this conflict. The nations that fought bitterly with each other were the vampires and the werewolves, who massacred each other for hundreds of years. Almost on the brink of Extinction, One Wizard named Orlando suggested a peace treaty between them and offered a solution that might unite them once again and that solution was the creation of a school where every nation would attend and socialize with one another, Everyone agreed except the Vampires and werewolves who still hated each other so much. Tired of the mass killings they too finally agreed to the peace treaty but they still hated each other... Along the line, something happened that led to the discovery of a long-hidden secret that would change the lives of everyone forever..........

Sarah_Micheal_3518 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 9


For tens of decades, I've been with so many men but I've never been with someone like Arthur ; Everything about him is so different, when he told me he didn't know what a mobile phone is.. I was shocked, He didn't even feel ashamed or bother to lie about it.

Most of the guys I know would rather lie than to tell their babes the truth, They hate to disappoint and that's one of the major reasons why relationships don't last.

Though it may hurt, there's nothing better than admitting the truth and being yourself. Arthur may look like a dork but There's something about him that turns me on like crazy... I'm just so mad about him.

Two days after my failed attempt to get him to date me, Here I was with Emma in the school library one morning.

I told her everything that happened between me and Arthur and Sly witch listened with rapt attention.


Gwen ➡ I'm telling you Emma.. This guy is so unbelievable.. He acts like he's not from around here.


Emma ➡ Look Gwen.. I don't care if he's from Mount Olympus.. Just forget about him.. You have a boyfriend, remember?


Gwen ➡ Boyfriend!? You mean Adrian!? He's not my boyfriend, he was forced upon me.


Emma ➡ Whatever.. Look, I'm just worried and I don't like where this thing of yours is going.. Remember you said that this guy is a werewolf right? You know the rules about socializing with a werewolf.


Gwen ➡ Well... F-ck the rules.. I don't give a damn. This guy turns me on and I want to get to know him better.


Emma ➡ Gwen.. You're crazy!


Gwen ➡ I know, Emma. All redheads are crazy.


After concluding that statement, My eyes caught the sight of Arthur leaving the library with a trash bag in hand, I quickly excused myself from Emma and followed him outside.

Here in the hallway, There was nobody else except me and him, Before he could leave, I called out to him so that we could talk ; Once he had heard his name being called Arthur turned around and looked at me.

He looked so different from last time and he was even more good looking to, He had trimmed his moustache and hair giving him a bad-ass look like this human actor, John Wick. (Oh, I love that movie.. So much blood has been spilled ).


Gwen ➡ Hey Arthur..


Arthur ➡ Greetings Gwen.. It's so good to see you.


Gwen ➡ You too Arthur.. I love your new look.. It's awesome.


Arthur ➡ Thanks.. You look ravishing and beautiful too.


Gwen ➡ Thanks.. Uhm so.. Eh..


Arthur ➡ Lady Gwen, I'm not much of word-smith but would you do me the honour of accompanying me out?


Gwen ➡ You're asking me out?


Arthur ➡ Aye.. I mean.. Yes.


Wow! This guy is unreal, First his accent is way too formal and now he's asking me for a date? How unexpected.


Gwen ➡ Well.. Let's see, I won't be available today but how about 2 days from now?


Arthur ➡ Alright.


Gwen ➡ So where do we meet?


Arthur ➡ The Central Park.


Gwen ➡ Alright then.. I'll be seeing you.


Arthur ➡ Hold on.


Gwen ➡ What?


Arthur ➡ Do you mind if I touch you.. There's something I want to adjust?


My Goodness, Just who is this guy?.. What guy asks for a permission to touch a babe?. I gave Arthur my consent and he came very close to me putting his hand on my face, he adjusted my hair backwards putting it at the back of my ear.

After that, we stared at each other silently and in the awkward moment, Arthur came very close to me, he was so close that I could feel his body heat and breath on my face ; Shortly after that, Arthur placed his right hand on my cheek rubbing my lips softly, Never in my life have I felt this weak and speechless before a man, Nervousness got hold of me that I looked away feeling extremely shy. Arthur smiled and lifted my face staring deep into my eyes.


Arthur ➡ By the great stars.. You have beautiful eyes.


I felt itchy and tingly with excitement as I heard that, My heart pounded faster and my blood boiled all over my body, I couldn't feel my legs and I was feeling wet underneath. Before I could give Arthur an answer, We were rudely interrupted by my so-called boyfriend, Adrian and his friends.


Adrian ➡ Hey!! What's going on?


Adrian is vampire and he's from the Wallenstein family, his father and mine are good friends and they want us both to marry in the near future.

Using our parent's wishes as an advantage, Adrian had using that trying to manipulate and interfere in my private life whenever he wants.


Gwen ➡ Adrian!!


Adrian ➡ Who's this bum!?


Gwen ➡ He's not a bum! His name is Arthur.


Adrian ➡ You shouldn't be hanging around strangers.


Gwen ➡ Better watch your mouth. You don't get to tell me who I hang out with.


Tyler ➡ Hey... Cleaner.. Stay away from my friend's girlfriend or else.


Frost ➡ Yeah.. Better find some b-tch to hit on.. This one is taken.


Adrian ➡ Let's go Gwen.


Gwen ➡ I'm not going anywhere.. You and your bully friends leave the same way you came.


Adrian ➡ You dare disobey me!?


Arthur ➡ You heard her! Leave her alone.


Tyler ➡ Hey loser... Stay out of this!!


Adrian ➡ It's seems you don't know who you're talking to.. Do you know who I am?


Emma ➡ Yes I know.. A bully, male chauvinist and a fool.


Everyone of us looked around and saw Emma who was right behind us. Emma approached me and stood squarely in front of Adrian staring at him viciously.


Adrian ➡ Emma! Mind your business.


Emma ➡ Better get out of here before I roast you with a lightening blast or better yet turn you into a rat. NOW!


Adrian took Emma's threat seriously and turned around walking away angrily, He looked back at us and mumbled some unpleasant words before disappearing out of sight.. As soon as he was gone, Emma turned around and stared at me angrily.


Gwen ➡ What!?


Emma ➡ I think you've caused enough trouble. This is getting out of hand.


Gwen ➡ Yeah sure.


Emma ➡ I'm serious Emma.. If this keep going on.. You're going to have to find a new best friend cause I won't be caught up in this horrible mess with you.. You'd better clean up your act and think straight.


After that, Emma walked away heading back to the library leaving Arthur and I alone in the hall way.


Arthur ➡ Is your friend alright?


Gwen ➡ Yes. She's just over reacting.. Alright then. I need to get going now.


Arthur ➡ Okay.. See you in two days time.


Gwen ➡ Oh, I'll be counting on it.