
ONE: First day

<p>Hey there, my name is KeKe Kiss. I'm fifteen years old and I'm a student at Busan High. And I almost forgot to tell you. I'm Blind. And yet that doesn't stop my bullies BTS. And my biggest mistake is coming to this school. because of one person and his name is JungKook. He like  the popular rich kids who bully almost everyone. Will not now it's just me. When they bullies me, I can't tell the teachers because he comes behind me and tells them a lie, and then, I'm lying and I end up in Detention. And...I guess I get punished once I get home.<br/><br/>=====================================================================================<br/><br/>FLASHBACK<br/><br/>my first day of school. Mrs. Kiss came into my room yanking my blanket off me. Mrs. Kiss said, "KEKE! GET YOUR ASS AND GET READY FOR YOUR NOW SCHOOL. KeKe said, "BUT MOM! I DON'T WANT TO! EVERYONE WILL BULLY ME LIKE IN THE OTHER SCHOOLS. MRS Kiss said, "Do I LOOK LIKE I CARE?!" <br/><br/>KeKe said, "I DON'T KNOW MOM, I CAN'T SEE. That's when she cussed running towards me the next minute I felt a sting on my cheek. Because she slapped me and i fell onto the floor as she was betting me. And I Heard my father's voice. MR. Kiss said, "Hey babe, why are you betting her for?" Mrs. Kiss said, "This BITCH! Was talking back to me." Mr. Kiss said, "OH, Word? Bet I got that ass when she gets home and SHE BETTER BE ON TIME!" My mom laughed giving me my walking cane.<br/><br/>Time Skip<br/><br/>Her mom picked her outfit and told her to get ready and that she have about ten minutes to come to the kitchen. KeKe was about to say something but she stopped upon feeling her step dad's presence. That's when she heard him come in and close the door, saying "Didn't you hear your mother say you have ten minutes?" KeKe's breath catch in her throat feeling disgusted feeling her stepfather touched her leg. Stepdad said, Now get ready for so school, KeKe said, Ohh ok...Daddy." KeKe struggles to get down from her big bed. Running into the bathroom. He smiled then he saw his wife at the door. Her mom asked, "Do you think she's ready to go the school?" Step dad said, No but we have to make her make friends. Mom said, ok...KEKE! HURRY UP! So we go!" KeKe said, "OK MOM! I'M COMING!" she come out of the bathroom with the towel way up. KeKe said, "Mom? Can you help me?" Mom said, "Okay sweetie, Leo can you step out for a minute?" Leo said, "Ok baby I'll be in the kitchen." after he left her mom picked her up put her onto the bed, and put her outfit on. Lifting her and she carries her downstairs. putting KeKe down in the dining room chair Leo said, "Hey my baby, do you what something to eat?" KeKe said, "Yes, daddy!" Leo said, "Do you what pancakes?" KeKe said, "Yes daddy," <br/><br/>time skip after breakfast KeKe's mom grabbed her BTS book bag and walking cane and took her to the car and put her in her car seat. And bucketing her in and closing the door. Waiting for her dad. Her mom turned to her and said, "Listen KeKe once you get into this school don't let someone take your cane ok. KeKe said, "Okay, mommy." That's when Leo got into the car and started it. After a few minutes. They arrived in front of the school. <br/><br/>JungKook's POV <br/>Tae said, "Wow JungKook, look we have a new target." JungKook looked up from his phone and seeing a little girl getting out the car with her mom's help. Smiled And said, "No Tae-Hyung, she's mine." That's when gets up to walk back into the school leaving his friends complexed. after he walked into school watching her. Her mother gave her walking cane. He smiles, <br/><br/>Tae-hyung's pov <br/>After JungKook left and I turn my head to see her mother giving her cane? (Tae-hyung monologue.) "She's blind?" That's when I turned back to to see JungKook smiling like mad man, like he has a plan for the blind newbie."<br/>JungKook pov <br/>I watched her walking up to the door. She was reaching for the door. I opened it for her but at the same time I pulled her cane away from her pushing her against the lockers getting on my knees whispering into her ear (whisperer in ear) well well well, what do we have here a toy." KeKe said, Toy? I'm sorry but I'm not toy. And can I get my cane back? Please." All she met with a locker door slamming above her that she know she wasn't gotten getting back. He whispered in her ear again Your not getting it back you'll have to learn my voice. He smiles KeKe start to tear up that's when he seen her book bag, and it was a BTS bookbag and it had an heart around Jimin's head and he decided to ask. "So Jimin's your bias?" She looked the wrong way. So I grabbed her face to face me and I asked her again but this time slowly because my anger is rising the longer she didn't talk so I decided to kiss her almost making out, she was trying to her little hands on my chest trying to break the kiss but it's was useless the more she pushed the more I deeping the kiss. But this stopped because of the bell. <br/><br/>KeKe's pov <br/>When the bell rang I use all my strength to push him and using the walls finding the girls bathroom walking into a stall crying. JungKook's pov<br/>(JungKook's monologue) Oh hehe she forgot her book bag I wait she come out. He walked over to girls bathroom and staying by the door waiting, Tae and others see me by the door of the bathroom and asked, "Yo dude, coming?" JungKook smiles and said, yes but I take the noob- I mean I look at her bookbag KeKe to get her schedule and maybe make them change it to mine. Lunch and all," Tae said, umm ok dude," JungKook said,oh yea, Tae! Tell the teacher that I'm helping the new kid! Tae said, Okay!" That's when I smile walking into the bathroom door making sure she can hear me. She stopped crying. <br/><br/>So sorry it's long but I hope you it please follow and vote for more and comment</p>