
Slave Daughter

Smack! The slap landed on her already tear-stained face. "You lowlife girl." The countess disparaged, her hard voice echoing across the room.

Delilah kept her chuckles to the ground not daring to cradle her stinging face in her hands. She stared hard the ground beneath her. Her heard pounded hard against her chest. She could feel her head go light, she bit her lip hard.

"We have been so good to you!" the countess continued. "despite what she did, despite what you are, yet..." The countess, reached out and took Delilah's face and lifted it with a harsh finger.

"You remain an ungrateful nuicanse to this court." With an added sneer the countess continued. "Just like her."

"Dereqline," the count interrupted. His firm voice washing over every on like cold water. Delilah gulped. His footstep vibrated though out the room. Delilah could feel revibrated in her stomach, it made her feel sick and she fought the nausea.

"Girl," He finally said when he was close enough for her to persieve the sage fregarance he normally wore. He was one of thehjj