
the blade if Eden

The blade of Eden is a mythical weapon that is said to have been wielded by the money king son wu Kong. And is said to have the power to slay the snake god orochi. Son wu Kong use'd the blade of Eden to fight the thunder god Zeus. The reason son wu Kong use'd the blade of Eden instead of his magic staff yuie is because it was broken by the god Buddha. During the fight between Zeus and son wu Kong Zeus threw a thunder bolt causing son wu Kong to get blown away as well as the blade of Eden.Centuries later a lone orphan stumbled upon a mysterious blade that was stuck In a rock the orphan pulled with all his might and got the strange blade to come out of the rock. While he was wondering around with the blade he was attacked bay a hobgoblin. The boy thought he was going to die when he closed his he heard a slashing sound when he opened his eyes he was greeted by a nearby hunter. The hunter could see the orphan was quite ruffed up are you ok if you want you could come eat dinner with me and my family if you'd like says the hunter the orphan follows the hunter to his house when they get there the orphan sees the house is clearly abandoned you can go inside and I'll take care of your blade says the Hunter.