
The travel

Thousands were travelling across their country to see the long waited solar eclipse mostly to the city of Dubai...

Everyone was set with their shades to block the sun's rays . Many people wonder why shades are won and can one actually get blind?Yes. Well, since the rays are still there it's just like looking directly at the sun.

The sun was covered by the moon as predicted. Some of them watched from the televions others just did their normal routine.

Hours passed but the moon did not move it was like the time in space had completely frozen.

It was a shock and brought fear to many.Nothing like this had ever happened before. Some said that it was the end of the world while others said that maybe the sun was bigger hence the moon would take longer to pass it.

Something much bizzare happened at the airport.The aircrafts that tried to get out of the dark zone would burn mid air.This made it impossible for the people in the dark zone to enter the bright zone and vice-versa. People from the different zones could neither communicate .

How long would this take?