
The black-wolf

I am being followed by a monster, putting everyone's lives in danger everywhere I go. A rogue in hiding. I don't want to be killed so I live every day on the run. When will this nightmare end?

cobalt_blue · Fantasy
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167 Chs


Given the situation happening currently in the pack, I saw alpha Lucien less. He locked himself in his office trying to figure out how to find them or who could have taken them. After the first case, four more cubs were taken from the pack.

Making everyone rather conscious of where they went. Walking freely in the hallway with no eyes constantly on me. I headed to the kitchen.

It was morning and I just came back from training. Drenched in sweat, I passed a standing mirror, catching a glimpse of myself. I had toned arms and a fit body. It was shocking to see myself like this. My complexion was even better than when I had first come to the pack.

My stomach growled for the umpteenth time. Reminding me why we walked this way. Food, yes. I strolled into the kitchen where the fresh smell of baked oven bread danced across my nostril. I could feel my mouth salivate at the intoxicating smell.

A woman danced around the floor, holding a tray pantry of fresh bread from the oven. Humming gracefully as she placed the tray on a surface. Her warm smile beamed at me when she noticed me enter.

"Esme dearie, your back from training, how was it today?" She said

I took a seat on the counter, answering in a monotonous tone. "Fine"

"Isn't that swell news?" she said again in a cheery tone. She was never offended by cold tones. It made me wonder but it felt nice. She was warm. I started to come here often, after the first visit to the kitchen one time in the middle of the night and she happened to be there. We were both frightened, however, she settled on making something for me that night and she talked with me in the meantime. I got comfortable with staying with her from time to time. Always welcoming me with a smile.

She dropped a glass of water in front of me. "Did you make any friends today?" She went to the oven to take a new batch. She was the cook in the pack house. Her true mate died in the wars of old times. Ever since then she had been working in the kitchen of the pack house.

"No" I answered

"It's okay then. I'm sure someday someone will turn up. You'll have to settle with this old lady for now." She struggled to get something which I helped with.

"Such a sweet dearie," she said with gratitude.

She talked for a while about stories in the pack. Old tales of wolves, I was always intrigued to hear about it. Her favourite story was that of the shackled princess she said she used to hear the story from her mama as a kid.

"Do you-" I started but was cut off when someone walked in. Her eyes lifted to greet them.

"Percy dear how was your training" I tensed up in my seat recognising her name. Why did I have to bump into her?

"Abuelita you know training is never a good thing," Percy said

"But Esme here said it was good." I could feel her eyes on me at the back of my head.

"Well, what I saw didn't look like she was having fun either. Are you sure she isn't lying" she stated, directing those words at me. I found out she was Trevor's sister. What luck.

"What about Mark," Abuelita asked and just then he walked in giving her the biggest hug.

"Who is the best cook in the house," he said. Abuelita could only blush and laugh at his remarks.

"You are really good at flattering old ladies. I wonder why you have no luck finding your true mate." She nagged at him. A groan escaped Mark's lips as he went in for the freshly baked bread. Flinching as Abuelita swatted his hands.

"I'm waiting for the right one to bond with," he said, finally getting a piece of the bread. A stern look from Abuelita cautioned him. He just grinned from ear to ear innocently.

"His luck with finding a mate is terrible. We should wait for the next matching season." Percy said, taking a stool chair beside me.

"You fellas know you are too young and wasting your youth. You should have given me grandkids by now." She said,

Mark came to her side holding her shoulder gently.

"Abuelita you have more than thousands of grand cubs from everyone in the pack, Us included. And you will still get more." He said with a wry smile. "However not from me now" he muttered the last bits looking away with his hands still on her shoulder. The frown from her meant she heard him and a jab went to his rib. He bent over on the kitchen counter groaning in pain.

I was entertained by all these things happening before me. Her gaze travelled to me and a warm smile automatically plastered on her face.

She took my palm into hers "You don't have to rush dearie take your time settling into the pack."

A whine from Mark came, "Abuelita… I thought I was your favourite child."

She scoffed at him, "you wish" making the rest of us burst into laughter. I couldn't stop my giggles. Abuelita cooked for us and after eating I departed to my room. I felt happy to say, and although it felt unfamiliar it also felt nice. I thought to myself, I was going to like it here.

Inside my room, I sat on the couch next to my window looking out into the pack. I watch some people wander about. I thought about the crisis that had just happened a few days ago. I wish there was a way I could help.

I went to my bed, crashing onto the soft mattress. Feeling the crinkling of a paper beneath me.

I stood upright seeing a white piece of paper on the bed. I picked it up, curious about the content. I was sure I never left any paper before I left.

It read: enjoying your new pack. The last time we met you didn't smile at me like that. Will you give me the same smile when we meet?