

Sane_Caxian · Fantasy
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"What are you doing Mr. Orai?" the teacher asked. The pupil this was directed to was sit by the window aimlessly doodling in a sketchbook, this was Jace Irema Orai or what he liked to be called Ire. He was dark skinned and had black hair that hung above his eyes. His rare pale blue eyes locked at the teacher, startled. He put his pencil down and bit his lip anxiously, a habit when he got nervous. This was the fifth time that week he had been caught doodling. The math teacher who was a chubby man who went by the name Mr.Astean. "I have had it to the neck Mr. Orai, you need to think of your future than these shenanigans. I will put an end to this once and for all," he managed to say for he was boiling in rage. The plump man waddled next to Ire's desk. He raised his chubby fist to try to discipline the boy. He aimed for the side of the head above the ear. He could have knocked the boy unconscious if he did it fast enough. He sent it for the head and Ire prepared for the blow but the fist unfolded and grabbed the book Ire was drawing on. "Wait, give it back!" Ire shouted. "Why is that Mr. Orai? You clearly haven't been paying attention and you're wasting your time on these things" with this the teacher through the book into the wastebin. Ire clenched his fists, stood up and shouted at the teacher, " Aren't we supposed to have freedom of expression and choice! You are treating us like we're in jail! We are oppressed! We should be able to exp-" Before he could finish he received a blow to his check which drew blood. "Shut up and sit down!" the teacher barked. Ire's face was facing down. He can could hear his other classmates whispering about him. They mocked him and teased even though he was expressing his right and defending them. He clenched his teeth. He was going to show all of them. In that moment Vengeance wrapped around his heart, into every fibre of his very existence. Vengeance whispered to him. Calling him to seek revenge for their mockery. Vengeance gave him the power to carry it out. Ire looked up at the teacher who continued to face the blackboard. Ire's eyes were no longer pale but bright yellow, the symbol of Vengeance. No one knew what would happen next. Ire lifted his hand and his sketchbook came flying out of the trashcan and into his grasp. The teacher didn't notice but his classmates started to inch away from him. Suddenly, the board was filled with big yellow words. The teacher was taken aback and stumbled. The teacher, shaking, looked at Ire with eyes filled with fear. "Let's see what my 'shenanigans' can do." Yellow swirled around the sketch book. Ire flipped open the book and began to draw as the pencil glowed yellow. He stopped and and tapped his book. Yellow apparations stood around him. Waiting. He turned to the apparations and uttered, "May their veins run dry!" The apparations shot forward and slaughtered every last one. The apparations faded away after they served their purpose. Ire lifted the window open and jumped, he would never return.

The principal rushed into the room after hearing screams and gasped at the sight. He noticed the teacher propped against the blackboard which had glowing yellow letters etched in it. The principal called the police. As she put away the phone, she read the words again and again. "The oppressed shall be set free"