
The Black Summoner

Additional Tags:- Anti-hero, High-IQ, Killer, Unprincipled, Adventure, Romance, Conquer, Evolution, Level-Up, Slice-of-Life, Dark, Magic, Superpowers, Urban, Extremely Slow-Paced... --~Some Notes~-- 1st:- English is not my first language, but I will try my best to avoid mistakes. 2nd:- The MC will be pretty much neutral, but there might be some situations when he might do something outright evil or borderline evil. 3rd:- In this Fanfic, some characters might have a slightly different personality as I will be slightly tweaking their backgrounds to fit my story. 4th:- There will be two parts of the Harem… Primary Harem:- Currently, I have planned that the Primary Harem will consist of 14 women. The Members of the Primary Harem will have a lot of plot dedicated to them and they will have their own roles. In other words, they won't be simply MC's bed warmers. Secondary Harem:- This fic will take place in an Apocalyptic World. A lot of women would happily sleep with the MC to get a stable life or something. It won't be one time or NTR or anything but the members of the Secondary Harem wouldn't be playing any major roles in the fic nor I will invest much plot for them but they will still be a part of MC's Harem and they will only belong to MC. 5th:- There will be a system involved in the fic but won't be any Quests or Missions. The system would be simply there to trace the progress of everyone. Instead of System, you might call it Status Window or something. I simply ask you to give this fic a try before dismissing it by comparing it to any other normal system fics. I will explain all the mechanics of this system in detail as the plot progresses. 6th:- Until I finish my 'The Epic of Leviathan' Fanfic, the Fanfic will be released Weekly on Sunday... I need a month at most to finish my Leviathan Fanfic... Please be patient until then... --~Synopsis~-- The life of Yozora Daichi was never normal. Daichi himself knew that his life was never going to be normal with his complicated family background. Yes, his family background was slightly complicated compared to anyone else around his age. But Daichi wasn't bothered by it, in fact, he was quite glad that his life wasn't normal. His family wasn't overly large from the beginning… with only three members. Yozora Daichi (Himself), Yozora Kemono (Adoptive Mother), and finally Roberta (His Maid)... But how would he deal with everything when his already complicated life in a somewhat normal world is turned upside down along with society?? Mana finally awakens on Earth and turns everyone's world upside down. Animals turned into terrifying beasts, some plants gained self-awareness, and the humans who managed to withstand the wave of Mana awakened the ability to acquire skills by defeating enemies. While the humans who couldn't withstand the wave of Mana turned into undead. The entire planet entered a new era where the old laws didn't hold any value. Let's follow the journey of Yozora Daichi as he creates a whole new world born from the ashes of an Apocalyptic World… --~World Setting~-- The Apocalyptic World will be an X-Over between the following Worlds... 1) Highschool of the Dead 2) Resident Evil 3) Triage X 4) Solo Leveling 5) Tomb Raider King --~Discord~-- If you want to discuss something or check the artwork or the character sheets then join my Discord Server. My Discord Server Link:- https://discord.gg/vQ6rPaqVYs

InGlorious · Anime & Comics
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99 Chs

Clash (VIII)...

~~With Kemono~~ (A few minutes ago)

"How long do you think your power is going to save you?" Kemono asked mockingly as she threw a punch at the blue-haired woman. The blue-haired woman did not even bother to defend herself, Kemono's fist landed on her left shoulder and moments later, it was Kemono who lost her balance.

The blue-haired woman threw her own punch at Kemono, which landed right on Kemono's face and Kemono was pushed back a few steps. "You don't have to worry about me… I can use my Skill long enough to defeat you" The blue-haired woman answered with a cackle. "I still remember how you humiliated me the last time, now I will be returning it to you" The blue-haired growled menacingly, and then she lunged at Kemono.

Meanwhile, Kemono simply grinned and rolled aside to dodge the attack. The blue-haired woman obviously wasn't happy over the fact that Kemono dodged, so as soon as she could, she turned toward Kemono and twisted her body to throw a roundhouse kick at Kemono. Internally Kemono grinned as this is what she wanted the blue-haired woman to do. Kemono easily ducked the kick with her superior Agility and as soon as the leg passed over her, she grabbed the leg in a vice grip.

The blue-haired woman tried to withdraw her leg, but once again Kemono proved that her Stats were superior to the blue-haired woman. The blue-haired woman was only able to dominate the fight until now due to her troublesome Skill. Kemono grinned viciously and picked the blue-haired with her leg and then slammed her back on the ground.

"Gahh!!" The blue-haired woman grunted in pain after Kemono slammed her down on the ground. The blue-haired woman grimaced when she felt Kemono picking her up for the second time… This was not looking good for her…

"Can't reflect the damage now, can you?" Kemono asked as she started to cackle in mad glee and then she slammed the blue-haired woman to the ground for the second time. This time Kemono used even more power than the last time… During the first time, she wasn't sure if her enemy would be able to reflect the damage or not, so she had decided to play it safe and not use her full power.

Now that, she was sure that the blue-haired woman won't be able to reflect the damage, Kemono decided that she did not need to hold back any longer. This time Kemono used so much force that the demon mask the blue-haired woman was wearing shattered. The blue-haired woman started to bleed from several places, but there was not much she could do except to get free. She could only hope for Kiba's help…

After the awakening of Mana, Sayo Hitsuhi has received the Damage Reflection Skill after she killed the first Zombie… The Skill allowed her to reflect all physical damage to the attacker. The Skill was quite impressive, but at the same time, it had a massive drawback. Unfortunately for Sayo, she did not know about the drawback until now. Sayo knew that she could reflect the damage even if someone was using a weapon, but right now, she was being treated like a ragdoll and her Damage Reflection Skill wasn't working against the ground…

"Bwahaha!! So, how are you feeling right now?" Kemono asked as she started to laugh. Sayo gritted her teeth in anger, but a loud gasp escaped her lips when she was once again slammed to the ground. Sayo felt the wind knocked out of her lungs. Her whole body was aching in pain and she was already bleeding from several places. She was sure that a few of her bones were already fractured.

Sayo couldn't help but grit her teeth in anger… This fight was even more humiliating than the last time they fought. At least the last time she was able to hold her own for a whole minute before Kemono was able to beat the shit out of her, but today she didn't even last a minute even with her overpowered Skill. All of a sudden, realization hit like a freight train. She had fucked up and she had fucked up pretty badly…

She became too dependent on her Skill and she stopped fighting properly… Previously she would have never allowed her enemies to land a hit on her when she could help it, but after receiving the Damage Reflection Skill she had stopped bothering about dodging, and slowly in just a matter of three days, she had lost her edge. Now, Yozora Kemono was treating her like a ragdoll… and there was nothing she could do about it. Sayo's thoughts to a halt when once again she was brutally slammed to the ground.

Sayo felt her ribs crack under the pressure and she spat out a lot of blood from her mouth… This was the first time she was beaten this badly… Until today, only two people have been able to beat her in physical combat. The first person was Yuko Sagiri and the second was Yozora Kemono, but she wasn't beaten this badly either of those times. Kemono finally stopped brutalizing the other woman and started to breathe heavily…

Kemono decided to check on her son and as soon as she turned in her son's direction, a grimace appeared on her face. Bella was lying in a pool of her own blood and she seemed to be completely unmoving. Kemono immediately panicked and started to frantically look for her son and she released a relieved sigh when she found her son pushing back the busty swordswoman. After watching the two of them for a couple of seconds, Kemono knew that she did not need to worry about her son…

In fact, those guys have fucked up by killing Bella and they have given him the drive he needed… Kemono wasn't worried about Bella as she knew that Daichi could re-summon her. Now that she was sure that her son wasn't going to need her help, she decided to search for the white-haired girl. During the fight, the girl had managed to slip away…


Upto 5 Advance Chapters on my Patrèon.

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https://www.p a t r e o n.com/IngloriousMe


1028 words in this chapter.

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