
The Black Skull

This fanfiction gets it's backstory from Harlock: Space Pirate but characters besides Logan, Kei and Harlock will be origin. The year is 2265. On the cold desert plains of the outter rim planet Arrakis sat the destroyed remains of a fleet of space battleships used by the remaining fleets of the Gaia Coalition in the battle 20 years prior. A large black skull poked out of the sand was the only clue of the legendary ship that remained hidden underneath the rumble and sand as it sat forgotten or so it thought.

kiwi695 · Anime & Comics
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Age: 20

Gender: Male

Height: 1.82 meters

Weight: 93 Kg

Race: Unknown

Background: Unknown

Name: Katherine Smith

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Height: 1.64 Meters

Weight: 55 Kg

Background: Scientist for Fang Corp. Daughter of -Redacted-.


Age: 42

Gender: Male

Height: 1.72 meters

Weight: 83 Kg

Race: Human

Background: Captain of the Nemesis, Former Gaia Coalition spy turned member of the Arcadia's crew 22 years prior. Revealed the truth of the Gaia sanction on Earth resulting in the Gaia Coalition's loss of power. Cofounder and head of the Shadow Walkers.


Age: 47

Gender: Female

Height: 1.58 Meters

Weight: 1.68 Kg

Race: Human

Background: She was one of two second in command on the Arcadia. Helped to form and command the Shadow Walkers with Logan.


United Planets of the Milky Way(UPMW)- The new government order that took over after the fall of the Gaia Coalition. Using the remains of the Coalition and Planetary governments it has a council that "keeps the peace and equality for all".

Fang Corp- The Fang Corporation is a billion dollar company that has lots of political control in the UPMW. It is made up of two divisions which are R&D and Paramilitary. R&D produces new types of ships and weapons to be sold or used by the military. The Paramilitary consists of two groups the first being peacekeepers which are used for security by the UPMW and the second is mercenaries used for contract work. Any soldier working for Fang Crop will be called a Fang or Fangs.

The Shadow Walkers- A space pirate group made up the remains of the Arcadia's crew. Commanded by Logan and Kei. The reason for its creation was to keep the crew together while they searched for the Arcadia and their Captain.