
the black plague

mysterious plague is attacking the world killing everyone and every living thing turning them into mutants.

Rashida_Carter_6220 · Theater
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 the trip

It is another hot day here, I start boot camp special design camp, call Sea dogs. You are so lucky that you get to go trips, my parents say the money shouldn't be wasted on trips, should be safe for emergency plans. As I tried to sleep. My military 🎖 alarm clock went off. Twelve hundred morning jogs up to the mountains, keep up Kasen you should be used to this. Said, John. So we are halfway up the mountain trail, so we finally made it to the top of the mountain, and my legs are killing me. we only come this way for an occasion, I and your mother ran up her when there was great news you, we were having a baby girl, we came here on holiday, birthdays, promotions, now we are up here because of you enrolled in the military but into our special forces division, see you off tomorrow morning it is going to be hard. But a great thing, I and your mother pay for a two trip to Charlottesville room included and activities, we will send two meal care packages that she prepared for you. One the last day a limousine will pick you up and take you to the airport. Do not miss it, I will know that you are not on it. understand? He asks me, two days is better than no days. " Thanks, dad, and I understand. So we walk back down the mountain trail, and inside the house. After we got clean up for breakfast and got done eating. I start to pack for my trip to Charlottesville, my mother walked into the room. "

You come from a long line of commanding officers, it is in your Blood to lead a team. I know you make us proud, said. Marian, " I know mom. I said, so they took me to the airport in off I went heading on my first trip to Charlottesville. I can wait I also can wait to go to Ford Brad to, a design specialist force camp for the highly skilled engineers, highly gifted mathematician, and pilots, everyone in my family went there to be in special forces. Now it's my turn, this is my story and how the world 🌍 ends. My parents head back to Washington, they both works for the president of America. The plane landed at the airport, there were two guards in special forces uniforms walked up as I walk out of the door. "

Kasen Davis? Asked, one. " Yeah who are you? I asked, your parents request us to take you to your hotel, activities and guard you. One of them said, so we got in the car, and they took me to the hotel 🏨, they open the door for me, and we walked inside the hotel. " You Kasen Davis? Asked the clerk guy, how uncanny is it, yeah I am. I said, your parents pay for two nights and everything in that two nights, followed me please, as we head down to the elevator she took me on the tour of the hotel 🏨, and they explain what my parents told them to tell me, I shake my head yes to everything that they said, she opens the hotel 🏨 door 🚪 for me. "

Enjoy your stay, she told as she left. " We be down the hallway, he said. I shake my head and closed the door, next minute my father called the hotel, they don't like to use cell phones, so I picked up the phone. "(Real dad I just got here,) I said. " (we're going to call to check up on you, ) said, John. "(When are you doing to trust me, dad?) I asked. "(You are a commander in general daughter and secretary of defense daughter and the Goddaughter of the president of America, I don't trust Charlottesville at all, ) they want me to lead the special forces, so in order to do that I have to bust my ass to private and so on."(Okay dad, is it okay to go see the city?) I asked.

"(What is on your activities list said

and what time?) Said. Marian, oh my god

An activities list, so I look at it. The first thing on it is the tour of the city at 9:46 am. "(Tour of the city at 9:46 am which dad and mom it's tomorrow, ) I said. " (then you better get some rest. ") said, Marian. "(Sleep tight and talk to you in the morning Kasen, ) said. Dillon. "(Talk to you in the morning, ) they hang up on me," right, sleep, I really hate to disobey but I I board. So I walked out of the hotel and walked down the sidewalk, it is very busy in this city. There is a museum, so I walked inside the door, and looked around,

It is a big museum, after looking around I head back to the hotel, on my way back I ran into a boy. A very cute boy, hi, said. Tony, hi, I said." What is your name? Asked. Tony, Kasen, what is your name? I asked. " Tony, what are you doing today? Asked. Tony, I haven't seen you here before you new here before I could answer him, my two bodyguards walked up to us. " You not suppose to leave without us, Kasen. Said, one of the guards. " I just went to the museum, I said. " You have a tour at nine tomorrow, you boy 👦 go away, said. The second guard. We walked into the hotel 🏨," we were just talking, where is the harm in that? I asked." Yes, you have a future 📡 and he does not involve in it, said. The first guard, don't do that again Kasen. The second guard told me. I get okay 😔 we were just talking it is not like ❤️ I'm going to blow 💥 off boot camp." It is still light out, I was bored, and the guy is harmless, you act like ❤️ I'm going to blow 💥 off boot camp for him. I said, don't let this happen again. He said, you are important Kasen something happens to you or plane to happen we will have to answer to your parents, promise us that you stay with us and stayed on course, he begged me. " Okay, I said.

this is my life every morning twelve hundred jog up to the mountains before breakfast, Like it ? Add to library!

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