
The Black Necromancer

Leon Cromwell was hit by a truck and died. He thought he would never open his eyes again, but when he did, it was not what he expected. "What? Black bones?! What's going on? Where am I?!" He had been reincarnated into a world of magic and war! With his new situation, Leon had to find a way to get strong quickly and be able to hold his ground against the countless enemies that will come his way! Follow the black skeleton, Leon, as he explores this new world, makes friends, finds love, and gets down to the bottom of his sudden death. - Please don't forget to vote as you read. Every single vote matters, and they really do make a difference! It's an effortless way to show your appreciation for my efforts. Also, if you're enjoying my work, please share it with your friends and family. It's a great way to support me too! Join my Discord server at: https://discord.gg/uDRMqp562H - Power Stone Goals: Every 100 PS - 1 bonus chapter. Every 100 GT - 1 bonus chapter. Every Super Gift - 1 bonus chapter. Note that the bonus chapters will only be delivered at the end of the week.

Nilo_A · Fantasy
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550 Chs

[Bonus chapter] Fort Bender (2)

After roughly half an hour of waiting in the line, it was finally their turn to undergo inspection before they could be granted access into Fort Bender. A well armored soldier walked up to Benny who was on the coachman's seat.

"A good day to you, sir. Seeking entrance into Fort Bender, do you possess any contraband items within your carriage?" The soldier was very formal as he spoke, not showing off any hints of friendliness of partiality.

"Hello." Benny greeted back with a polite smile. He got out a small plaque from his pocket and showed the soldier. "I am bringing the Heir of the Gladius Family to participate in Divinity's Bout." He explained.

The soldier took the plaque and examined it for a moment before handing it back. Such an item could not be faked, so he believed Benny.

"Alright, remember not to cause trouble, and you will not be evicted form Fort Bender." He nodded and waved at his colleagues to open up the city gates before allowing Benny to go forward.
