
The Black List: The Sniper

Synopsis: I do not own this work, all rights go to their respective creators, I only own the OC. , English is not my native language nor is it a language I master, I write on my cell phone. The usual MC dies and is reborn in the world of Blacklist mixed with The shooter, MC dies and reincarnates as Bob Lee Swagger's older brother, it's a mixture of two worlds, it doesn't contain information from the book only from the TV series. PS: This is my first work, I'm using translator to write, I hope you give this fic a chance if you're a fan of these two TV series, reviews are welcome both negative and positive (call garbage is not criticism if it's to belittle it's better not arrive).

Trouxa_157 · TV
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172 Chs

The True Face of the Good Neighbor...

The True Face of the Good Neighbor...

Alex PVs

"So girls, would any of you like to go to the party? You know, sitting here isn't easy!" Alex asks the girls.

"Um? I think someone's coming!" Meg who was near the door says.

"Take a look please Taty!"

Taty looks at the street and clasps her hands until her nails sink into her skin and the blood flows, then she says angrily. "Andrew Pollux is coming, and he is accompanied by a little girl, about 12 years old!"

Nez looks at me and asks. "How are we going to do this, with this little girl accompanying him, we won't be able to act!"

I think for a moment and then Taty says softly. "They're coming, Pollux has already parked the car!"

After thinking for a moment, I decide. "Olly! You're going to pick up the little girl and take her to the car! and no matter what you hear from the garage, don't go into the house, don't leave the child alone!"

"Yea!" Olly responds shakily.

"Frankie, you erase the pedophile since you're closer to the garage door! Olly, don't let the girl see your face! Nez and Taty position the chair over the tarp, we don't want to mess up this beautiful house!"

"Yes! He's coming!" says Frankie.

As soon as Andrew Pollux opened the door to the living room of his house, he saw several unknown people, before he could say anything, he was hit on the head and passed out.

After Pollux passes out, I speak quickly. "Go, Olly! Girls give me the ropes, I'll tie him to the hook!"

After hearing my words, everyone acted on my orders without error. Olly took the little girl to the garage without giving her time to see Andrew get caught, the girls gave me the ropes and got the tools ready for the show, and I grabbed a bucket of ice water and threw it on the star of the show as soon as he woke up, I caught his attention. "Hello, Mr. Pollux! Are you having a good day?"

Pollux found himself tied up with his hands dangling from a hook with his feet on a chair and despaired. "Who are you, and what do you want from me?"

The girls are behind me, not saying anything, as I walk up to him and say. "Relax Mr. Pollux, we are here to have a chat with the Lord, but before that let me accommodate you, so you won't be uncomfortable while we talk! Girls, you are not very hospitable, bring tea for the guest. ... Wait, do you prefer tea or coffee?"

Pollux has visibly calmed down at my words and responds calmly. "Tea, if it's not too much trouble!"

I let out a smile behind the mask and then turn to the girls and say. "Didn't you hear the knight, prepare the tea, I'll serve it myself!"

Frankie the closest to me, goes to my bag takes my crowbar, and says. "Here it is, sir! The tea is ready, you can serve it anytime!"

Pollux, who saw the 'Tea' we prepared for him, despaired again, only this time I didn't hear him, I went to his back and started with tea time.

"Well my friend, you're in luck! We have Mate Lion here, made especially for Pedophiles!" When I finished talking, I started beating him, hitting various parts of his body.

"Hrrrg... No... No! No!!!" Pollux begs.

"Hahahahah... No? Hahaha... Yell more! No one will listen to your damn pedophile! You're going to die for that crowbar!" I yell at him and hit him harder. Seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours, I'd been beating him for two hours, his whole body was scarred with red and purple, some parts were already turning black.

"Please! Hrrrg... I'll do anything! Hrrrg... It's money... If you want money I... Arrrg... I'll pay any amount, just don't kill me!!" Beg Pollux.

I stop the crowbar, walk up to him and look him in the eye for a few seconds and say. "You're the worst trash in the world! Isn't it enough for you to live so far? You've done so much harm to many families, destroyed many lives, ended the innocence of many children, killed many children, but it's not enough. !"

Pollux is surprised by my questions but responds quickly. "I'm not a pedophile, I love children, my whole neighborhood knows me, I'm a good person! I've never harmed anyone!"

"Hahahahah... Are you a good person? Alright, then sir good person! Who was the little girl you were with now?"

As if expecting that question, Pollux answers promptly. "She lives here in the neighborhood, and she came to the neighbor's party, but she felt like going to the bathroom, so I brought her to my house since it was the closest! Her mother is waiting for her, please don't do anything to her!"

Looking at him, anyone can believe this facade of a good neighbor, but I'm not just anyone, so I accessed the living room computer, turned on the projector, and said. "Well... Sir, good neighbor, this little girl you explained, but what about this naked child you're fondling in the video?" Finished with my words, I slam the crowbar into his testicles with all the strength I can muster.

I ask for Nez, to see the photos and videos from the file on the computer, and I start hitting him while asking child by child, and every time I hit different places, but in the last photo I couldn't calm down, I hit the crowbar on his mouth and pulling out several teeth, and then I screamed. "You monster! Look at this, you enjoy having sex with a little girl that age! Death is too little for you! No need to worry, I already have all your routes, goods, suppliers, and customers, even the places where you launder your money I already know, you can die in peace!"

"No! you're wrong, they like it, I don't force anyone! They love me! They are my loves!" Pollux dropped the mask and screamed crazily.

Frankie seeing this scene, couldn't take it anymore, took my crowbar, and without saying a word, she relentlessly hit Pollux on the head again and again, until he couldn't breathe anymore.

I watched all this with an indifferent face, for me Frankie wasn't killing a person, but she was destroying a rabid animal or simply destroying cancer, like the good doctor she is.

After everything was sorted out, I let the files roll, I got all my stuff, my business at this location was done, it was time to leave this to the Swiss Police, they will help solve the missing children cases and comfort distressed parents with no news from your children.

After solving everything inside the house, I call the girls and wait in the car across the street, I take my cell phone and call the police, a few minutes later the police arrived, and seeing the scene unfold and seeing the parents crying I comment. "There are days when I wonder if it's worth it, there's a lot of bad shit in this shitty world! Girls, do you think I'm cruel?"

"It's okay Alex! I know what you did isn't necessarily good, but that guy deserved it! I also know how it affects you!" Meg comforts me.

"Tsk. Affect on what? I was simply taking over a rival's business." I say indifferent.

"Yes Alex, we believe you! Frankie is the one who delivered the final blow!" Nez comments

"How are you Frankie?" asks Olly.

Frankie, who has been quiet until now, goes to Alex and puts her head on her shoulder, and says. "I'm fine, for me that wasn't even a human being! It's just one less disease in the world!"

So who's the next target?" I ask coldly, as I pat Frankie's head. I still don't feel good seeing this kind of shit, kids should be protected, not going through this kind of thing or meeting this kind of people.

Meg looks in the files and says. "The next target is an African, that's not good either Alex, according to the shadow investigation, he is not only an arms dealer but also a human trafficker with strong ties to the Eberhardt Cartel!"

"Fuck it! I always have to find this garbage! It's him, human trafficking goes against everything I believe in, this one we'll let your 'assets' handle, it's not our right to kill him!"

"Yes, I agree too" comments Nez.

"Well, let's go to Geoff, like it or not, today was a very profitable day and we won a lot! And it's all thanks to Geoff, let's thank him!


(A/N: You might find this chapter too heavy, but according to the series, Dembe himself was once a sex slave until Red found him, and he was only 14 years old.

Pass your POWER STONES or Alex comes over to eat your cookies!)

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