
The Black List: The Sniper

Synopsis: I do not own this work, all rights go to their respective creators, I only own the OC. , English is not my native language nor is it a language I master, I write on my cell phone. The usual MC dies and is reborn in the world of Blacklist mixed with The shooter, MC dies and reincarnates as Bob Lee Swagger's older brother, it's a mixture of two worlds, it doesn't contain information from the book only from the TV series. PS: This is my first work, I'm using translator to write, I hope you give this fic a chance if you're a fan of these two TV series, reviews are welcome both negative and positive (call garbage is not criticism if it's to belittle it's better not arrive).

Trouxa_157 · TV
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The past cannot be changed, but it still influences the future...

Alex PVs

The atmosphere got a little tense, Sean and Bob looked at each other and nobody said anything, at the time I didn't understand, but this is my family so I ask without reservation.

"What happened, why doesn't anyone say anything, someone died?"

Bob made a funeral face and lowered his head, Sean looked at me and nodded confirming what I said.

I was kind of embarrassed and with a strange face, I asked. "Who died Uncle Sean, why was the hunt canceled? It's the last time in a long time we're going to do this since Lee enlisted and I have my career to take care of!"

Sean looks at Bob and after receiving confirmation he tells Alex. "June, June was the one who died..., she went into cardiac arrest in January of this year, died in her sleep, the doctors said it was peaceful and painless, Bob and I couldn't understand how June, in her prime, had a heart attack."

Alex goes to Bob and hugs him as he says. "Relax boy, I'm here, it must have been hard for you, facing this whole situation alone, Uncle Sean won't understand, he can't help much there, but I understand, don't be afraid, because I'm here for you!"

After my words, Bob began to cry and said words that surprised me. "Mom was so sad Alex... She was so sad, Every year she would go to Dad's grave and cry... She would apologize and cry. After Dad's death and his departure, she drowned in alcohol and anti-depressants, I couldn't help it, I spent most of the time trying to reach her, but she isolated herself and I couldn't."

"Where do I get into this Lee? As far as I know, your mother hated me, she wouldn't let me near you, she almost killed me with a fireplace shovel, when I left I couldn't even say goodbye to you, I didn't have any alternative but to leave a letter, so why did you say after I left?" I ask awkwardly.

"See, after you left, mom found your letter to me in the mailbox, after reading it, she went to her room and didn't come out for two whole days, I thought it was because of daddy, but in lunch, I found your letter, after reading it I understand that you left, but I didn't associate any of that with the change in the mother's behavior until I heard what you said, in the letter, you said to take care of my mother because many want to a mother can't have any more until now I thought it was normal since you never met yours but now you say she tried to kill you with a chimney shovel makes sense why she regretted it and said to do the things that she did to you was her biggest sin," says Bob regretfully.

"Did your mother say these things before she died?" I asked scared and surprised.

"Yes, but it wasn't before she died, it was a year ago. She said that if she could go back to the past she would have accepted you as a son, and given you all the love and affection a mother can give her child, that was all you deserved, and she wasn't able to do that. .." Bob, I was already crying before the end of the sentence...

"I honestly don't blame your mother's behavior, throughout my life, I also didn't hate her for the fact that she tried to kill me, I blamed my father, for the fact that he didn't do more to change the relationship between me and June, he didn't do much with her attacks, out of guilt, he often closed his eyes to her behavior, he had no opinion or desire to take care of both of us, I think this was the main reason for the mother's actions, the lack of reaction of the father was the reason", I say my analysis of the past, I didn't blame June for her actions, I even found her regretful.

Upon hearing my analysis of his mother, Bob is stunned and says. "I thank you brother, that you can forgive my mother, it meant a lot to her."

"For trying to kill me, I still held a grudge against her, but after what you told me if it's true, I forgive you here and now," I say sincerely.

"It's true, Mom always went to the mailbox every morning, I think she was waiting for you!" says Lee

"Well then that's settled, after our family tradition, I will go to her mother's grave and settle her grievances and let her rest in peace!"

"Yeah, so let's pack soon, and let's go hunting!!" behind him, Bob runs to the exit to pack for camp.

"So Uncle Sean, what was June's state of mind in the last few years of her life?" I look at Sean, who has been silent throughout the entire conversation.

"Look son, I'm not a psychologist, but June was in the early stages of dementia and other psychological issues.

The night you left she stayed in the woods looking for you until daybreak when I asked why she didn't say anything she was catatonic and she was in that catatonic state for days until Bob Lee got sick, only then did she regain her faculties mental, but she was never the same," says Sean with some regret.

"That's what I imagined, June had serious emotional problems and daddy was her pillar, after his death, if Bob hadn't been alive, she wouldn't have lived a year, glad she lived almost seven, really miserable.. . "I do my assessment.

Sean looks at the exit and says, "Yes, Bob Lee didn't notice his mother because he was looking from the inside, but whoever was outside knows, that the day Earl died, June went with him..."

Alex thinks for a moment and finally asks. "Uncle, do you know who my mother is and where I was born?"

Sean looks Alex right in the face and says wistfully "No... At the time of your birth I was away from town, I was in college, I only found out about your birth after your father sent me pictures of you when you were one year old." divinity." divinity. Look, I have the pictures to this day. Hahaha, you were so cute..."

"So you don't know anything, I don't understand why June is not my mother, it must be logical, after all, Dad married June right after high school graduation! I know it was in my father's first three years of service that I was conceived."

"I know one person who knows where his father was in his first three years of service!" says Sean after thinking about it.

Curious I asked. "Seriously! Who was so close to daddy back then, to know where he was since you didn't even know, The only ones that come to mind are the grannies, you and June."

Sean looks at me with a complicated look and says. "Jimmy Po's widow... She was friends with your father, and exchanged letters with him when he enlisted, if anyone knew where your father was when you were born, it's her, only she can give you the information you need. "

"Jimmy Po's widow... The world is funny, the past can't be changed, but I'm starting to believe he can influence the future...

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