
The Black List: The Sniper

Synopsis: I do not own this work, all rights go to their respective creators, I only own the OC. , English is not my native language nor is it a language I master, I write on my cell phone. The usual MC dies and is reborn in the world of Blacklist mixed with The shooter, MC dies and reincarnates as Bob Lee Swagger's older brother, it's a mixture of two worlds, it doesn't contain information from the book only from the TV series. PS: This is my first work, I'm using translator to write, I hope you give this fic a chance if you're a fan of these two TV series, reviews are welcome both negative and positive (call garbage is not criticism if it's to belittle it's better not arrive).

Trouxa_157 · TV
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172 Chs

The death of Floriana Campos

Alex PVs

the target arrived at the shooting site, through the listening device implanted in Reddington's tooth, I can hear the whole situation unfolding, it seems that Elisabeth believes in that Hypocrite woman she is still very green.

When Floriana Campos learned that she was poisoned, she quickly opened up and assumed she was the leader of the Eberhardt Cartel, recounted all her crimes, and claimed responsibility for being the mastermind behind her husband's murder, Raymond Reddington gave her an antidote.

Now that Floriana Campos has served her purpose, there is no need for her to continue living and the Eberhardt Cartel will not survive the night.

Now is the time to put an end to an old grudge, I signaled to Reddington via cell phone message, and he separated Elisabeth from Floriana Campos and I shot the leader of the Eberhardt Cartel, and then immediately signaled for my associates to attack the upper echelons of the Eberhardt Cartel.


Elisabeth PVs

When I was going to arrest Floriana Campos for all her crimes, her head exploded right in front of me and she died, simple as that.

I threw myself to the ground and looked for the assassin, there was no sound, which means it was a Sniper and there was no more than one shot, this can only mean that it is a professional assassin and his target was Floriana Campos.

My first suspect was Raymond Reddington, but whoever pulled the trigger and where that shot came from, without hearing any more shots, I got up off the ground and went to Raymond Reddington.

I looked into Raymond Reddington's eyes and asked. "Were you the one who ordered this shot?"

Reddington, who hasn't even moved, smiles and answers. "It wasn't my fault, this woman had many enemies, and I know some very powerful ones."

Elisabeth wanted to ask a few more questions, but Donald and Meera Malik walked into the room, and Elizabeth said. "We have a Sniper, he fired a single shot and hit Floriana Campos in the head, we have to find out who fired the shot, where the shot came from, and what his motivation is."

Donald wasted no time looking for the trajectory of the projectile, and more than a thousand meters away, he spotted a hotel, and his instincts kicked in and he said. "I think the shooter is in that building, over a thousand meters away!"

Meera Malik was surprised by Donald's statements but still radioed her orders. "We have a Sniper, Floriana Campos was killed, I want a 1,200-meter blockade, no one enters or leaves, seal the place as soon as possible."

The night passed without further revelations, surprises or complications, and in the morning by chance or he followed me, I met up with Reddington, after a little conversation I couldn't resist and asked. "What would have happened, if she had been poisoned and not murdered by a gunshot, would you have been exposed as our informant, what would you have done if that happened?"

Reddington then says calmly. "I had no antidote!"

I then stay silent for a few seconds and then say. "We confirmed that Floriana Campos was moving a fortune for Banco Gringotts.

You were right, the woman ran the Eberhardt Cartel.

Based on the information you gave us, we were able to intercept a shipment and rescue the girls."

Reddington gives a calm smile and says. "She attacked the weak and the innocent while dressing in the wings of a savior.

I hated everything about her!"

Elisabeth sighs and says. "I had no idea. I mean, I just... I should have known, the woman I looked up to was this monster and I didn't notice a thing.

As a profiler, I failed miserably.

Reddington confronts Elisabeth saying. "We never fully know anyone, do we?

What are you going to do, Lizzy?

As for the situation with Tom, you only have two options, turn him in or face him, which will it be?

Or maybe you have a third option?"

I don't know how to answer his questions, but watching Raymond Reddington walk away, I honestly don't know what I'm going to do with my life.


Alex PVs

After killing Floriana Campos and giving the order that will end the Eberhardt Cartel.

I took my gun apart and threw it through the garbage outlet, I left the building with nothing suspicious in my hands, and then I went to the back of the building to get my Black King, after all these procedures, I went to the hotel where I'm staying after a good shower, I made a call, in just one touch, the call was answered. "Hello, is this Alex?"

I gave a happy smile and said. "Let the girls know that from today, the scores will be settled, starting with Floriana Campos from today there is no more Eberhardt Cartel of human trafficking and sex slavery!"

Megan on the other end of the line is overjoyed, after a wave of celebration, she goes to Tatiana and Olivia and tells her all the information she got, so the call gets connected with the three of them and we talk for several hours, and in the morning, I finally managed to end the call.

After finishing the meeting with the girls by video call, I packed my bags to catch my flight to Washington, my associates are waiting for me, to help me put on the Kruger appearance, when I left the hotel, a car stopped beside me and then I entered without thinking twice.

As soon as I climbed up, an enigmatic voice resounded in my ears. "Hello Alex, how do you feel, taking down the Eberhardt Cartel and getting revenge on Floriana Campos for what she did to her girls?"

I gave a slight smile and said. "Nothing escapes you, does it, Reddington."


(Y/N: Give me your POWER STONES or Kruger will come back to your house and secretly eat your cookies, maybe he already has and you haven't noticed.)

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