
The Black List: The Sniper

Synopsis: I do not own this work, all rights go to their respective creators, I only own the OC. , English is not my native language nor is it a language I master, I write on my cell phone. The usual MC dies and is reborn in the world of Blacklist mixed with The shooter, MC dies and reincarnates as Bob Lee Swagger's older brother, it's a mixture of two worlds, it doesn't contain information from the book only from the TV series. PS: This is my first work, I'm using translator to write, I hope you give this fic a chance if you're a fan of these two TV series, reviews are welcome both negative and positive (call garbage is not criticism if it's to belittle it's better not arrive).

Trouxa_157 · TV
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172 Chs

Berlin part 5

Kruger PVs

Meg was silent for a few seconds and then finally said. "Did you get any leads? It's been three years, I'm worried."

"This guy is the clue I was looking for, you know fate can suck sometimes! I should have thought of these people when Jimmy Po's widow said my father was serving in Russia, but no, I had to come talk to Berlin.

As if cooperating with him would be of much help, I just wanted to know who my mother is and know my origins." I replied a little sadly, I almost lost control of my emotions there with Berlin.

"I know Lex, there were many revelations for you; you didn't expect Raymond Reddington to make such a move, it was to save his life, but it cost the lives of tens if not thousands," Meg says softly.

"You know I don't blame Raymond, it's just that after all those murders and useless jobs I went through, in the end, I failed miserably; I had no choice, I let you down and I couldn't look you in the eye," I said. . Melancholic.

Meg is sad to hear Kruger so she says. "Lex! You haven't failed me, look at me! I'm the happiest woman in the world, the most amazing thing that ever happened in my life was you, if it weren't for our conversation in that park, I wouldn't be here today."

"Conversation, you call that talking? You would be fine Meg, you may not admit it or you just didn't realize it, but you are a strong and very capable woman too, don't get carried away by anything, I just made you realize the skills you would have noticed sooner or later on my own." I said my honest opinion.

Meg is saddened to remember her father's words, an hour before they welcome Alex into their home, she meets the man who changed her life forever, so she tells Alex what her father told her to do. "It was a conversation yes... You saved me from being sold by my father.

The day you showed up at my house, my dad wanted you to notice me and take an interest in me so I could set a honey trap on you and steal the blueprints from the devices you used to break into the bank!"

"Hahahahaha..." Kruger laughed.

Meg wasn't sure about Kruger's laugh, so she asked. "What happened Alex! You know I would never cheat on you... I didn't do what my father told me... Alex didn't get mad at me!" By the end of her words, Meg was already crying.

Kruger stopped laughing and said seriously. "I don't care about your father, or why you approached me, your actions in all these years speak for you, between your father and me, you chose me without a second thought, you left everything to be by my side, I know his character, he wanted to use your mother Meg, as a bargaining chip, and to this day he calls me asking for political support in an election year.

Your father is trash, but you are a treasure! One of the brightest and most precious in the world!"

Meg is silent on the line for a few minutes and, after composing herself, picks up. "Tsk. ~So it means that in addition to sleeping with me, you slept with my mother..."

I didn't react for a moment, that's not a question to ask. "Bye Meg, kiss the girls, and tell Nez to keep an eye on Ray Brooks! That bastard is going to die!

The shadow has all the data it needs, just call, they've already been informed about it!" After I finished talking, I hung up without giving Meg time to answer me.

As soon as I turned off my cell phone, I sat in the library with a book in my hand, thinking about all the possibilities of who my mother is, it can't be Katerina Rostova, she's too smart to let her son be taken by my father.

If my father was watched and spied on by Oleander, I only know of two female agents who can get involved with my father, if it wasn't Katerina Rostova then it could only be Tatiana Petrova, only she could be naive enough to fall for my father's tricks.

So I have to get out of this hole fast and go look for the old Don, every time I think about Tatiana Petrova, I believe she could be my mother, after all, she is also a redhead and has clear eyes like me.

With these thoughts in mind and a lot of anxiety, I called Gina to let me know the details of my extraction, the phone was answered almost immediately and a female voice rang. "Hello, boss?"

I calmed down for a few seconds and said. "It's me, did you get Kaja's information?"

"Yes, boss! I'm already preparing everything, but me alone with these common soldiers won't be enough to do what you want me to do!" Ginny says cautiously.

I smiled thinking of someone and said. "Alright, I want to leave in no more than three days, choose whoever you want, spend as much as necessary! But get me out of here in three days, and I'm not going alone, I have an important passenger here, he's coming too! "

Ginny is silent for a few seconds and then says. "Alright, you had already warned me that this was possible, so I had already made the plans, just, if you want me to go ahead I need more capable men, I will need two days maximum, to make the extraction!"

"Alright Gina, we worked together for three years, I trust your skills enough to make sure it works.

But know, I got what I came for, so I have to get out of here fast and without mistakes! This time it's top priority!" I replied calmly.

Ginny got serious and said. "Relax boss, when did I let you down? The extraction will be performed on the day of the transfer, I'll be there to pick you up like the good girl I am!"

"Good! Email me the full details of your hired men, I want to know everything!" I declared in a commanding voice.

"Alright, I'll start modifying the plan now, tomorrow I'll call you with all the details of the plan with all the modifications and send the files as requested!" Ginny says softly.

"Excellent! See you tomorrow Ginny!" I didn't let her answer when I ended the call.

After settling everything with Meg, Kaja and Gina, I left the library heading towards my cell, I stopped halfway because I heard a commotion, getting closer I see Ivan there in the middle of the inmates clustered around something.

After stopping beside Ivan I lit a cigarette and asked calmly. "Hey, Ivan! Something happened, you're in a circle, did someone die?"

Ivan was startled by me appearing behind him out of nowhere, so after calming down he responds. "Fuck Kruger! You scared the fuck out of me!"

"Come on, old man! Tell me what happened?"

Ivan looks around, then at me, and then says softly. "Remember that guard who sold you the cell phone, well he died."

"What? Looks like today is also a sunny day"

"Yes, he died! They stabbed him and someone found him dead here, guards must be on their way, this has nothing to do with you, right?"

I looked at Ivan strangely and said. "Old man, you take me out as one who takes revenge for the slightest dissatisfaction, just because he extorted me doesn't mean I'm going to kill him!"

"Alright, I believe a lot! You're very narrow-minded you are!" Ivan accuses fearlessly.

"Shameless old man! Are you going to call me narrow-minded just because of that? If I was that narrow-minded, I would have killed the prison warden too!" I lied a lot without even frowning.

"Fine. I believe it wasn't you, but it's really weird, you want the guy dead and he dies on the same day!" Ivan was still suspicious.

"Well, this is the most dangerous prison in the world for you! Come on, come on! Berlin is scary, the guy almost killed me! I want to sleep!" He said falsely.

"Damn! How was your conversation with Berlin? And what is this sunny day conversation?" Ivan asks, already forgetting about the dead guard.

"Hahahahaha... It was very terrifying! Let's go to our cell, I'll tell you in detail!" I said walking to our cell.


(A/N: Seriously thinking about rewriting the whole story. There are a lot of things I didn't like about this story, I don't feel like I went well in the beginning and I made a lot of mistakes, I tried to rewrite the first chapters but I had to control myself and not screw it up the plot, the whole story just got harder to rewrite like that.

I'm seriously considering whether to start writing this story from the beginning or leave it for the future.

For now, I'm going to take it easy and keep updating the chapters daily, studying and improving myself so that in the future this story stays the way I imagined it.

Thank you all for reading, commenting, and voting!

P.S: Deliver your cookies! Cough... I mean POWER STONES Or Ivan will eat your cookies!


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