
The Black List: The Sniper

Synopsis: I do not own this work, all rights go to their respective creators, I only own the OC. , English is not my native language nor is it a language I master, I write on my cell phone. The usual MC dies and is reborn in the world of Blacklist mixed with The shooter, MC dies and reincarnates as Bob Lee Swagger's older brother, it's a mixture of two worlds, it doesn't contain information from the book only from the TV series. PS: This is my first work, I'm using translator to write, I hope you give this fic a chance if you're a fan of these two TV series, reviews are welcome both negative and positive (call garbage is not criticism if it's to belittle it's better not arrive).

Trouxa_157 · TV
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172 Chs

Berlin part 1

Kruger PVs

I casually chatted with Ivan and found out a little more about how this prison works, apparently if you have money, you are the king, and you can live like one, you are a God, if you have money, everything here has a price, literally everything.

According to Ivan, the officials are corrupt, and as long as you don't want to break out of prison, you can have whatever you want, for the right price of course, from a chocolate bar to a conjugal visit, it's all within your reach.

Hearing this, I quickly walked up to a security guard and said. "Hello my friend, I heard that you guys provide a certain service for a good amount of money!"

"Look how you say, convict! We give some comfort and some perks to well-behaved inmates, do you fit that pattern?" said the jailer.

"Of course! I'm a role model! I'd like a satellite phone and a meeting with Berlin, is that possible?" I asked with a smile.

"What you ask is beyond me, I'll set up a meeting with the director, if he can't help you, no one can! Wait until tomorrow at the same place and time!" Says the jailer.

"Alright, thank you very much, my friend!" I respond by handing him some money.

After the jailer left, the lunch bell rang, sunbathing time was over, all the prisoners went to the mess hall without anyone having to say anything, I also followed the line and halfway I met Ivan, who was talking with your friends I saw that your friends noticed me and somehow they are scared of me so I didn't approach.

After 20 minutes of waiting in line I got lunch, the only problem is that I'm new to the prison and apart from Ivan I don't know anyone here, I walked a bit and looked around and found a good spot in a discreet corner near the cafeteria exit, I ran there quickly as I sat down, I noticed an old man maybe the same age as Red, who was already occupying the table, from my point of view when I approached the table, I couldn't see him, I could only see him after I sat down.

As I am not an uneducated man, I decided to greet him and apologize. "Good afternoon, sorry for sitting at your table and interrupting your meal, but there was no more space available, do you mind if I finish my meal here?"

"Ah? Good afternoon boy, no problem, make yourself comfortable!"

"Thank you! My name is Kruger! Fred Kruger! Nice to meet you!" says Kruger.

"Well! My name is Milos, Milos Kirchhoff! You can call me Milos!" Milos responds to Kruger.

"Well Mr. Milos, where can I get a special meal like yours instead of the usual one here?" Kruger asks when he sees Milos eating steak.

"Hahahahaha... You're an honest boy, what did you do to be here in this hell, and about the food, well..." After saying those words, he snapped his finger and a cook came up to him.

"Need something sir, is the food to your liking?" says the cook.

"All great Marcos, it's just my friend here who wants to make a special request!" says Milos as he points his fork at me.

"Yes sir! What is your request, sir...?" Marco, I wonder.

"Kruger, my name is Kruger. I'd like to eat rice, beans, roast beef, and mashed potatoes if it's not too much trouble!" I make a request.

"Understood Mr. Kruger! Your lunch is on its way!" Saying these words, Marcos runs to the kitchen.

"Thank you, Mr. Milos, and to answer his question, I came to this prison after killing some corrupt politicians who were preventing the expansion of the organization I work for." He said with a slight smile.

"Ah... Were you forced to do this, or was there something else behind it?"

"Are you asking if someone set me up?"

"That's right, that's the first thing I thought when you said you killed corrupt politicians!"

"No. It wasn't a setup! I came here because I want to meet a man who is stuck here, the boss ordered it." I answered.

"I see. Your boss trusts you a lot, to hand you the mission to kill high-ranking corrupt officials, and then come to the most dangerous prison in the world to find a person. This is the kind of task that requires a lot of trusts!" Milos says taking one last bite of his food.

I receive my food, and after tasting it I answer Milos. "This is natural, after all, the boss found me on the streets of Moscow when I stole his car, I was 14 years old and he treated me with respect and gave me a place by his side where I could grow up. So it's normal for him to trust in me!"

"That's a good story, you have a good life boy! Hope is everything, I understand what it's like to have nothing, and suddenly someone gives you hope, that's priceless!" Milos responds and then stands up, preparing to leave.

"It's true. I'm looking for a man in this prison, he was a guy who shouldn't be here, he was set up by someone and that same someone took everything from him, I'm here to give you some things back and help you get revenge!" I say.

Milos stops and looks into my eyes and asks. "And why would you come here, just to help someone get revenge?"

I kept looking into his eyes and responded with a wolfish smile. "Why is this going to benefit me, this person I'm looking for has the information I need and that's how a business works, isn't it?"

"Well... Good luck kid, and have a nice meal!" Milos responds and then leaves.

"I sure will!" I answered.

A few minutes later, while I was eating my meal, Ivan sat down next to me and asked. "Where did you get that fancy meal?"

I looked at Ivan and said. "After you abandoned me, I made friends with an influential old man here in the cafeteria, he was eating steak, and I asked the same question as you, and then he called a cook who took my order, and here we are!"

Ivan was impressed and said. "You weren't born to be ordinary, it's your first day in prison and you've already earned more perks than veteran inmates like me!"

"Well, that's the advantage of politeness! I spoke to the old man using politeness, so he was polite too and here we are!" I blame education.

Ivan suspects and asks. "Is it true that education does all that, or did you kill someone?"

I looked strangely at Ivan and said. "You think I go around killing everyone for nothing?"

"Yes... I mean no! Of course not I..." Ivan slips.

"I'm leaving Ivan!" Saying these words, I finished my meal and left the cafeteria.

Wandering around the prison, I ended up in the library, I looked at the shelves and they were full of books, this is a huge collection. This prison is different from the others, apart from some rules and fixed times to eat, go to the courtyard and close the cells, you do what you want, whether it's staying in your cell or even wandering around, this prison has several leisure areas, whether games, heated pools or even a sauna, in addition to being a mixed prison.

This wasn't announced on the show, but I found out when I got here.

No one could imagine that the most dangerous prison in the world could be one of the best hotels in the world too, the world is full of these bizarre things, what is hell for some can be a paradise for others.


(Y/N: Hand over your POWER STONES or Milos will eat your dessert cookies!")

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