
The Black List: The Sniper

Synopsis: I do not own this work, all rights go to their respective creators, I only own the OC. , English is not my native language nor is it a language I master, I write on my cell phone. The usual MC dies and is reborn in the world of Blacklist mixed with The shooter, MC dies and reincarnates as Bob Lee Swagger's older brother, it's a mixture of two worlds, it doesn't contain information from the book only from the TV series. PS: This is my first work, I'm using translator to write, I hope you give this fic a chance if you're a fan of these two TV series, reviews are welcome both negative and positive (call garbage is not criticism if it's to belittle it's better not arrive).

Trouxa_157 · TV
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172 Chs

Back home.

(Wednesday, February 6, 2001)

Alex PVs

After the conversation I had with the old man, I found out more about my family's past, which I must say was very interesting.

Last week I met many people from the village, and I must say they are all very hospitable and kind, the food is also good and most importantly the air is very clean.

Today I am at the pier, waiting for a boat that will take me back to modern civilization because the people of this island stopped in the sixties and did not evolve anymore, it was nice to spend a peaceful time here in this village, it will be one of my best memories, while I'm lost in thought, Jair asks. "Are you leaving already son?"

"Yes old man, I'm much better now, you were a great doctor and nurse!"

"That's it, kid! Respect the eldest!" says Jair already angrily.

"Hey old man, the last part I was talking to Kim! So are you coming with me or not?" I ask Kim after playing with Jair.

"I... I want to go! But... I have to talk to my parents, I don't think my mother will let me because she wants me to be the next chef in the village!" says Kim sadly.

"It's okay if one day you want to see the world, just give me a call, I already taught you how to use your cell phone, didn't I? No need to worry, I'll visit you if I have time, and bring you a new phone when technology advance!" I hug her after saying that.

"Um... Do you promise?" Kim says softly

"Of course I do, this is my vacation spot!"

After finishing saying goodbye, I see the boat that came to get me approaching, I give Kim another hug and a military salute to the old man and I get on the boat, after sitting down I say goodbye and don't look back.

When I reach the shore I see Megan standing in front of a car surrounded by security, when she sees me she runs towards me and throws herself in my arms, since I'm wounded in the chest, I can't help it. She throws herself at me, looks at me confused I say.

"Are you crazy? It hasn't even been two months since I was shot in the chest at close range and you want to jump right into the wounded spot?"

Megan cringes and says softly. "But I miss you so much that I forgot everything when I saw you!"

There's no way to be mad at her, I take her by the hands and give her a gentle hug and say. "Ready, satisfied?"

"Um... Shall we go home?" Megan flashes a satisfied smile.

"Yes, it's time to go back!"

After saying these words, I got in the car with Megan and the driver started the car, in the back seat Megan asks how my month was and I tell her all my time in Vila da Paz, she has all kinds of reactions and even mocks me, but I know she's happy to see me after so long.

A few hours later we arrived in America, more precisely at New Orleans International Airport, as it was already night, we didn't stop anywhere, we went straight home, just when I thought I was going to take a break, I set foot in the house and the same situation happened earlier today was repeated. , three figures jumped at me just as Megan opened the door and shouted together.

" Husband!!!" She shouted three voices together and in the same tone.

"Girls! The bullet didn't kill me, but I think you can do it!" I say squeezed into breasts.

"Sorry husband!" they repeat together again.

"What's going on here? Why are you all talking at the same time and in the same rhythm and tone?"

"But it wasn't on purpose! It just shows our concern." Says Tatiana.

"Yeah, we were so worried about the worst, if Sister Meg didn't hear from you every day, we would have freaked out!" says Olivia

"Yeah, sorry girls! Let's go in, sit down and talk about what you've been up to!" I say softly stroking them both on the head.

As soon as we entered I went to take a shower, Megan went upstairs to help me with the bandages, after the shower I sat on the sofa in the living room with the girls, and I decided to tell my plans for the near future, but first let's hear about them.

"Very well, who wants to be the first to say what they've been up to these last few months?"

" Me first!" says Tatiana. The other two were silent, I saw this and gave a slight smile.

"Very well Tatiana, tell me what you've been doing! After Tatiana, you say, Olivia!"

" All right." Olivia laughs

"You see husband, I was very sad when I heard of your death, I locked myself in the room for a week, Meg broke down the door and told me to have more trust in her husband, and also that the husband does not like useless women, and that I I should get up and look beautiful and strong for your arrival! Of course, as I'm a good wife I trained more at the gym and took on more responsibilities in the organization, now two months later I'm second in command! Right, Meg!

then the husband must praise me!" Says Tatiana with a smile on her face.

"Of course, I will, my Taty is so amazing and beautiful, she was born to be a crime lord!" I say stroking Tatiana's head.

"He... He... He... Look, Olivia, her husband loves me more!"

"Hump... What do you know you brute! all you know is violence!" Olivia pouts.

"Very well Olly! Don't say that about Taty! Tell me what you've been up to, and I'll praise you anyway! I don't need to say you belong to me and not the other way around, there's no reason to fight!" After I finish talking, I slap them both on the ass.

"Hump. She started!" says Olivia rubbing her ass.

"I only told the truth!" Says Tatiana practicing the same action as Olivia.

"That's enough you two! Tell me what you've been doing Olivia!" I say in a commanding tone with no room to argue.

"Yes, husband! Just like Taty I was devastated when I learned of her husband's supposed death, but soon I followed in Meg's footsteps and focused on us, I took care of the house and Skynet, as Meg's secretary I started to take on more responsibilities and profits of the company increased a lot, and all I did was follow their orders and plans! apart from that too, because of the stress I gained two kilos, the husband doesn't care, right?" Olivia says with embarrassment.

"Of course not! Come here, do I look like this kind of person who cares about these things? You just can't relax and let go of your healthy habits as it makes your health bad." I picked Olivia up and kissed her on the lips.

"Um, the husband is the best!" says Olivia happily.

"Alright! Now and you Meg, why so much mystery about the company and the organization?


(A/N: Kim didn't leave with Alex because I had a good idea how to use her in the future!! Pass your POWER STONES or Alex steals your cookies!)

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