
The Black List: The Sniper

Synopsis: I do not own this work, all rights go to their respective creators, I only own the OC. , English is not my native language nor is it a language I master, I write on my cell phone. The usual MC dies and is reborn in the world of Blacklist mixed with The shooter, MC dies and reincarnates as Bob Lee Swagger's older brother, it's a mixture of two worlds, it doesn't contain information from the book only from the TV series. PS: This is my first work, I'm using translator to write, I hope you give this fic a chance if you're a fan of these two TV series, reviews are welcome both negative and positive (call garbage is not criticism if it's to belittle it's better not arrive).

Trouxa_157 · TV
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172 Chs

Back home. The business world

Alex PVs

(New Orleans, Louisiana)

I'm currently talking to Megan Philips, who just graduated from college at 21, but since she was 18 she's been the CEO of my tech company.

My company name is something anyone in my shoes would do too.

Skynet is a technology company, we have the biggest and best search engine in New Orleans and it is spreading like wildfire, but as you know, on July 29, 1997, search engines were just born, for my company that has only three years, we don't have the capital or the will to compete with others, and I don't want to compete with them.

These years will be turbulent for Excite and Yahoo! They're at war, and I'm going to let them kill each other and then I'm going to stand out and punch the ultimate winner of the war, so I save money and maximize profits.

Excite and Yahoo in their war, lost sight of many things, including, They missed the opportunity to buy the Google search engine.

I took all my available money and not only bought Google for a million, but I also hired Page and Brin to work for my company. I drafted the contract myself to leave no loose ends and the two tech geniuses will never escape my hand.

Do you have any idea that in my original world the creators of Google wanted to sell their engine for $750,000, and neither of the two giants at the time wanted to buy it, Excite and Yahoo! they refused to buy Google because they didn't think they would make a difference in the war against each other.

In this life with future knowledge, I contacted them both and bought billions for only 1 million, well above the asking price, successfully earning the goodwill of these two goblins and receiving a huge pot of gold, now just let them work and make me rich!

I spent hours negotiating with both of them, Page is tough Brin is still very inexperienced but the talent is there, I finally managed to convince them both to work for me, I signed a 10-year contract with a 10% fixed salary increase with a bonus, the starting salary price and 100 thousand dollars.

They thought they were taking advantage, to be honest with you from the point of view of the time, and the current value of both of them, really yes they did, but I come from a time when these guys were the internet moguls, they almost hit the target of the House of Trillions, in their respective areas, so for me spending that money is nothing more than feeding the goblins, I do it with a smile, without batting an eyelash.

As soon as the deal closed, I got straight to the point, my company is very different from others, I have enough money that I don't need investors, I didn't go public, so I'm Skynet's leader and god, I left Page and Brin as the head of the department of Search, his current work was with Google and the Skynet search engine, they would merge the two and create the updated Google.

With the Goblins knocking on my door resolved, I went to talk to Megan about the company and the underworld.

"So Megan, how's the company doing?"

"Without much suspense, you had it all figured out, we are focused on Intel processors and circuit boards for computers, we are the biggest powerhouse in this business, we control the market, nobody in America uses a computer these days without our processor or circuit boards.

Our search engine is active, but as you requested I left it in New Orleans and did not expand, we already have a base to expand to the entire country and we are waiting for your request."

"Alright, wait until the new bosses in this industry give you the green light and you can expand. About Apple, did you buy stock in it?"

"Yes, I bought the shares on behalf of the company and also Mr. Jobs called and set up a meeting with me last year, we closed a sale deal prioritizing them, and half of the money you left in funds, went to the purchase 10% of Apple stock, I'm eyeing Microsoft stock, waiting for your orders!"

"Alright, wait until late 1998 and early 1999, depending on our development, we might buy their entire company and see how arrogant they can remain hahahahah!"

"Alex, our Skynet in the last quarter generated more than 250 million dollars, the net income was 80 million, but you invested everything in expansion, you didn't gain anything, you just lost money. Now according to the development plan, We will launch our first motherboard this year, at Christmas, along with our expansion announcement, I will open our first branch in Japan, and the motherboard will already be sold there, with simultaneous release in both countries."

"No! postpone the opening, call Steve and tell him I have a business that will interest him, our new product is to his liking.

The plan is to prioritize Apple with this motherboard, it will be our first exclusive contract, try an exclusive contract where our product will be exclusive to him for 1 year.

The price is the same as the market but he will give priority to our expanding product the Google search engine, his computers must be factory equipped with our search engine for one year."

"Why are we going to give this advantage to Steve, if you do that we will lose a lot of money, with Microsoft they will go crazy!"

"Yes those arrogant bastards, they've been comfortable for a long time, I'm going to give them a headache and a waste of money!

"Yes!! Master move, Alex as always you don't play to lose, I understand that this year you are under contract with Apple Microsoft stock will go down, and you will be able to buy it, so you sell our new product to them and the stock goes up again and you profit 100%!"

"Of course my beautiful Megan, that's why you abandoned your father and came to follow me, I have those skills! but you don't have much talent for clean business! Do you believe in your competence as leader of Skynet? where is the Iron Lady, Queen of the Underworld that inflicts terror on New Orleans?"

"Aah to Alex!!! you promised!!! not to talk about it!!"

"Okay! It's just us here, I don't know why you're so embarrassed! You look like a straight woman, acting like that!"

"I don't want to talk about it! Nobody talks about it. Not even you!"

"Alright, you know I know you better than anyone, but even I don't understand why you get nervous when someone talks about that nickname!"

"Back to the company! do you have any further instructions?" Megan says changing the subject.

"Yes, stick to the plan, keep an eye on companies and people, who have innovative ideas, schedule meetings, and let me know in advance, I'm on vacation this month to have time, I'll look for your replacement for the company and you can focus on shady business expansion, I want to enter the international market! Don't worry, I have a scheme to steal all routes from the Mombassa cartel!"

"You're crazy! We're small fish compared to them! These guys are cruel, inhumane, you don't deal with the Mombassa cartel, you work for them and follow their orders, that's how they are. And you want to take their routes? ???" Megan screams as she stands up shaking.

"Relax girl! If you ain't got the guts why did you come into this life forget who I am? Do you think there's someone in this life who can stop me? Go! and don't doubt your man again. If you ever think of getting up your voice to me again..." Alex speaks with a hint of menace.

"Alright! I... I'll make the preparations!" Megan says with a slight tremor in her voice.

"I'm going away for a while, I'll be back in no more than ten days, make final preparations to hand over your CEO position to the person you bring with me! Remember to make preparations for expansion!! If Steve Jobs doesn't accept the terms, you delay the motherboard launch and just launch Google nationwide, the focus is now on expanding my criminal domain!"

"Yes, I will! You have something for me, some service, the moment we met you said you came to New Orleans to steal! What happened?"

"About that! I'm glad you asked.....

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People who love cookies, welcome!

Trouxa_157creators' thoughts