
Archie’s crisis

One day Archie Andrews and his father was in Pop's coffee shop owned my a nice man named pop.While Archie walked in the bathroom to wash his hand he heard a loud.BANG!Archie ran out the bathroom with water flying off his hands.A mysterious man in a black hood threw a black duffle back in the counter."Give me all your money,"he said. Pop hurried and but the money in the black duffle bag.Archie looked down there he saw his father lying on the floor bleeding with a bullet on his side. Archie ran to his dad but then,the man in the black hood pointed the gun at Archie's head. "Get on your knees with your hands above your head,said the man in the black hood."Archie looked in the man's eyes then he looked at the ground and slowly put his hands behind his head and got down on his knees. The man ran out the coffee shop leaving the money behind.Archie picked up his dad as gently as he could and he got inside his dads truck and drove the hospital as fast as he could. "Help my dad needs help," Archie yelled as he was running through the hospital. "What happened?"One of the nurses asked. "My dad has been shot during a robbery,"Archie replied.The nurse gently lied Mr.Andrews on the hospital coat and rolled him the a hospital room.Archie pulled out his phone and called his friends Jughead,Betty,and Veronica.A few minutes later the three friends came rushing through the door."Archie are you ok,"as she looked at his bloody clothes."My dad got shot in Pop's." "Betty you wanna go check it out,said jughead." Yeah let's go see if we can find anything that he left behind so we can identify him,Betty replied." They drove to Pop's and walked him pop was already bringing out the mop to mop up the blood."Sorry were closed kids,"Pop says."Were here to check out the crime scene to see if the robber left something behind,"said Jughead."Go right,"Pop replied. "I don't think this was a robbery,"Jughead said.Betty replied "What makes you say that" "he left the money behind,"Jughead remarked.