
The Black Gate

"You know, darling, when was younger, I dreamt of finding the City of Towers and to live in one of its majestic silver towers. Unfortunately, it seems I wasn't meant for it..." "Don't be sad mother... I will go and search for it, and when I find it, I will bring you with me so that we can live there in peace!" "Oh my, what a caring son you are~ I'm sure you will succeed, and I'm certain that the Lady of the Gate will light your path... James" Year 842 of the Era of the Radiant Sun. On the northern shore of the Redcia peninsula, a hooded youth wandering is boarding on a galeon in search of a legend and to fulfill an old promise. Will the young one fail in his quest? Or will he emerge victorious? And if he was to succeed, how will he react to the fact that legends often do not fully align with reality? ---------------------------------------------- Aslo published on Neobook and Royal Road

DottierPeak · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

After moving Agata to her bed, James and Margaret returned to the bathroom to finish tending to the boy's wounds. After cleaning and disinfecting the wounds, Margaret said, "Okay, now we need to apply some stitches to close the wounds."

"Alright," James said, preparing himself for the painful process. However, he was surprised when Margaret, instead of a needle and thread, pulled out adhesive stitches from the kit, unbeknownst to him. Margaret proceeded to close all the wounds and applied a strange, semi-transparent ointment that seemed to reflect the light with shades of green and violet.

"This ointment accelerates cell regeneration; it's a bit expensive, but it usually allows normal wounds to heal in a few hours. In this case, it says it should enable almost complete healing in 2 or 3 days," Margaret explained, pointing to what she had found on the internet.

But James had already stopped listening. '2 or 3 days!? In the name of the Lady of the Gate, how is that even possible? It would have taken me one or two weeks to heal, even without considering the risk of infection. So, is this how the people of the City of Towers live?' he thought furiously, watching the girl as she applied the final bandages to his wounds.

Seeing James intensely observing her, Margaret became embarrassed once again. "Uh, is there something wrong? It didn't hurt too much, did it?"

"No, your care has been more than adequate. It's just that when you said you'd close the wound, I was thinking more of a needle and thread... not whatever you put on me now," James explained, timidly touching the bandage.

"Needle and thread? Hahaha... James, we're in 777, not 650," Margaret laughed. But James was even more confused by the girl's words.

"777? I don't understand. This is the year 847 of the Radiant Sun Era..."

At this point, an awkward silence fell between them. Margaret looked surprised, while James seemed like a fish out of water.

"Tell me the truth, James. Are you the fugitive they're looking for, the one who came from the Dark Lands?" It wasn't a question but a statement.

James didn't immediately respond to the girl, simply tilting his head to the side. The gesture reminded Margaret of a confused puppy, completely dissolving the air of a dangerous criminal he had previously projected.

"It's true that I arrived here by ship, and the guards are still chasing me. But Dark Lands? I've never heard of such a place. The ship I was on departed from Chipton, the capital of the United Provinces of Redcia."

Again, an awkward silence filled the room.

"Ah... um, you see, Dark Lands is the name we give to all lands outside..." Margaret hesitated, trying to explain without potentially offending the boy.

"So, this is how the City of Towers sees us..." James muttered to himself.

"City of Towers? Is that what you call Thoule on the continent?" Margaret asked.

"Yes, although for us, this place is almost more of a myth than anything else. Many don't even believe it really exists," James explained before smiling timidly and mumbling, "But I did it. I finally found it, Mother..."

Margaret barely heard James's mumble, but she decided not to inquire further.

"Well, I guess you must be feeling very disoriented right now. I don't know much about the continent, but from what I know, life there is very... different? So while we wait for my sister to wake up, feel free to ask me anything."

"Thank you, Margaret, really. My arrival here has been quite turbulent. Carriages moving without horses, huge iron and glass towers, lights without flames. I spent the last day and night running, and I admit that my mind still hasn't processed everything I've seen," James said, smiling gently at the girl. But then his smile faded, revealing a darker and more serious expression.

"But I also know that, even though my shoulder has been treated, I'm not out of danger yet. The guards are still after me, and if they find out that you've given me shelter, you and your sister could be in danger. So maybe it's best if I leave."

James was about to get up and collect his belongings when Margaret stopped him. "No, wait! You can't leave now. What should I tell my sister? Besides, it's dangerous to go out at night; there could still be police patrols in the neighborhood. Stay at least for the night."

Normally, James couldn't understand why the girl was insisting so much on having him stay the night. After all, in his eyes, he must be nothing more than an intruder and the reason for her sister losing consciousness. Maybe she was just genuinely kind? Even if that were the case, James would have simply left the apartment and disappeared from their lives forever. But in hearing the girl's plea, a distant memory passed before his eyes.

A girl, roughly Margaret's age, running in the desert sand, trying to reach him. Her skin was sun-kissed, her hair as brown as Margaret's, and her eyes were a bright blue, like the sky. She wore a long dress of fine white silk, and gold and gemstone jewelry adorned her body.

"Please don't go! Stay here a little longer. At least for the night!" The vision lasted only a few moments before the desert girl vanished, leaving only Margaret in front of him.

"So, what do you say, James? Just for one night, so I can explain everything to my sister (so that she doesn't kill me), and then you can do whatever you want," Margaret looked at James for a few seconds before he sighed.

"Alright, I'll stay for the night. I just hope your sister won't attack me again with... whatever that contraption is," James conceded.

At this remark, Margaret responded with a nervous laugh. "Hahaha... yeah, I hope so too," before shaking her head.

"Well, I doubt I'll be able to fall asleep so easily now, so as I said, feel free to ask me anything. I'll explain all the secrets and mysteries of Thoule!" Margaret said, crossing her arms and grinning proudly with her head held high.

James, meanwhile, took a seat on a chair and, after a few minutes of contemplation, said, "Come to think of it, I had a question from earlier." He pointed at the cell phone on the table. "What is that magical device, and in the name of the Lady of the Gate, what is this 'internet' I've been hearing about since I arrived on this island?"

At this question, Margaret's smile dropped. "Oh boi... This will be a long night..."


Agata woke up at 8 in the morning when the sunlight, filtering through the curtains, hit her in the face.

"Mhmm... what time is it? Margaret?" Opening her eyes, she saw that she was in her bed but still dressed instead of her usual pajamas. Agata, on the other hand, was sleeping peacefully in her own bed.

"Wow, I must have been really wiped out yesterday; I fell asleep without even changing..." She got out of bed to go to the kitchen and get a glass of water. Entering the kitchen and filling her glass, she couldn't help but think about the strange dream she had that night.

"A dark and mysterious hunk shirtless in my bathroom... What kind of dreams are you having, Agata?" She muttered to herself. "Maybe I should really find myself a boyfriend. But how can I? I don't have time for dating..." She said, returning to her room.

"He was really hot, though..." 

*Crash!* Agata let the glass shatter on the floor when she saw the young man from her dream sitting in the corner of the living room, sleeping. James immediately opened his eyes when he heard the glass fall. His gaze wandered around the room until it met Agata's. For Agata, seeing James's eyes brought back all the memories of the previous night—the young man, the blood, and Margaret.

Agata let out a scream and rushed to the kitchen to grab the first knife she saw, intending to defend herself from her "attacker." Unfortunately, what she pulled out was nothing more than a butter knife.

"Wait, please, I have no malicious intentions," James said, raising his hands in a gesture of surrender and taking a small step forward.

"Stay where you are, you maniac! What are you doing here? What have you done to Margaret?" Agata screamed, terrified, completely forgetting that she had seen her sister sleeping just a few minutes earlier.

But before James could respond, Margaret entered the living room, looking furious.

"Can I know why you're yelling so early in the morning during weekend!? The only days while i can sleep over!" Both adults stiffened at Margaret's tone.

"Margaret, run away! Ther is maniac in our house!" Screamed Agata

"Margaret, what i do your sister want to attack me again" Said James not knowing what to do.

"You both shut the fuck up!" Both of them shut they mouths in shock. 

"Agata, put that knife away, and you, James, stop making my sister scream when I'm trying to sleep!"

"Yes, ma'am!" They both responded instinctively, straightening their postures.

"This is exactly why I don't wake you up before I go to work," Agata thought, placing the knife on the table. Her sister was incredibly irritable in the early morning, especially on weekends.

Meanwhile, James wondered where the sweet girl from the night before had gone and why now she seemed to be talking to a Red Army sergeant.

Margaret then took a deep breath and addressed her sister.

"Now, big sis, let me explain everything that happened before you faint like a sack of potatoes again."

-------------------------One Big Explanation Later------------

After Margaret's lengthy explanation, the three of them were seated at the kitchen table. Agata and Margaret were on one side, and James was on the opposite side.

"So let me get this straight," said Agata, pointing at James. "You found him..." Indicating James. "Injured but armed, after he fell onto our balcony. And instead of calling the police, not only did you let him in, but you also treated his wounds. And finally, even though you knew he was a fugitive, you still gave him permission to stay the night here," she concluded, looking at James menacingly.

"In my defense, she insisted on making me stay," James said, not wasting a moment to trow Margaret under the bus.

"Hey, I thought you were on my side! I even taught you how to use WeTube!" exclaimed the brown-haired girl.

"Sorry, but I've just arrived here. I don't intend to die after only two days, thanks a lot," James said shamelessly.

"Stop chattering as if I'm not here," Agata said, getting irritated by the two.

"But, big sis, how could I leave him outside? Look at him; he's injured. Can we keep him? At least until he recovers. We can make him sleep on the couch!" Margaret pleaded.

"Margaret, he's not a stray dog," Agata said, exasperated, before continuing, "And we can't keep him. He could be dangerous. Besides, he comes from the Dark Lands; what if he has some strange disease?"

'I'm still here, you know...' James thought, preferring not say anything for now.

"And what do you want to do, just send him back on the streets? He doesn't even know what a car is; he'd end up getting run over!" Margaret exclaimed.

"Even if that were true, we can't have him here. What if the police find out? I could get into serious trouble for aiding and abetting a criminal," the older sister argued.

"Seriously sister? You know that is unlikely that the police will ever set foot in this district for just one fugitive. And even then im sure we can ask Dorea to help us, she will know what to do." Margaret concluded.

"Even if that were true, we don't have the money to feed another mouth, especially if he now in farc an hobo... um, no offense, James," Agata said, realizing only now that she had insulted the man who had already shown that he could easily harm her.

"Um... no offense taken? Anyway, if you're done, I'd like to have my say. I'm very grateful to both of you for accommodating me in your home. But Miss Agata is right. Right now, I'm just an economic burden to you. So please allow me to repay your hospitality," James said, then went to retrieve something from his bag.

"Wait, James, there's no need for you to give us anything," Margaret said.

"Yeah, and not to be rude, but you don't seem to have much value, let alone Xenons to spare," Agata continued.

After getting what he needed, James returned to the table. "I don't know what Xenons are, although I assume it's the local currency. But I hope these can reimburse you for the trouble and perhaps allow me to stay a little longer until my wounds heal completely." James then placed eight gleaming gold coins on the table.

Agata: "..."

Margaret: "..."

James: "..."

Agata: "Do you want me to put those clothes in the laundry, James?"