
The Black Gate

"You know, darling, when was younger, I dreamt of finding the City of Towers and to live in one of its majestic silver towers. Unfortunately, it seems I wasn't meant for it..." "Don't be sad mother... I will go and search for it, and when I find it, I will bring you with me so that we can live there in peace!" "Oh my, what a caring son you are~ I'm sure you will succeed, and I'm certain that the Lady of the Gate will light your path... James" Year 842 of the Era of the Radiant Sun. On the northern shore of the Redcia peninsula, a hooded youth wandering is boarding on a galeon in search of a legend and to fulfill an old promise. Will the young one fail in his quest? Or will he emerge victorious? And if he was to succeed, how will he react to the fact that legends often do not fully align with reality? ---------------------------------------------- Aslo published on Neobook and Royal Road

DottierPeak · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 0

Acropolis, February 22, 7 pm

In a grand conference hall nestled within one of the city's colossal buildings, a charismatic man took the stage. His image was broadcast on the massive advertising screens and televisions across the Thoule archipelago. With his long, flowing white hair and fair complexion, he exuded an air of elegance and youthfulness.


"Good evening, citizens of Thoule. Today, on February 22, I am Samuel LaVey, the CEO of Asclepius Pharm," he announced as he stretched his arms wide.

Before him, an enraptured audience hung on to his every word, captivated by his charisma.

"As you all know, Thoule traces its origins back 777 years, when a group of enlightened minds led by Prometheus sought to escape the oppression of the Dark Lands. They yearned for a place where their ideas could flourish, free from bigotry and fundamentalism."

Samuel's words resonated with the audience, drawing them further into his narrative.

"On their journey, they discovered the Asteri archipelago, which they transformed into their haven. It became home to brilliant minds from across the world, all seeking to advance humanity without constraint."

"Over the centuries, the population grew enormously, and the villages scattered across the archipelago expanded so much that they became city-state, the seven poleis that still make up Thoule: Chora, Zunik, Summut, Artemica, Roxa, Yrgos, and the most important, the center of the power of Thoules and founded by Prometheus himself, Acropolis. The city-state then united into a single power and government, Thoule!"

A map of Thoule iwas shown in the screen behind him.


"Centuries passed, and our civilization outpaced that of the outside world, still mired in archaic practices. They continue to rely on animals for their most efficient means of transportation."

This playful jab elicited laughter from the crowd.

"However, we have much to achieve. Seventy years ago, my grandfather, Adam LaVey, unlocked the potential of humanity by creating the first Awakened. These individuals could reshape the world not through labor but solely through the power of their minds." the man tapped his forehead with his index finger.

"The first Awakened was a telekinetic, which today we would classify as class 2, nothing exceptional. But back then, thousands of people across Thoule volunteered for treatment, and in less than a century, we gathered so much data that now anyone can attempt to become Awakened without suffering any consequences in case of failure. But for 2.045% of them, the treatment awakens the true potential of the human mind!"

Samuel demonstrated his point by making a gesture with his hand and then empty chairs began to float and move to the side of the stage, where they contorted and merged to form a swan statue made of the metal from the chairs. At this demonstration of his abilities, the people in the hall applauded the display of power and mastery.

"But unfortunately, we still have much work to do in perfecting the process. Of that 2.045%, 89% will become a class 1 Awakened at most, class 2. Meaning that their potential is not completely realized during the process and lost forever. And only 0.30% reach class 4 or 5, meaning that only a few thousand individuals in all of Thoule will be able to unlock their full potential."

After a brief silence. 

"But this limit is no more, let me introduce you Lucas"

On the screens behind Samuel, a video showed a 15-year-old boy freezing a cup of water with his hands.

"Lucas underwent treatment at the age of 12, and at 15, he was confirmed as a class 1 Awakened, possessing cryokinesis capable of cooling only small volumes of matter. Now, normally, Lucas wouldn't have been able to do much to increase his power except for years of training that would not have led to significant improvements. But today, I want to show you that even this limit has been overcome. Please give a warm welcome to Lucas!"

At this point, a young man in his twenties stood up from the audience. He had platinum blond hair, blue eyes, and was dressed entirely in white. As the young man walked toward the stage, the liquid in the guests' glasses sprayed into the air and began to hover on the ceiling before forming the shape of another swan and then instantly freezing, creating a perfect representation of the animal. 


The spectators in the hall and those watching the event on television were astonished to see the ice statue not fall but remain in the air before flapping its wings to fly alongside the boy who was now standing next to the man.

"Incredible, isn't it? Beyond the abilities of a class 1, you might say. And I can tell you that you're right because Lucas," said the man, placing his hand on the boy's shoulder.

"Has been reclassified as a Class 4 Awakened." Samuel announced.

This revelation astonished the audience, as it had never been known for an Awakened to increase their class.

"No deception here, i assure you" Samuel assured them.

He then unveiled a vial containing a radiant golden substance.

"Let me introduce you to QN-X333, also known as ambrosia. The result of decades of research, the only known way to break the barriers created by the Awakening treatment and perhaps the key to allowing everyone to break their barriers and unlock their potential!"

Samuel concluded with a triumphant declaration: "Remember this evening, my friends, as it marks the beginning of humanity's ascent to godhood."

The audience erupted in applause, while Samuel and Lucas discreetly exited the venue.


Meanwhile, on that same night, a galleon sailed through the murky waters that separated Thoule from the Dark Lands. Thick fog obscured their surroundings, making navigation treacherous and young man with piercing blue eyes watched from the boat lookout as an ominous buzzing sound grew louder. Suddenly, beams of light pierced the fog, heading straight for their ship.

"Damn, they've spotted us!" the young man shouted as he descended to alert the crew.

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