
Chapter 1 Heat

Heat it's the one of the only things I feel anymore that and wrath, for those that don't know it means rage those are the two things I feel anymore and it sucks not as much as being in hell that's for sure. So guessing you want to know how I ended here in hell and how I earned the name Wrath, well it all starts back in the 1940's and if I'm right 1943, but that doesn't matter what matters is how the story right back when I was human.

It was clear in the scrap yard we spent the day helping the owner and keeping the place clean, while the enforcers kept the peace in the city,I don't remember the name it was so long ago, but it was this day that a challenge was issued by a rival gang, a territory fight, a bare knuckle brawl between their best fighter and ours, which I was my gangs top fighter so it was me verse some guy named Dave. We went on for 3 good round trading blows like we we're wild animals, I could feel when a punch of mine broke a rip or cracked a bone, the trill of the fight got me going the more I hit him the longer I wanted this fight to last, he was someone the could put up a fight a damn good fight from what I remember. That is until he drew a pearl gripped black steel Smith and Wesson 44 magnum and shot me through the chest the bullet tore through my body like I was paper the shot rang out like a gong in my ears as blood started to fill my lung, the best fight of my live was with a cheater and as I fell I saw my fiancee tears in her eyes, my hate burned like molten rock anyone who made her cry would die, I got up and rushed Dave his back turned and I snapped his neck and watched his body drop. Mine gave out at this point and I died, I felt the cold void wrap around me when I saw the Grim reaper I wasn't scared I was ready to move on, but I asked him my voice rough and scratchy from having a hole in the heart and lung "watch over her keep her save please". I asked this because the woman I loved didn't deserve to be hurt, the Reaper nodded and turned to lead me away and I followed not knowing if I was going to heaven or hell, but if I had to guess I'd end up in hell why should I go to heaven I broke the law to do what I thought was right and in my last moments, I killed a man a sin that is not easily forgiven in a few seconds.

I forgot what happened next all I know is that my hair fell over my eyes in a dark navy blue color my skin was pale white, and there was a black dot where I was shot and I was in a room of stone with blood on the floor and walls, the bed that hung from the wall was clean but something told me not for long I didn't know where I was but I knew I had died and I wasn't afraid to do it again, my instincts were telling to fight and win so I got up off the floor and readied myself with some stretches. The door opened and I rushed forward knocking the guard on the ground and he was big I guess my 6'8" well build frame helped, I then picked him up and threw him the room and closed the door and started running, where to? I had no idea but I soon entered an opening which I realized was an arena, I was meant to be a fighter and I was ready for it what I wasn't ready for was that the flood looked like it was river of souls, bloody and deformed or that my foe looked liked a Minotaur, didn't help he fought like one too and I was beaten, I felt the flood open and the souls grabbed me to pull me in but I wasn't that, I felt my rage build and my blood boil till my body was covered in these black flames the burned the souls and let me crawl or swim, however they worked back into the arena and getting cocky I yelled to my opponent, "Hey I didn't hear a damn bell did you?" and the fight started again only this time I would win. He charged me and I spin to the the side and grabbed his left horn, with my my might I pulled and broke it off his head, his cries of pain made the crowd cheer and they made me smile, I used this broken as a weapon and cut him across the chest. This go well for me as I was left open he punched me in the side but I used the force and movement to send the horn through his skull killing him, the crowd roared as the flames didn't die I was still pissed off and start to beat the dead body more leaving cuts and burns till there was nothing but a pile of burnt meat and a horn. this is when the king or emperor stepped into the arena, being blind with rage I rushed him only for him to back hand me into a wall knocking me out cold, his voice was the last thing I could hear before I closed my eyes it was strong yet soft as he spoke to me "You can use the flames of wrath and showed rage like I haven't seen in hundreds of years, so I will dub you Wrath the demon of the sin of wrath, wear the name with pride and honor as I train you." and then I was out.