1 chapter 1

on a dark Saturday two Christian's married one named Lara and matt one day lara wakes up not feeling good come to find out she's pregnant she wants up and tells matt the both jump with joy a couple weeks go by matt wakes up yelling lara wake up you're bleeding she wakes up screaming and crying they rush to the doctor the doctor tells her she lost the baby two weeks go by and matt is working from the house lara in the room crying she hears a sound in the basement lara lara come here she goes to the basement she sees a black creature with red eyes he replies with a smile u want a baby she nods in fear here get your husband to eat this then do it you'll have a special baby she smiles later that night she put the thing in his food after he ate she went right at him she wakes up a few weeks later throwing up nine months fly by she has a baby boy born with fangs and claws they go away expect his fangs matt is furious he is not my child he storms out two nights later she hears mama walks out her room she smiles I shall call u ruki good name the shadow replies it's time to tell u the truth he's something powerful he's the devils son the black devil raises him well she smiles I plan to.

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