
The Bizarre Love Game Where Everyone's a Yandere

The protagonist, Elias, inadvertently enters the second iteration of the game world known as "Yandere". Due to his neglect of emotional connections with female characters in the first round, this oversight becomes extremely dangerous in this real-world iteration. The fictional heroines now exist in reality, transformed into dangerous and unstable "Yanderes". Elias's survival hinges on his ability to forge emotional bonds and the system's limited capacity to restart. His journey is a blend of dark adventure and inner growth, fighting alongside captured allies to unravel the secrets of the game world. Tags # Yandere # Weak to Strong # Apocalypse # Harem # No NTR # No Yuri # May Contain R18 Content (Chapters will be marked)

BlazeMaddox · Fantasy
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355 Chs

Chapter 29: Skepticism

Elias turned slightly to meet Isabella's deep green eyes. "You think Luna did it?" he asked.

 "Just a suspicion," she whispered, glancing at the policemen. "After all, she's the only one familiar with the school and with enough motive during this time."

 "You've mentioned she harbors hostility towards any girl getting close to you," Isabella casually flipped through the files in Elias's hands. "Do you recognize any of these missing students?"

 Elias shook his head. "No, I don't know any of them." He was still skeptical about Isabella's theory. 

Although he had initially doubted Luna, he couldn't fathom her motive. Besides, they'd been together all this time, even sleeping in the same place. 

It seemed unlikely she'd sneak out to commit such a crime. Luna might be eccentric, but not a homicidal maniac.

 "You seem to trust your monster sis quite a bit," Isabella remarked with a hint of jealousy.

 "One thing at a time..." Elias tried to present his evidence. "Look at the times these students disappeared. Luna was with me then..."

 While they whispered, the policemen grew restless.

 "Finished with the files? Any thoughts?" Chief Leonardo asked Elias, seemingly eager for new insights.

 Elias shook his head. "Nothing yet."

 "Alright then..." Chief Leonardo sighed and checked his pocket watch. "It's getting late. We should head back."

 Officer Leon collected the files from Elias. 

As they prepared to leave, Chief Leonardo turned back and leaned in close to Elias, whispering, "Have you encountered any anomalies lately? Otherworldly beings, mystical forces, black magic... You know what I mean."

 He gave Elias a knowing look, a private understanding between them. 

They had faced many bizarre incidents together, and Leonardo naturally thought of these possibilities.

 "Otherworldly beings, huh..." Elias glanced at Isabella. Of course, he had encountered them – Isabella herself was an enigmatic creature, and then there was Luna.

 He and otherworldly beings were almost fated...

 But he just smiled and lied, "Haven't seen anything."

 "If you find anything new, let me know immediately," Chief Leonardo urged seriously.

 Elias nodded. After bidding farewell, the officers left Isabella's office. 

But as they turned the corner in the hallway...Officer Leon quickly glanced around to ensure no one was eavesdropping, then turned to Chief Leonardo with pressing curiosity. 

"Chief, why are you so concerned about that student?" he asked, baffled. 

"By your own admission, he's just a curious kid chasing after mysterious events, not a real detective. He doesn't seem that remarkable to me."

 But to his surprise, Chief Leonardo just shook his head with a wry smile. "Do you really think he's just an ordinary person?" he asked seriously. "Surviving so many bizarre events that even I hesitate to get involved in is unbelievable."

 He reminded Leon of the extraordinary individuals in the asylum, their minds and bodies warped by constant exposure to mysterious forces. Leon shuddered at the memory.

 "Remember their state, and then think about Elias," Chief Leonardo prompted.

 Leon's face showed confusion. "Many things are better left unexplored," the Chief advised, patting Leon's shoulder meaningfully. "He's not someone to be trifled with. When analyzing situations, consider all aspects, or you might end up being my seventh assistant..."

 Leon was struck with a chilling realization. Had six assistants before him met grim fates?

 After Chief Leonardo left, a prompt suddenly appeared before Elias, bringing a hint of surprise to his face.

 [Chapter One: The Ghost of Saint Rose University.] 

[Save Point Updated: Magi-Guidance Counselor's Office, Class B. ]

[Save Attempts Remaining: 5/5.]

 Elias couldn't hide his excitement; the update of the save point meant he had finally made it through the long "first level." Although Luna's shadow still loomed, he now had a few extra lives.

 Isabella, noticing his giddy expression, curiously asked, "What are you smiling about?"

 "Just thinking about something happy," Elias replied with a shake of his head, keeping the details to himself.

 "Don't you want to share with your Professor?" Isabella pouted, feigning sadness. "Kids these days... always with their secrets."

 Elias chuckled at her dramatics. "I was pondering over one of life's great mysteries - 'what to eat tonight'. I think I'm close to an answer."

 Isabella scoffed, not buying his playful evasion. "Fine, keep your secrets!"

 "It's true!" Elias claimed, effortlessly lying, "Tonight, we feast on the legendary 'Stargazer Pie'."

 Changing the subject, Isabella leaned in, "From your conversation with the Chief, it seems you're going to help investigate this case?"

 Elias nodded. He was indeed planning to do so, enticed by the chapter rewards of attribute bonuses and a mysterious item.

 "You really do have a death wish, don't you?" Isabella mused. "And with your monster sister watching over you..."

 Elias just smiled wryly, knowing that the threat from Luna was what drove him to continuously improve himself.

 "I might have some clues about the case," Isabella said suddenly, her demeanor turning serious. She went to her desk and rummaged through a cabinet, eventually pulling out a stack of newspapers.

 "Mysterious Cult Emerges,"

 "Ritual Killings to Summon Dark Deities?" 

"Cult Activity in the City's Underbelly: Police Clueless!"

The bold headlines immediately caught Elias's attention. 

The articles detailed a sinister cult that had been active in the city's lower districts, notorious for its brutal methods of human sacrifice. 

This cult's cruel practices had left a negative impact on society.

 "I've been following this case closely too,Professor. The student disappearances immediately made me think of this cult. Their methods are similar, targeting vulnerable, isolated victims. What do you think?" Elias asked, studying the information on the newspapers intently.

 "It does seem similar, but we need more investigation; the clues are too sparse right now..." Elias mused, gathering the newspapers to take with him. "You don't mind if I take these, do you?"

 "Go ahead," she waved dismissively. "Let me know if you find anything."

 Elias smiled, ready to leave the office. Isabella watched him, muttering, "Bringing you here wasn't for all this... Those policemen, always a nuisance..."

 Elias chuckled at her evident disappointment. He was grateful to Chief Leonardo for the interruption. Without it, he wasn't sure how he would have handled Isabella's intense attention.

 As he was about to leave, a question that had long puzzled him resurfaced. Elias gave Isabella a thorough, thoughtful look and finally asked, "So, the real question is..."

 "Did you wear underwear during class?" 
