
The Bizarre Love Game Where Everyone's a Yandere

The protagonist, Elias, inadvertently enters the second iteration of the game world known as "Yandere". Due to his neglect of emotional connections with female characters in the first round, this oversight becomes extremely dangerous in this real-world iteration. The fictional heroines now exist in reality, transformed into dangerous and unstable "Yanderes". Elias's survival hinges on his ability to forge emotional bonds and the system's limited capacity to restart. His journey is a blend of dark adventure and inner growth, fighting alongside captured allies to unravel the secrets of the game world. Tags # Yandere # Weak to Strong # Apocalypse # Harem # No NTR # No Yuri # May Contain R18 Content (Chapters will be marked)

BlazeMaddox · Fantasy
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355 Chs

Chapter 27: Isabella's Suggestive Actions

After class, when Isabella left, the classroom's atmosphere became lively again, as if everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Despite being young and attractive, which would typically make her popular among students, most of them were actually quite intimidated by her.

Elias had experienced her stern and cold side today, leaving him with mixed feelings as he approached the office.

He knocked softly on the door.

"Come in," came a cool voice.

Entering the office, he was greeted by rows of bookshelves and half-drawn curtains, casting shadows in the room.

Before Elias could say a word, he was suddenly pulled inside.

Isabella's strength was surprisingly strong, catching Elias off guard as she embraced him and pushed him against the door, causing a loud thud.

"Ms. Isabella? What are you doing?"

Elias gazed at her in shock. In that moment, Isabella seemed to have abandoned all reason. Her cheek pressed tightly against his neck, she inhaled his scent greedily. The proud curves of her upper body were pressed close to his, and that familiar, captivating fragrance swirled around him, entwining with his senses.


"Affection Level: 68 ↑"

"Description: Enchanted by beautiful things, currently deeply captivated by Elias's smile"

"Professor misses you so much~"

"Hasn't seen you for three days... Elias, have you missed the professor?"

Her voice was muffled, as her cheeks were still buried in Elias's neck. It wasn't until a long while later that she finally lifted her gaze, staring straight into Elias's eyes.

Elias looked helplessly at those dark green eyes so close to his, feeling the intense love emanating from them. To be honest, he was a bit scared of such a gaze; Luna was a precedent. Previously, courting Professor Isabella was a desperate act for survival, but he hadn't anticipated it becoming another hazard. He really didn't want to be liked by these powerful and strange beings... It could be deadly!

"I do, I really do..." Elias tried to wriggle free from Isabella's embrace. "Professor, as much as I miss you, could you please let go of me first..."

"Don't be shy," Isabella whispered, moving closer to Elias's ear.

"Do you remember what the professor said in the classroom?"

Her tone was ambiguously seductive.

Elias, pressed so close to her, felt almost overwhelmed. But his cock struggled fiercely, trying to hide its true thoughts.

"I don't remember..."

Elias's flushed face and his efforts to resist only amused Isabella more. Her gaze deepened, intently focusing on the man before her.



"Come to my place tonight." She extended the invitation again, eagerly awaiting his response.

Elias shook his head firmly once more, saying, "No, I won't go."

The atmosphere suddenly froze, as if time itself had paused. Isabella's eyes conveyed a dangerous aura.

"Why?" she questioned, "Is it because of your sis?"

isabella slightly loosened her grip but kept her arms propped at Elias's sides, as if guarding him.

"In what way am I inferior to that monster sis of yours?" she persisted, "Whether in looks, demeanor, or even..."

As she spoke, she grasped Elias's right arm tightly, pressing it against her own ample chest.

Due to the injury on his right arm, Elias couldn't withdraw his hand at all, leaving him no choice but to allow her teasing antics that seemed like a jest.

The soft touch from her chest mixed with the faint pain from his arm wound created an indescribable sensation.

"To be fair, professor, yours are indeed a bit larger..."

"Are they?" Isabella smiled proudly.

"The problem isn't that..." Elias said with a bitter smile, looking at her, "You don't understand the situation at my home. If we keep this up, I might end up dead..."

"Are you that afraid of your sis?"

Elias nodded helplessly.

Isabella frowned slightly, "Die? Is it that serious? Does she really want to kill you?"

"You saw what happened that day..." Elias said with a wry smile.


Isabella had never imagined that Elias's monstrous sister was truly that insane.

She had thought the incident in the basement was just some inappropriate punishment game between the two, at most just physical punishment.

Even the idea of cutting off limbs was within her comprehension; such perversions were not uncommon in the city of Saint Rose. But she had never thought she truly wanted to kill Elias.

However, when she saw the terror in Elias's eyes and heard him say, "She will kill me," she realized the girl's insanity.

"That day you told me, it was you who saved that monster, raised her. Isn't her doing this extremely ungrateful?" 

Isabella couldn't comprehend such ingratitude. She touched Elias's forehead, filled with pity.

"Ms. Isabella, I'm not terrified," Elias explained. "She really wants to kill me. I thought we were just friends, but I never expected her to treat me this way."

Isabella was silent for a moment, then gently patted Elias's shoulder. "You poor child, you must be terrified. That monster is just threatening you."

"It's true, Ms. Isabella..." Elias was nearly ready to swear it, "It's a matter of life and death!"

Unfortunately, Isabella couldn't see it.

Every time he died, the timeline would abruptly stop and rewind to the starting save point. The experiences in between were remembered only by him.

"Is that so..."

Seeing Elias's serious expression, Isabella suddenly became intensely interested in the events surrounding him. "Your monster sister must be obsessed, unable to bear seeing you with other women. I'm really curious about the unforgettable past you two must have shared..."

"You've got a monster for a sister at home, and you yourself are an occultist who can concoct potions even I've never seen before," Isabella mused.

"I've researched your past four years, the events linked with mystical forces. Your presence is always there." Isabella gently caressed Elias's cheek, her eyes gleaming with an unusual light.

"I'm getting more and more curious about you..."

Elias met her gaze, his expression serious and earnest. "Curiosity might cost you your life."

"Just like the warnings you gave me about magic," he continued. "Being associated with me brings death and destruction. Anyone who gets involved is unfortunate."

"So..." He sighed, "let's end this. Continuing won't bring good outcomes for either of us."

The atmosphere grew quiet for a long while. Elias even thought Isabella had taken his words to heart. Unexpectedly, she suddenly burst into laughter, covering her mouth as she shook with mirth.

"What's so funny?" Elias frowned.

Isabella took a while to calm down, then pointed to a bookshelf. "Third row, second book, there's a cliché line from a romance novel, exactly like your last sentence."

Elias looked at her, helpless. Was she mocking him? "Come on!" Isabella wrapped her arms around Elias somewhat imperiously. "You've seen what I'm capable of, what's there to fear?"

When Isabella thought of Elias's monster sister, she scoffed. "I can't be killed; trying to do so only makes me stronger. It's a talent etched in my blood. I'd actually like to spar with her, I've got nothing to lose."

"If you're really scared..." Isabella's smile turned seductive as she extended another invitation. "Then come stay at my place! In my house, I call the shots, no one can mess around!"

"How did we get back to this topic..." Elias was speechless, feeling like she was somehow trying to lure him to her place.

Regardless, Elias managed a grateful smile, about to refuse again when the door they leaned on suddenly echoed with urgent knocking. The commotion outside was chaotic, as if many people had arrived.

"Elias and Isabella, are you there?" 

"Please open the door, this is an investigation from the Saint Rose City Police!"