
The Bizarre Love Game Where Everyone's a Yandere

The protagonist, Elias, inadvertently enters the second iteration of the game world known as "Yandere". Due to his neglect of emotional connections with female characters in the first round, this oversight becomes extremely dangerous in this real-world iteration. The fictional heroines now exist in reality, transformed into dangerous and unstable "Yanderes". Elias's survival hinges on his ability to forge emotional bonds and the system's limited capacity to restart. His journey is a blend of dark adventure and inner growth, fighting alongside captured allies to unravel the secrets of the game world. Tags # Yandere # Weak to Strong # Apocalypse # Harem # No NTR # No Yuri # May Contain R18 Content (Chapters will be marked)

BlazeMaddox · Fantasy
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355 Chs

Chapter 12:A Crafty Response

Facing Luna, Elias put on a falsely gentle smile. "Didn't I ask you to wait in the classroom? Why are you here?"

"The others in the classroom..." Luna lowered her head. "They were too enthusiastic. Luna doesn't like that. Luna wants to be with bro."

Elias ruffled her hair affectionately. "That's because you're adorable and popular."

Luna hesitantly looked up. "Are you done with your work, bro?"

"It's done."

"Oh..." Luna's blue eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Is that Professor Isabella... really pretty?"

Elias tensed up, fearing involvement with Isabella, whom he had grown fond of. However, he managed to keep a calm facade. "Why do you ask? Who told you about her?"

"Mmm... Luna heard it from your classmates. They say Professor Isabella is pretty... but a bit strict..."

Elias paused, recalling his recent experience in her office. Strict? That didn't seem to match the Isabella he met.

Hiding his doubts, Elias played along: "Yeah... she's very strict, and quite harsh. I don't want to go to her office again..."

"Ah! Really?"

"Yes! Like she's going through early menopause!" Elias feigned disgust.

"That's good..." Luna seemed relieved, her smile returning.

"Then let's go home, bro!"

Elias also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. 

As long as it didn't involve Professor Isabella, he believed she probably wouldn't mind him scolding her a bit...

Hand in hand, they left the hallway, laughing and chatting. However, as they turned to leave, Luna glanced back thoughtfully at the office.


On the way home, Luna again asked if she could skip school to stay with him. 

Elias's response was perfect. 

Having started anew for the third time in a row, he had already grasped Luna's temperament. 

He neither provoked her nor resisted, simply acquiescing to her requests. 

His proficiency was almost heart-wrenching...

Luna was in an exceptionally good mood, clinging to Elias's arm and even humming a tune. 

"Bro is so nice~" And for once, due to pleasing Luna, she didn't exhibit her near-obsessive possessiveness or handcuff Elias like a prisoner.

"I'm going to buy groceries!" Luna cheerfully waved at Elias. "Luna has been practicing cooking for four years!"

"Just wait at home for me, okay, bro?"

"Be careful, come back soon," Elias said insincerely, his words lacking genuine concern.

"Don't worry about me, bro!"

After she left and Elias counted a minute to ensure she was really gone, he rushed upstairs. 

Joking aside, how could he possibly wish for her to hurry back?

Elias even wished for her to quarrel and engage in a fight with the vegetable vendor.

[Stability Suppressing Potion x1]

[Potion in Progress...]

Though the potion hadn't been very effective last time, it was better to be prepared. 

Nervously, Elias glanced back at the door, silently praying for Luna to take her time returning.

One second... 

Two seconds... 

Thirty seconds...

[Preparation Complete]

The house remained quiet. 

Elias sighed in relief, slipping the glass bottle into his pocket. 

But after a moment of thought, he decided to hide it in a vase near the door, feeling safer.

Everything was going smoothly, almost unbelievably so. Dealing with the unpredictable Luna, he was overly cautious...

Night fell.

After returning, Luna prepared an exquisite meal for Elias, setting a table under the flickering candlelight, creating a serene and cozy atmosphere. 

Yet, Elias's heart raced uncontrollably, the scene reminiscent of a "deathly dinner." Whether he would see the next day's sun depended on tonight...

"Bro! Try Luna's cooking!" Luna's eyes were full of anticipation as Elias smiled and tasted the food she offered.

"Wow!" Elias exclaimed, genuinely surprised. "This is really good!"

His compliment wasn't a lie; Luna did have a knack for cooking. The previous time, his anxiousness had marred his taste.

"Really? It's that good?" Luna's eyes lit up.

"Really." Elias nodded. "Would I ever lie to you?"

"Bro must never lie to me~" Luna laughed happily, eagerly pushing more dishes towards him.

"Otherwise, Luna will be very angry."

Knowing her dislike for waste, Elias pretended to have a hearty appetite.

Luna watched him eat, her eyes curving into crescents, seemingly more satisfied watching him eat than eating herself.

The atmosphere remained pleasant until Luna suddenly spoke up.


"What is it?"

She glanced at the large, empty dining table and the quiet house, her eyes clouding over with complexity.

"In the past, we all used to eat together, it was so lively..."

"Now it's so empty... Do you miss those times, bro?"

Elias's heart skipped a beat at this critical question. A wrong answer could ruin everything.

He turned to Luna, understanding her sensitive, volatile nature. She fiercely opposed his interactions with other females, especially the heroines from the first run.

So, her question was a test, not genuine nostalgia.

"Actually, I do miss it a little bit..."

Surprisingly, Elias agreed with her, which immediately caused Luna's arms to tremble uncontrollably. The fire flickered, and the air grew colder.

[Pollution Level: 85↑]

"Is that so..." Luna's voice dropped, her eyes hidden.

"Brother... Do you still miss them? Am I not good enough?"

Elias smiled gently, caressing Luna's hair.

[Negotiation/Pacification (Master)]


In that moment, Elias looked deeply at Luna, as if seeing through her low spirits into her heart. He knew vulnerability made it easier to lower defenses.

The game of winning her over had begun.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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