
The Bizarre Love Game Where Everyone's a Yandere

The protagonist, Elias, inadvertently enters the second iteration of the game world known as "Yandere". Due to his neglect of emotional connections with female characters in the first round, this oversight becomes extremely dangerous in this real-world iteration. The fictional heroines now exist in reality, transformed into dangerous and unstable "Yanderes". Elias's survival hinges on his ability to forge emotional bonds and the system's limited capacity to restart. His journey is a blend of dark adventure and inner growth, fighting alongside captured allies to unravel the secrets of the game world. Tags # Yandere # Weak to Strong # Apocalypse # Harem # No NTR # No Yuri # May Contain R18 Content (Chapters will be marked)

BlazeMaddox · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
355 Chs

Chapter 10: A Young and Beautiful Professor

Upon receiving permission, Elias pushed the door open and entered the office. The ambiance was different from what he had imagined; the curtains were half-drawn, dimming the light.

 It seemed professor Isabella had a fondness for books. Shelves lined the walls, filled with thick, aged volumes. 

Elias glanced curiously at them: Mysticism, Divination, Spirit Communication, Beauty Guides... an eclectic mix, with hardly a textbook in sight. The office felt more like a witch's divination chamber than a school workspace.

 "How's your recovery going, Elias?" asked professor Isabella, her attention buried in manuscripts on her desk. 

She seemed busy, not bothering to look up. Elias wondered if the dim light strained her eyes as he approached her desk.

 "I guess... I'm probably all better now," he replied, not really lying. He didn't even know what ailment he had suffered, an inexplicable illness that came and went without explanation, something he had learned about through others, not the system...

 "You don't know your own health?" Isabella looked up in surprise, her gaze settling on Elias's face.

 Elias observed her closely too. Her youthful voice had surprised him, but seeing her up close, she seemed even younger than expected. 

This title-laden professor looked to be in her late twenties, almost like a recent graduate rather than a seasoned educator. 

Moreover, she was strikingly beautiful, with wavy brown hair and deep green eyes, a refined facial structure, fair skin, and an impressive figure. 

Elias wondered if all NPCs in this game had such high aesthetic standards.

 Isabella examined Elias and chuckled, "Hmm... you don't look very spirited, quite listless."

 Of course, he thought, after dying so many times, not losing his mind was an achievement in itself.

 Observing Elias's forlorn appearance, professor Isabella offered comfort. "First-year courses aren't too demanding. Make sure you rest enough." 

"I'll be leading your class this year. If you feel unwell, you can always ask me for a leave."

 "Thank you for your concern," Elias replied, grateful. She wasn't just young and beautiful but also genuinely caring, a rarity in his experience.

 "Oh, right, almost forgot the main matter," said Isabella, pulling out a thick stack of documents from a drawer. 

"The school still has your enrollment records. Although you're back in class, there are procedures to follow. There's a lot of paperwork, but don't rush."

 She handed him a pen, and Elias instinctively reached out to take it, accidentally brushing against Isabella's fingers. Her skin was soft and slightly cool. She quickly withdrew her hand, as if jolted by the contact.

"Uh... sorry about that," Elias apologized with a smile.

 "It's okay," she replied, dismissing the minor incident.

 But unexpectedly, a notification appeared:


 [Affection Level: 32]

 Elias frowned at the interface. The accidental contact had triggered the game's affection system, adding professor Isabella to the list that previously included only Luna.

 Not entirely surprising, since named characters in the game typically had an affection metric, aiding in task completion. High affection levels, at 50 and 100, offered rewards.

 However, compared to the significant bonuses from 'containing' the game's designated 'otherworldly' heroines, these rewards seemed minor. 

Elias had mostly ignored them before, but now, needing every advantage he could get, he reconsidered. 

After all, he had allocated most of his points to charm in his first run...

 In the dimly lit office, Elias stood quietly at the desk, filling out forms. Isabella, considerate as ever, opened the curtains, brightening the room with sunlight.

 Turning back, she suddenly noticed Elias's discomfort. His brow was furrowed, his grip on the pen unsteady.

 "Elias...? What's wrong? You look pale all of a sudden."

 "I..." Elias touched his forehead, feigning weakness as he leaned against the desk. 

Isabella, concerned he might fall, quickly supported his arm, bringing them closer. She bent down, her figure accentuated by her black skirt. 

A captivating fragrance wafted from her, but Elias averted his gaze, focusing on her concerned green eyes.

 "Sorry, professor, I think I overestimated my condition..." Elias offered a wry smile. "I'm not fully recovered yet."

 "Sit down and rest!" Isabella hurriedly helped him to her chair. "I have some medicine; I'll get it for you."

 She turned away, then paused. "What exactly is your condition?"

 Internally, Elias scoffed at his own theatrics, playing the part of a weakened student. "Sometimes I can't focus, and the doctors couldn't find anything. Don't bother with the medicine; it won't help..."

 "professor, don't worry about me. I'll be fine after sitting for a while."

 "Young man..." Isabella returned with a cup of hot water, exasperated. "If you're not well, don't push yourself so hard!"

 "No, I must..." Elias shook his head, then looked earnestly at her. "professor, I love learning! I've always yearned for the sea of knowledge. My favorite thing is to study."

 He managed to keep a straight face, a testament to his newly honed acting skills.

Elias nearly chuckled at his own fabricated tale.

 Yet, professor Isabella took it seriously, her gaze tinged with reproach. "You young man... Learning isn't as important as your health!"

 She tenderly touched Elias's cheek, then pressed the back of her hand against his forehead. "You do seem a bit feverish... Probably a low-grade fever, some prescription meds should do the trick..."

 "I'm really fine, professor, just need to rest a bit," Elias continued with his fabrications, "I still have a few sets of papers to finish today..."

 Isabella looked helplessly at this "diligent student struggling with illness while still committed to his studies." Her deep green eyes softened.

 [Affection Level: 39↑]