
The Bizarre Life Of Tadano

Tadano Hitohito was nothing more than your average teenager, but not until he met a girl on that fateful day on the street and began his bizarre life. It wasn't the life he was expecting, but hey his life wouldn't be boring anymore. Welcome to his bizarre life.

Charlottes · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Shocking Revelation


Hito woke up from his bed, this time he was in a good mood after all. He managed to create a happy ending for Ymir.

After explaining most things to Ymir, the way she looked at him changed. He could literally see the admiration and awe in her eyes.

He explained about owning a world, however, he didn't explain about beyond the boundary of reality, because not only she wouldn't understand it, he didn't think it was that important.

Besides, he's the only one who could go there anyway.

Anyway, after Ymir knew about him owning the world she's standing, the first thing that came out of her mouth was. "Are you God?"

And almost immediately he replied. "No, I'm not, there's no way I am."

Him? A God? No way, he's just a mortal man, okay maybe not completely but his point still stands!

Someone like him couldn't be God.

Then Ymir suddenly replied with a point that he couldn't deny. "But you own this world right? You can do things humans can't with only your thoughts, didn't you see you made a hundred species extinct with just a thought? If that's not a power of God then what is it?"

That made him shut up, indeed those weren't things that humans could do, in his world, he was the developer he could do almost everything if it wasn't the power of God then what is it?

He doesn't know, he's just in denial as he got so much power in a short amount of time.

Hito needed time to process this, he wouldn't be on his next Isekai adventure for about a week or so.

Before he left the dreamscape or beyond the boundary of realities, he checked his new status, and honestly, he was surprised.

[ True Name: ?_*@$ ( Tadano Hitohito )

Power Level: 5-C Tier

Title: The Warden Of Realities

Authority: Can only travel between realities with a power tier of 3-C or below.

Achievement Point: 1,105,000

Skills: ???, Gradation Air, Hypnosis, Reinforcement, Mystic Eyes Of Third, Founding Titan ]

Now that he wasn't clueless like he was before about power level tiers, since they explained it to him.

5-C was a planetary power level, meaning the screen thinks that he could destroy a moon, which he couldn't really refute.

He knew firsthand how powerful his titan form was, not to mention if he mastered using reinforcement magecraft while in his titan form, destroying a moon wouldn't be too hard.

He went directly toward the bathroom to wash his face, he looked at himself in the mirror, he mostly looked the same, plain and ordinary but he noticed some changes like, his entire body was radiating with pure confidence.

Hito had no idea how he was doing this, but it wasn't a bad thing to have a passive aura of confidence in him.

After cleaning himself in the bathroom, he went downstairs to the kitchen, like always he saw his sister cooking breakfast for the family, although surprisingly there was also an addition.

It wasn't just his sister, but also Lumine who was helping her with the dishes. Wait, isn't she his sister now too?

…On a second thought, he can't really see her as a sister, there is no way he could.

"Good morning." He greeted them.

Both his sister and Lumine greeted him as soon as they noticed his presence.

"Morning Onii-chan."

"Good morning, Hito-san."

After greeting them, he went to the dining table and asked. "So what are you guys cooking?"

"Oh, nothing much, just miso soup, crispy rice with bacon and egg, and some boiled vegetables," Hitomi replied with a shrug.

So a typical japanese breakfast, good to know, however, it doesn't explain why Lumine is there. "What about Lumine? Why is she in the kitchen..?"

"About that, she wanted to try cooking an omelette," Hitomi said while she was cracking eggs.

"You're teaching her?"

"Pfft- no, she already knows how to make an omelette. It's just according to her, it's been a while since she tried cooking isn't that right sister~?" Hitomi glanced at Lumine with a smirk.

Lumine became flustered as she heard Hitomi call her sister, she still wasn't used to it, maybe it would take her a while to do so. "Y-yeah.."

Okay, he wasn't expecting that but then again, he barely knew anything about Lumine's past but he'll eventually get there.

Because she was starting to crack, he knew that it was only a matter of time before she revealed her past.

He had a feeling that it was going to be shocking, as he already suspected that she's part of the supernatural side of the world, there's no way she's ordinary.

Even now he still couldn't understand her emotions, it was simply a mess, however, it's slightly calmer than before. Eventually, he'd get a proper read of her emotions, soon.

After a half-hour of waiting for breakfast, it was finally done and at the same time, his parents arrived at the dining table.

Of course, he didn't forget to greet them with a good morning.

"Kids, your uncle called me last night and he invited us to go to his birthday party tomorrow." Jeanne sighs as she mentioned that.

"Umm.. which uncle?" Hitomi asked.

Exactly his question, he had a lot of uncles so he doesn't know which one his mother was talking about.

"Oh, it's from the side of my family, my brother," Jeanne grumbles, from her reaction alone he can safely say that his mother doesn't have a great relationship with her brother.

Wait…mom has a brother?! This is the first time I've heard of it!

The uncle he mentioned was from his father's side, however, the family from his mother's side is almost unknown to him.

As his mother rarely talks about her family, it wasn't that she was trying to hide it. It's just he never bothered asking his mom about it.

Because it wasn't that important, until today.

"You had a brother?! How come I didn't know about it?!" Hitomi exclaimed in surprise.

Exactly his reaction, they are truly siblings, her words were exactly what he was about to say, but his sister beat him to it.

"It's because you never asked, the last time I've seen my brother was a decade ago, he and Hito-chan actually met, but I doubt he could remember. Hito-chan was still an infant back then…ohh I also remember Hito-chan playing with his youngest daughter, both of them were so cute~ I think I have a picture of the moment." Jeanne couldn't help but coo at the memory.

Hito was surprised to hear that he actually met his mom's brother back when he was still an infant?

If so, it's understandable that he can't remember he was still a child back then.

"Also, I told you about Lu-chan, he said that he wanted to meet my newest daughter so you're going to be with us tomorrow," Jeanne said.

Lumine could only nod at his mother's request, maybe it's a good thing after all he never really saw Lumine go outside their house.

This is a chance for her to go out, and familiarize herself outside before going to school this monday.

"Mom, what's your brother's name by the way?" He curiously asked.

"Gan'an, Shinomiya Gan'an," Jeanne revealed.

For the first few seconds, he didn't recognize the name until he did and to say that he was surprised was an understatement.

He was shocked by this revelation. "What?! You mean your brother is Shinomiya Gan'an the current CEO of the Shinomiya Group?!"

Jeanne nodded and said. "That's right, is it really that surprising?"

Is she seriously saying that?! How is this revelation not surprising?!

He just found out that his mother is the sister of one of the most influential men in Japan!

Suddenly everything made sense! That's how she managed to adopt Lumine in a single day without any hassle!

With such a powerful connection, doing something like his mother did was easy.

Anyway, this means he and his sister are directly related to the Shinomiya Group.

Damn, to think the family of his mother's side is that influential, no wonder she's so confident when mentioned enrolling Lumine in Shuchi'in Academy.

She could easily arrange such a thing.

"Of course it is, I just heard one of the most shocking revelations that I heard in my entire life! I thought we were just an ordinary family!"

"Hito-chan, mom never told you that we're ordinary, it's just your assumptions," Jeanne said.

Hito didn't have any comeback for that, because he never heard his mom or dad claim that they are, he just assumed due to their living condition.

He suddenly got a headache, too much revelation in a single day, damn he needed to relax his mind.

"So, we're actually rich?" Hitomi just asked the right question.

"In the eyes of ordinary people, yes we are, after all I earn 25,000,000 per year," Jeanne said with a nod.

"Yen?" He asked just to be sure.


Yep it's official, they are rich but if it's the case then why are they living in an average japanese house?!

He would never understand what his parents were thinking.

From the beginning his ordinary family wasn't ordinary at all, it was just him assuming that they were an ordinary family.

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