
The Bizarre Life Of Tadano

Tadano Hitohito was nothing more than your average teenager, but not until he met a girl on that fateful day on the street and began his bizarre life. It wasn't the life he was expecting, but hey his life wouldn't be boring anymore. Welcome to his bizarre life.

Charlottes · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs



Arriving at the Shinomiya, he couldn't believe how large it was. At this point, it's like he's going inside a castle instead of a huge mansion.

He wasn't even out of his father's Bugatti yet, he wondered how long he would arrive at the Shinomiya Estate by walking on foot.

Probably a half hour or more before they could enter the gates, a security guard asked his father to stop and questioned them if they had an invitation card.

Which they do, after checking that it's valid only then they were allowed to go inside beyond the gate.

Thank god that his father's newest car has some air-conditioning or else he'd be like roasted chicken, man tuxedo is such a tight suit.

While he was wearing a black tuxedo with a blue tie, while his sister and Lumine were wearing blue and white luxurious dresses.

Looking at Lumine, when he first saw her wear that white dress, his brain needed to reboot for an entire minute, because what he just saw was otherworldly.

It was something that humans weren't supposed to see, or at least what he thought, it's an exaggeration he knows, but that's how beautiful she is in his eyes.

It took a few minutes for his father to park the car, and as soon as he did. Hito was the first to leave the car, while it isn't hot inside it's simply a bit tight for 5 people.

But then again, this car was meant for 4 people to begin with, he started stretching his arms, and not moving for an entire hour made his body a bit sore.

Now, only if these people could stop watching him stretching. It wasn't a big deal what's up with them gossiping with each other?

He wondered what he did wrong, he didn't know that stretching in public was seen as uncivilized in upper-class society.

Even if he did, he wouldn't care anyway. He was raised with a mentality of a commoner, why would he bother changing now?

But all of a sudden their gossiping stopped completely when Lumine got out of the Bugatti, their eyes widened in awe, surprise, and shock at her otherworldly beauty.

In their eyes, she was the perfect example of a person of upper-class society, her appearance, her aura, and the way she handled herself were screaming nobility.

Not that he noticed it before, nor that he cared for him. Lumine is Lumine.

Then the rest of his family got out of the car. Hitomi noticed the stare of the people around them and couldn't help but say. "As expected of Lumine, even rich people weren't spared by her beauty."

Hitomi approached him and suddenly elbowed his ribcage making him groan in pain, he glared at his sister and said. "What?"

"Aren't you too carefree? There's a lot of rich young heirs of their respective companies here, someone might- no scratch that, I'm certain that someone will ask for her hand in this party, so better ask her soon or else you'll find Lumine taken from you." Hitomi warned him.

Hito wanted to say something, but nothing came out of his mouth because what his sister said is true, in this party, there would be a dance event, that's for sure because that's how upper-class society works.

A party without dancing isn't perfect, that goes without saying.

After hearing Hitomi's warning, he looked around and saw a few teenagers his age were looking at Lumine in an unconcealed interest, some of them were even looking at her in lust.

While he understood why they lusted after her, it doesn't mean he's fine with them looking at her with such a gaze, if it's possible he'd like to slap them in their faces for even attempting to do that.

He didn't wait for 'soon' and directly asked Lumine. "Would you like to dance with me? Later after the dance event starts?"

Even Hitomi, his sister, was surprised by his bold action; she never thought her brother had this kind of courage!

Lumine paused at the unexpected invitation, she felt her cheeks a bit hot, and his bold action made her heart flutter a bit.

She already knows her answer, there's no way she'd reject his invitation, if she were to dance with someone it would be him.

"I do, please take care of me."

"No, please take care of me. Because I have no idea how to dance." Hito admitted with a sheepish smile.

Lumine blinked a couple of times before answering. "Oh…"

Then her lips curved into a smile. "I suppose, I'll have to teach you then."

"Oh, please do." He smiled back at her.

While they were busy with each other, both didn't realize that Hito's parents and sister were looking at the scene with a smile.

Especially mommy Jeanne. "Ara~ ara~ papa, I think I'm going to be a grandmother soon!"

"Me too dear, me too." Her husband agreed with his wife.

Jeanne couldn't help but squeal at the thought of spoiling her grandchildren, her cute babies who have mixed color hair of blonde and black.

Hitomi couldn't help but scratch her cheeks at this development, she did vow that she'd be a wingwoman for both of them, but with how bold his brother is, maybe her help wasn't needed at all.

She doesn't remember her brother this bold, but she certainly wasn't complaining!

They were now inside the mansion, if the outside was enough to amaze him, then then the inside surprised him.

It was like he's in another period entirely, like in the age of kings and knights, that's how he felt being in this place.

Red carpet, butlers and maids standing side to side, waiting for orders.

Now only, if there's a knight wearing steel armor then, they'd be truly in the middle ages.

It didn't take long for his family to arrive in the banquet hall. He never thought he'd experience something that he'd only see in movies or TV shows.

Everything looks fancy as heck, and he felt out of place, thankfully it wasn't just him who felt this way, his sister also felt uncomfortable.

Following his mother, they arrived at the inner section of the banquet hall, where the most important people gathered.

There they met his supposed uncle, the older brother of his mother Gan'an Shinomiya.

He was an older man, sitting in a wheelchair, he looked really sick. Hito became a bit concerned about this man, should he really be here?

He should be at the hospital with his sickly appearance, but at the same time he can't help but respect the man despite his health, he still attended.

Well, suppose it's his own birthday party but still…

Suddenly his mother approached Gan'an and suddenly hugged him.

Making everyone around them stare at his mother in shock, especially the girl with red eyes and long black hair.

He couldn't help but think. 'Why are they acting like that? Wait, could it be that they didn't recognize their mother?'

If that's the case then, it would certainly explain why they were so shocked by his mother's action.

One of them called the security guard. "Guards! Take this woman away from Otou-sama!"

Everyone was looking at the commotion with interest, probably wanting to see his mother being taken away, but before it happened.

Gan'an Shinomiya spoke. "Stop."

The security guards stopped their movement, while the others were confused about why he stopped them.

Gan'an let out a weary sigh. "Jeanne, I see you haven't changed at all. Still the same after a decade of not seeing each other."

His mother let out a smirk and replied. "Of course, why would I change Nii-san?"

Hearing that revelation, everyone in the banquet hall couldn't help but gasp in shock.

Even the others who were close to Gan'an were shocked at this development.

Hito couldn't help but think about what he thought about the other day, so he took it back.

If his mother and her brother don't have a good relationship, then they wouldn't act like this, he was wrong in his assumption.

Suddenly the girl with red eyes asked in unconcealed shock. "Otou-sama…I-i didn't know you had a sister…"

"Hm.." That was his only answer, he didn't say anything more until his mother slapped him on the back.

Ohhhh…poor guy.

"Why are you so damn cold to your daughter?!" His mother said without any filler in her mouth.

If it was anyone, they'd be begging for their lives for being disrespectful, but there's an exception and that's Jeanne.

Gan'an knew exactly his sister's personality, she's blunt, and isn't afraid to say what's on her mind.

This is why Gan'an doesn't want to deal with his mother.

"Sigh* Let me introduce you to my sister Jeanne Shinomiya."

His mother rolled her eyes and said. "It's Tadano, Shinomiya is my middle name now."

However, Gan'an ignored that and then stared at them. "So, this is my niece and nephew. It's been a decade since I've seen you Hitohito."

Hito couldn't help but blink as Gan'an mentioned him, he couldn't remember meeting this man.

"If you don't remember that's fine, you were still a toddler at that time." Then Gan'an shifted his attention toward Lumine and said, "So this is your adopted daughter, indeed she's beautiful as you claimed."

Now everyone's attention was on Lumine, and none could refute what Gan'an said, because out of everyone in this room. Lumine is the most beautiful.

So, the reunion between siblings was shocking to outsiders.

Anyway, next is going to be an interaction between Hito and Kaguya!

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There's 5 Chapter advanced there.