
The Birth Of The New World

The birth Of The New World is a story about the world attempting to somewhat civilize itself. As the world was used to living in tribes of many different sizes, some have started to band together and live as one, building castles as a way to show their power. Many tribes gave up their family like bond and loyalty to their rulers for the luxuries and promise of gold of kingdoms. A number of tribes still walk the land and this is where the story starts. In the tribe the black wolf’s, a 17 year old young man named Hayden Frostburn, days away from his 18th birthday. Is preparing for his welcome into the raiding party. Which is something everyone of the age of 18 is required to join. Read his journey to fight his way through life seeing what the world of a warrior has to offer. See the birth of religions, the fall of kingdoms and the birth Of The New World,

Unprofessional87 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 22 Progress

Chapter 22 Progress

Months have past and Hayden walks through the Castle seeing the newly made church, the finished army barracks and the finished 2ed town. And his rows of farms. He finishes his walk in the almost finished Trading square where people would come to trade their goods. But right now it is full of builders. The head builder walks up to Hayden "we should be finished any day now. I don't wanna put you on the spot but my men need money so we need to keep building. We need more projects" Hayden puts his arm around the Head builder " don't worry. I have many more projects for you. Next I want stone roads so people can stop tracking mud in their homes" the head builder looked happy " that's great my lord. now my kids will stop making my wife mad with all their mud" Hayden and the builder laughed. The builder went back to work and Hayden went back to the longHouse.

When Hayden Came back He seen the men he sent out to grab the spear and Bow were now back and they had two bags. Hayden walked up and greeted them " My men. Welcome back. I hope your trip was a happy one" The guards Looked Happy and Handed the bags to Hayden''. We hope you enjoy these. They were hard to get". Hayden held the bags " Go relax with some mead you boys earned it." Hayden grabbed the bag and his own gear and walked into the basement. He places the two Handed sword in the statue's hand. Then the sword and shield. then opened the bag and took out the bow and placed it. Then the spear. When all the statues had there weapons the door opened and Hayden walked in.

The room was impossibly huge and the walls were covered in Neon lights. The floor was wet. It was like water but it was solid. A small stand was in the middle of the room. It held up a ball with a hand mark on it. Hayden felt the ball. It was glowing gold and rotated but the hand in the middle never moved. Hayden placed his hand in the middle. it grabbed his hand and wouldn't let go. The room started to shake and the colors started to fly all around the room. A white light started to flash from the ball then took over the whole room.

Once the light faded Hayden's Hand was free and He walked out. Where to pad in the middle once was now a sword stood. Hayden tried to take his old sword out but couldn't. He walked over to the new sword and pulled it out of the ground. It was light in weight but black in color. The handle was gray, the blade and hand guard were blackened. On each side of the hand guard where a spike, as well as under the handle was a spike.

After taking a few practice swings Hayden walked over to the wall and the new wall shows two men arguing. "What does that mean? They look mad at each other but why is that important?" Hayden didn't let that put him down though. He rushed up the stairs and into the throne room where he saw Alice "Hey can we talk for a bit?" Alice looked up from her seat confused then smiled.

Hayden woke up, kissed Alice then grabbed his new sword and an old wooden shield. Then walked to his throne room where the leader of the builders " good morning my lord. Just wanted to let you know we finished the trade square and have started the work on the stone walkway. Hayden starts to eat his food " that's great. When you're done I want to remodel this longhouse. I want some stone walls and a better view from my bedroom. And this throne room needs work" The leader of the builder looked around." Yeah, when we finish we can get to work on this." the builder leaves and some of the nobles walk up to Hayden " are you sure they can finish before winter?" Hayden puts their mind to ease " of course. We have 2 months before winter. They will have this place done and finished before we see any snow." The nobles walk away happy.

A young woman walks up to the throne: "My name is Grace and i wish to speak to you alone" Hayden confused " why alone? What is so important that you must say alone?" The young woman walks up to the throne and whispers " I know what you have done. I know about the room" Hayden's eyes open wide " Fine. We can talk alone." Hayden leads Grace to His room where they are alone.

Hayden looks uneasy as Grace looks relaxes. Grace sits down on the bed " do you have any idea what you did?" Hayden was pacing back and forth " I opened a door. What is so wrong about that?" Grace never breaks eye contact " you released something into the world that can never be undone" Hayden was getting madder and madder " can you stop beating around the bush? Can you just tell me what I did and why is it so bad?" Grace stands up and walks away " you will lose everything before you learn anything" Grace walks outside and Hayden rushes after her. He opens the door but she was gone. He asked around but no one has seen her leave. Started to panic and thoughts crosses his mind "The wall" he runs through out the longhouse pushing people out of his way. He made his way down stairs. He stands in front of the wall that shows people arguing, he walks to the next wall and it shows monsters of all nature surrounding the castle. Hayden falls to his knees and slams his hands into the wall. Then presses his Head on it. With all this anger building up Hayden Yell "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I DID IT AGAIN. I MADE THE WRONG CHOICE AGAIN. FUCKKKKKK"