
Chapter 12 Part 1

Chapter 12

You... You... I finally found you!

Breathing heavy, Sweat on her forehead Lilith was panting while pointing her finger towards Elijah.

Ugh?... And you are? Wh.. What did you just say?

Don't you remember who i am Lilith roared! Shaking his head, "haha" Nope i have no idea.

Master who is this person Lyssa asked while positioning herself in the front. "HMMMM", Ohhh i remember now. I think i crashed into her castle when i was trying to escape that glacier. But why would she be looking for me Elijah muttered? I told her when i had the money, i would go back and pay for the damages that i caused. She cant possibly be trying to collect said debt now Elijah thought? Leaving with those thoughts. So you're the owner of that castle i crashed into a while back. Unfortunately i don't have the money to pay for the damages at the moment, But if you would like to come back in a few months i should have the sufficient amount. Saying that while passing Lilith who is still standing there in a daze, Elijah waves his hands with those final words. Hey wait! I didn't come here to collect some debt, Saying that Lilith runs up to Elijah in a hurry grabbing the back of his clothing. Hey i was talking to you! You cant just ignore me like that!? Bast who was always standing there with a smile on her face forcibly grabbed Lilith hand while saying. Don't you think it's a bit rude to grab my masters clothing like that? With a seductive smile on bast's face Lilith couldn't help but gulp down a bit of saliva while at the same time getting scared shitless by the domineering pressure the woman in front of her was releasing. I... I... Just wanted to ask him for help... Lilith said while dropping down too her knee's. With tears in her eyes bast backs up a few steps regretting almost making this woman cry.. Bast good going, You scared the poor girl too death Elijah said. Master all i did was release a bit of blood lust, I didn't think it would scare her too this extent. Sighing Elijah bent down and placed his hand on Lilith's shoulder. Look i don't know what you need from me, but I'm not just going to let a woman cry in front of me asking for help. For the time being i have some errands to run inside the city. So if you want to tag along until we get back too our inn, you can discuss the problems to me there. I might not be able to help but i will at least listen. Saying that Lilith made a grin before shooting back up and grabbing ahold of Elijah's arm in a seductive way. Thank you! Lilith said while smiling. On the side Lyssa had a uncomfortable expression on her face, While on the other side Bast was grinding her teeth with both hands clenched tightly into fist's. Elijah seeing this coughed before speaking. You know i never caught you're name? Looking up to Elijah with sparkling eye's. My name is Lilith but you can just call me by my nickname Lily.

Ok Lilith, for the time being can you please let go of my arm? I don't particularly mind the gesture, But i think you're pissing the other two off, So unless you want a quick death i recommend letting go. Looking to both sides Lilith couldn't help but shrink back and let go of Elijah's arm. Fuck! If it wasn't for these 2 bitches besides him, I would be able to get him all too myself, Lilith thought without expressing a single thing on her face.

After showing the guards there ID, Elijah and company walked towards the guild. Once arriving Hina was seen behind the desk managing some paperwork. Walking up to her elijah waved his hands. Yo, Hina it's nice to see you again. Ohh Elijah it's you. I'M glad you came today i was getting worried that you wouldn't show up before we closed. Hahaha, Yeah we decided to go out and hunt some monsters. Saying that Hina moved her head noticing the 3 pretty girls behind Elijah. Whistling to herself hina couldn't help but feel despair in her heart. Thinking that the whale she was going to Groom into a fine adventurer will now have his income lessened, By wasting it on the 3 bimbos following him. Without saying those words Hina joked around. Not even 1 day has passed and you already have 3 girls following you. I wonder why that is?

Getting the hint Elijah moved to one side and introduced the 3. This is Bast, Lyssa, and someone i just met Lilith. Bast and lyssa are my familiars, While Lilith wanted my help with something, so for the time being she is following me. Saying so Hina eyes widen. Running around the counter Hina exclaimed! Lilith! You're name is Lilith? Are you by chance the Legendary Demonic Princess Knight Lilith of the demon race? Puffing her chest out in pride Lilith confirmed her identity with confidence. Hearing that the other adventurers became rowdy while some even rushed over from there seats. Holy shit! Elijah said before being sandwiched by a crowd of people. What the fuck! Lyssa said while also being consumed inside the crowd. Bast getting irritated Transformed into her large panther form and roared Shaking the interior of the building while rocking books from their shelf's and causing drinks to spill on the ground. The crowd on the other hand was scared shitless, while some were seen collapsed on the ground unable to handle the domineering pressure bast released. Oh my god! it's a monster inside the guild! Quickly run! After one guy said that the crowd quickly scattered in all direction's, While some got into fighting positions ready to pounce on bast at any moment. Seeing this Elijah sighed again before ordering bast to stand down. Saying so, bast turned back into a human, Lyssa on the side jumped into bast arms. My sister is so cool! Look how you made all of them shit their pants from fear! Hina on the other hand after seeing bast, and Lilith together with Elijah had a brilliant idea. Wait! If these 3 are with him, that means Elijah name can be spread farther, Meaning harder jobs, Which makes him more money. And if he makes more money..... Insight flashed into her mind like a raging volcano erupting. I will earn a fortune!!!! Thinking that Hina raised her voice, Everyone calm down for the time being. Everything is under control, Elijah You and you're friends can follow me too the back. I'm sure you have business to attend too. Winking to Elijah he understood her meaning. So the 4 of them walked towards the back of the guild before arriving at the same room Elijah brought the goblin corpses too yesterday. After everyone got inside the closed room Elijah spoke. I'm surprised you knew i brought over more corpses today, Shrugging her shoulders. I had a hunch, so what did you bring over today? Saying that Elijah reached into his dimensional storage before handing over a mountain of fresh killed beast's. 5 Trolls, and over 30 goblin's later hina couldn't help but gulp down her saliva in sheer astonishment imagining A bathtub made of silver, and gold. While at the side Lilith had her mouth opened wide in total shock from the mountain of killed beast's, and at the astonishing magic Elijah performed. With a trembling voice Lilith asked. is.. That... Dimensional storage....?! Turning his head around, Yeah, Have you not seen it before? Shaking her head, No... I mean... Only a few people in this country, No... There cant be more then 100 people on this entire planet capable of using that skill. I think there is only 2 people in this country capable of using such a skill. And they are working at the highest positions inside the country Lilith said while trembling. Is that so? I heard it was rare, But i wasn't aware it was that rare. Hmphed Oh well back on topic. Wait... Don't Oh well me... What the hell?? How are you able to use dimensional storage??? Ignoring Lilith questions Elijah turned back to hina and asked. So can you sell all of these beast's? Also did you finish that book? Being ignored Elijah waved his hand in front of hina's face before she finally got out of her trance. Yes.. Umm... We can definitely sell everything here. 1 second... I need to get help. Saying that Hina ran out of the room at lightning speed before coming back with a tall middle aged man. Hello my name is Carl, I am the guild master here inside the city of Morxi, It's nice to meet you. Names Elijah it's nice to meet you as well. Shaking his hand Carl looked at the pile of corpses sitting to the side of Elijah. So Um.... Did you kill all of these monsters today? Tilting his head in confusion, Yeah? What about it? What do you mean what about it? The trolls are Rank A Subjugation monsters. Usually it takes around a party of 5 if not 10 to Defeat even a single one, And even when they do the body is so badly damaged that nothing can be recovered afterword's. But you... They are in perfect condition. It's almost like with one look you killed them and then they just dropped dead. If i may ask how did you eliminate them? Looking at Elijah in confusion he just points to the 2 girls standing to the side. I wasn't the one to kill them. It was those 2. Them? Carl looked at the girls in doubt. Seeing his questioning eyes Bast and lyssa transformed together in their large forms while staring at carl. Holy shit... Carl took a few steps back before realizing his mistake at questioning the 2's abilities. Lilith on the other hand was cowering in fear behind Elijah like a scared baby mouse who just stumbled upon the lair of an anaconda. After straightening himself carl bowed his head and apologized. Sorry for doubting you, i understand the circumstances now. But i want to ask a question, Why don't the 2 of you register towards the guild as well? I'm sure you could become Z class adventurers easily? Turning back the 2 shake their head. No we are familiars to master, Also you may not realize but Master is far stronger then both of us. He could have easily killed those trolls and goblins by himself if he wanted too. He just didn't get the opportunity today, We will just be happy to be able to help and follow him. Nodding their heads Lyssa, and bast said that before walking to either side of Elijah. Hmmm You are stronger then Both of them carl asked in doubt? Master release a part of you're magical power as a demonstration Bast said. Rubbing his cheek. Alright, But before Carl, Hina, And Lilith could even speak a word. A pressure so immense, So unfathomable, Rippled into the air like tidal waves from a massive Tsunami. Almost as if the gravity inside the entire capital of Morxi Had increased by 10 times. People almost 10 miles from the epicenter were rooted on the ground barely able to move. While all they could do was stand still, The people inside the guild closest to Elijah on the the other hand felt like the grim reaper was holding his powerful scythe next to each one of their necks. Carl, Hina, and Lilith who were at the very center of this Godly amount of magical power were currently down on the ground grasping for air as if they just entered a vacuum and were desperately trying to suck in even the Smallest molecule of Oxygen. Bast and lyssa were no different. While they were still standing, There legs which were wobbling unsteadily showed that even they were having difficulties. Seeing that Elijah quickly brought back his magical power into his body. As if the Castle that was pressed down on top of them was released the 3 fell to the ground grasping for air. Holy fuck! Hina said, Carl on the other hand couldn't help but laugh. Hahahaha, No wonder they said you could beat those monsters with ease. Lilith was now more certain then ever, and hardened her resolve to get Elijah to help her. Well that's about what i can do now, Give me some time, and I'm sure i can probably double if not triple that in a few months Elijah said with confidence. The 3 just looked at one another with defeat in there eyes.