
Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Thinking to himself Elijah couldn't help but be satisfied, with the amount of work accomplished today. So... I have a question,? hmm? Coming out of his train of thought Elijah looked over to his right at Lyssa with a complicated expression on her face. Yes lyssa? What would you like to know, Well I have been thinking, i was curious why you decided on Telekinesis Instead of you know Typical magic, Such as fire or water? Tilting his head, I wonder? With his hand on his chin Elijah ponders on the question for a moment before speaking. Well if you don't mind a lengthy explanation i don't mind answering. Nodding her head Elijah continues. So in my past world we had people who wrote books about situation's similar to the one I'm currently in. It was actually pretty popular, and i indulged myself on a few. Normally in such books the main character in those novels would Use the typical magic. Such as Earth, Water, Light, Darkness, etc.. So after i entered this world i thought to myself How can i be different? Shaking his head, But it was a difficult question indeed. I thought long and hard about the type of abilities i wanted to use, and the conclusion i came too was telekinesis. Why Though? If you put a lot of points into a certain magic, i have no doubts that you would possess the strongest power on this planet. Certainly that is the case, But for me that idea is pretty boring. I can easily just become the strongest being in existence but afterword's what would i do? I want to live in this world developing my strength instead of relying on a borrowed power. So with that said, i found that telekinesis could solve said issue. Yes i could put points into magic control, Or the skill directly but ultimately it's a skill that requires precise delicate, control in order for it to work properly. This way i can give myself motivation into improving my abilities. Plus i want to save the points i have just in case an emergency situation comes about. That way we can at least escape without getting injured or harmed. Master i understand the philosophical reasoning behind why you want to use such skill, But that's not what i was asking. Tilting his head in confusion Elijah couldn't understand what she was trying to say. Getting angry Lyssa pouted and softly punched Elijah in the chest. I meant why did you personally decide on it dumbass? OH, Haha, That's what you meant. Well if you really must know, Feeling embarrassed, I thought it was cool. As a kid i always saw movies, and shows that depicted villain's or hero's who used a power similar. Being able to control objects at will and make you're enemy unaware of what's going on. You can easily steal people's weapons from them without there knowledge and kill them without the need for coming close. To be honest once i get better, There are so many possibilities and applications i can direct towards the skill that it's ridiculous. Like what if i may ask? Well for example, if i were to infiltrate an enemy base. I could pick pocket objects such as keys, Or passes for doors that require such items. Or i can remotely control an enemy's sword in order to eliminate them before they could react. Or my favorite which is what i plan on doing in the future. Is creating specific weaponry that will allow me to fight at long range without the need for sword skills. Those are just a few examples on the fighting aspects this skill can be used towards. It can also be used for practical everyday, tasks. I could probably lay in bed while i cleaned the place, Or washed dishes, Etc. , etc.. Make sense lyssa? Finally understanding Elijah's point lyssa nods. Master we have company? Hmmm, Bast who was listening to the conversation to this point suddenly gets into a fighting position. Looking farther down the road Elijah could see around 6 people. Bast, Lyssa, get behind me for the time being. Lets see what they want, Master i believe them to be bandits Bast says, Can i kill them Master? Lyssa asks while striking her fist's together with a smile on her face. Jesus, Just calm down, If they were bandits, there is no reason why they would make their presence known to us. That leaves only one possibility which is wanting to communicate. While saying that a man in a butler's uniform walked out from the group of men. This man had an arrogant atmosphere surrounding him, while also showing the dignity of someone who has spent many years entertaining guest's. Bowing his head the man introduced himself. Hello my name is Reginald Jeeves it is nice to meet you. Looking at the man named Reginald Elijah noticed that he was not a normal person. From his appearance and the fact that he had 2 horns on the top of his head elijah came to the conclusion that he must be from the demon race. So Reginald What do you want from me? Looking a bit upset Reginald continued with his smiling face. Elijah, my master Balamath has invited you to his dwelling's hoping to cooperate with you. Cooperate with me you say? Then why is it you have decided to bring along 5 of you're lackeys. Seems to me that if i reject said proposal you would deem it necessary to use force. After saying so Reginald expression changed. Since his plans were seen through Reginald determined it would be un necessary to continue with the deception. Yes Lowly human, What you have said is indeed correct, Now you can either accept my master's generous offer, Or we can simply take you there by force. You bastard who do yo..., holding his hand out Elijah stops bast from attacking. Let me handle this, This is a perfect opportunity for me to test out everything i learned today. Saying that in a low voice Elijah looks back up towards Reginald. So have you come to a decision? With a insidious smile on his face Reginald asks once again. Yeah i have made a decision. With a loud voice Elijah says. Tell you're master to kiss my ass! Who the fuck are you to order me around? I suggest you and you're girl scouts walk away, or you can forfeit you're life right here. Not expecting a response like that to ever be spoken to him by someone of this mans character, Veins bulge on his forehead. Fine! have it you're way then. Men capture him alive, afterword's you can have you're way with the woman. With a roar the 5 other men start to charge forward with Swords, and axe's raised. But before they could even move 5 steps forward 2 of the men's sword's in their hand suddenly move freely and directly embed themselves directly into the chest's of their owners. Within a couple of seconds 2 of the men lost their life's. Wh.. What the hell was that? Visibly surprised by the sudden Abnormality Reginald cant help but be confused. Walking forward Elijah raises his right hand and point's a finger directly towards Reginald. Come forth! In that instance Elijah shadow wiggles and moves as 3 Large black wolfs appear seemingly out of know where. Tear them apart Elijah commands. Saying so the 3 wolfs dash out at a great speed confronting the remaining men. Damn!, what the hell is going on? One of the men screamed, I don't know just kill the fucking wolf's. If we get rid of them he wont have anywhere to go! continuing the charge the 3 men swing their large Sword's and axes directly towards the wolfs. thinking that his attack was sufficient one of the men Move's his eyes towards one of the woman thinking he would have a fun night tonight. After slashing one of the wolfs The man changes his posture towards the woman with black hair, But before he could even charge the man felt a sudden burning pain in his right shoulder. Turning his head, His face turned pale as he noticed the wolf that he thought, he killed with his sword only to be chomping down Directly into his neck. And with a violent twist the wolf snaps the man's neck before he could even cry out in pain. With disbelief on his face the man slumps down never to speak again. Seeing that, the 2 other men put more effort into killing there opponents. Damn it why wont they die? Slashing his sword at the wolf, it just passes directly through the head and body of the wolf with no direct mark. All that was caused was a deep gash in the ground. Damn it!, What the hell are these beast's? Physical attack's don't work on them? Then what about magic. Removing his sword from the ground, the man raises his hand and chants a spell. Spirit's of fire, Heed my call and burn my enemy's to ash. Fireball! Saying that a small ball of fire rushes from the palm of the man and lands directly on the head of the wolf. Unable to take the magic attack the wolf Roars in pain before disappearing into black smoke. Magic attack's work on them! HAHAHA, i figured it out! Sneering at Elijah thinking he figured out the trick the man raises his sword once again. But as if the heaven's were against him, the black smoke that was dispersing into the air suddenly rushes back together instantly forming another black wolf. Wh.., What the hell? Why? I killed it? with a smile Elijah stairs at the man. What was currently happening was that Elijah's Household skill allows the user to summon member's as long as the required magic power is compensated towards the summoning. Meaning that as long as Elijah had magical power, He could summon the 3 wolf's indefinitely. Trying to launch another fireball the wolf charges forward, Dodging left and right it managed to close the distance in a matter of seconds. Lowing it's posture the wolf attacks the man's chest with it's front paw, With 3 streaks, the man's leather chest peace was torn through, the claws then Pearce through the man's chest leaving 3 slashes that penetrate, the mans skin, muscle, Lung's, Heart, and finally stop midway through the spine. With only a little bit more effort the man would have been split in 3 peace's from his thigh all the way to his neck. But because of the power the damage was only able to make it 85% of the way through the man's body. Still that power alone was easily able to kill him instantly. Elijah thought. Well if they get better at fighting I'm sure in the future we could get all the way through. The 3rd man wasn't as lucky as the other 2. While the first 2 were killed instantly. the 3rd man was viciously ripped apart by the 3 wolfs who coordinated there attack together. Violently ripping the man into nothing more then chunks of meat. Like a meat grinder he stood no chance against the onslaught of the 3 wolfs. Finally the only person left was Reginald. Standing their petrified from the fear that was caused by the brutality of the wolfs, and thinking that the person responsible for all of this was a man With a casual smile on his face. Feeling imminent danger towards his life Reginald Focuses his energy towards summoning his wings, Hoping that if he can manage to get away from Elijah, he can report the incident to his master. And hopefully reinforcements can be deployed. Reginald starts to fly at max speed into the air. Master he is going to get away Bast exclaimed. Don't worry bast, With a smile Elijah picked up the sword that was lying on the ground before chucking it in the direction of Reginald. Hahaha, what do you think throwing a sword is going to do? I can easily dodge a simple attack like that in mid air Reginald said while laughing. What he didn't realize was that Elijah could control said sword in mid air. And while Reginald thought he dodged the sword, The sword flew towards him at a speed comparable to an arrow impaling him directly in the chest. With eyes wide Reginald look down to the sword that was protruding from the front of his chest in disbelief. How?! someone like me to die here!, before he could continue speaking Reginald Lost consciousness, he then started to fall towards the ground before crashing into a rock. Walking over to the now dead body of Reginald Elijah removed the sword before tilting his head too one side, sinking his fangs deep into the skin. After drinking a bit of blood Elijah stood back up and waited for some change to occur. Walking towards Elijah was bast and lyssa with complicated expression's on there face. What? Did i do something wrong? No... Um... I mean... That was pretty brutal master Bast said with some hesitation. Sister what are you talking about? I think what he did was pretty cool if you ask me. Twisting her body Elijah couldn't help but be amazed at the weird fetish Lyssa might have. Is she a sadist Elijah thought? Hey dont look at me like that lyssa protested? Shaking his head, Elijah cant help but be afraid at what will happen in the future if the two of them Start having sexual interaction's together. I hope she wont try to tie me up and torture me Elijah grimaced. Hey what the fuck were you thinking about just now. Coughing to clear his throat Elijah ignored lyssa and focused on Reginald again. After a minute or so the chest wound began to heal, and Reginald opened his eyes. Congratulations on adding another member to you're household. Startled Elijah asks. Reginald who are you loyal too, Kneeing on one leg Reginald replies., Of course you my lord, With satisfaction on his face Elijah asks again. Reginald, what have you turned into? My lord i have turned into a lesser vampire. With surprise Elijah couldn't help but notice the resemblance Reginald now held toward himself. Sorry everyone i have to end it here. Something just came up not allowing me to finish

Chapter 11 Part 2

Author notes : Changing Reginald's transformation from lesser vampire to a Vampire Lord. Still Sorting out the vampire side of this story. Hopefully you will understand. but without further ado lets continue with the story.

Elijah stood there pondering on what use Reginald could be of in the future. Should i make him my personal butler? Seems like that's the line of work he has been in for a while. So it could be a good idea, On the other hand, i could have him as a personal spy for the time being. Clicking his tongue, Damn i should have thought about it before biting him. Fuck what to do, what to do. Ughhh, this vampire shit is frustrating. Screaming towards the sky, Hey stupid god. Couldn't you have given me something before dropping me down here? I feel like one of those bullshit characters in other novels the author wrote in their stories that had no direction. Scratching the back of his head Elijah began to speak. For now Reginald stand up, Saying so Reginald stood up following the commands of his lord. First off what are you're requirements? Meaning do you require regular blood to survive like myself? Answering, Yes my lord, Now that i have turned into a vampire i require a daily intake of blood in order to survive just like you. It might be at a higher quantity then you though. I'm not to sure until the time arrives when i need to feed. But going based on what my mind is telling me, i will probably need to feed every 12 hours. But that's subject to change until i gain further information. God damn it melodies, Couldn't you have given me a guide to vampire's for dummies at least? Thomas turns into a white, Reginald is now a vampire, What's next a fucking zombie? My lord if i may be permitted to speak. Go on? If we look based on other creatures of this world such as dragon's i think we can, get a grasp on the hierarchy of my liege's vampire lineage? What do you mean Reginald? Well For dragon's it goes as follows. We have the highest being which is known as the Dragon god, Then Ancient dragons which have lived for thousands of years, Then further down is Elder dragons which age from around 900 to 1500 years of age, next is Normal dragons which have existed for 500 - 900 years, Below that is dragon newts, For around 100 - 500 years, and finally Humanoid creatures that have dragon blood within their body. those beings have a chance of evolving into a dragon newt after 100 years of life. Though the chances aren't exactly high, maybe around 40% Regardless back to the point I'm trying to say master. Making direct eye contact with Elijah Reginald continued to speak. I think that vampires have the same structure as creatures similar to dragons. Since my lord is the first vampire, and considered the vampire god The change might be different but similar. If we take what i just said about dragons and apply it to My lords line then it should go as follows. Vampire god, Vampire lord, Vampire nobles, , normal vampire's, lesser vampires, then finally below that we can say ghoul's, etc.. But that doesn't make much sense? If what you said was the case then wouldn't Thomas turn into a vampire lord instead of a White? Pondering on what Elijah said Reginald spoke. i Believe the reason Thomas turned into a white was because his body wasn't able to fully integrated masters blood into his body. Meaning that since he was weak and frail at the time, Or maybe because of his age, I'm not sure but still. It might have been because of that, that Thomas turned into a white. On the other hand I myself have lived for over 250 years, And since i was in perfect fighting condition at the moment when my lord transformed me, I became you're vampire lord. So does that mean if you were to transform someone he or she will turn into A vampire Noble? shaking his head in defeat, I don't know my lord, Like i said everything i just stated is baseless until we do some tests in the future. HMMMM, alright then. I understand, for the time being can you explain the situation with Balamath? I would like to know the reason behind why he determined it to be necessary to send you to me. After a few minutes of explaining the back story of Balamath, Elijah couldn't help but sigh. Well shit, not even a week and i already have my first enemy, Hahaha, raising his arms seemingly giving up on this bullshit situation Elijah directs a command to Reginald. Reginald for the time being, Go over to the 4 men and bite them. I want to test what happens, and what they transform into. Save the 5th man for you're personal supply of blood. After we are done here i will find a suitable skill where i can implement my Item storage into a bag, So you can carry around a necessary supply of blood for you're personal use. Saying that Reginald bows his head before walking over to the 5 dead men on the road. Master do you have a plan Bast asks. Yeah i think i found a good use for Reginald in the future. If everything turns out in the way i want it too, i think we have just found ourselves Some good spies. After walking to the men, Reginald bends down and bites each one of them before standing back up and stepping to the side Waiting for them to transform. After a minute or so the wounds inflicted on 3 of the Men close quickly, Unfortunately the 4th man which was torn to shreds by the wolfs was unable to transform. Hmphed, seems like if the body is too badly destroyed he or she wont be able to transform. Well damn so much for that. After the wounds of the 3 finished closing, all 3's eyes shot open there by each one of them stood up and got down on one knee. Congratulations on adding 3 more members to you're household. Total household members is now 8. Will you shut up please? Do i really have to listen to this every time a new member is added. Where is the notification button too mute the voice activation. Saying so the watch as if hearing Elijah complains. Unable to mute voice function's on watch, Sorry for the inconvenience. You bitch Elijah said in anger. I should have asked for the system to be implemented into my brain instead. Throwing a tantrum the 3 men begin to speak. my Lord we wait for you're command, Saying that in unison. Elijah speaks, For the time being each one of you tell me what you have turned into. Yes my lord, All together the 3 spoke. We have turned into Regular vampire's. Hahaha, Well so much for our theory right Reginald, Looking at Reginald laughing, Elijah had a complicated look on his face. What the hell determines what the person turns into i wonder? Is it their strength? Age? Abilities? God damn it, Screaming too the sky, Who ever is writing this bullshit story of my life please for the love of god give me a break!! Thinking of something, Wait Why the hell are they not being affected by the sunlight? I can justify why i can handle it. But if they are normal vampire's Shouldn't the sun be turning them into barbecue right about now. Looking at the 3 Elijah finally noticed why, Ahhh, So that's what's going on. Seeing the 3, Elijah noticed how awfully close to the tree the 3 were kneeling. With pale faces, Well pale face compared to their now vampire white skin. the 3 were seen visibly frightened and constantly looking up into the air, Hoping that no part of their skin would be exposed to the sun. Thinking to that point, Their probably remaining kneeing because of the fact I'm standing here. And since they have absolute loyalty to me, even if they get exposed to the sun they probably would just roast without leaving their spot. Not wanting the 3 too be turned Into Burnt pizza Elijah allows them to stand up. There by the 3 instantly shot towards the trunk of the tree like Squirrels who just found a stockpile of fresh Acorns. Seeing that the 2 girls bust out in laughter. With a smirk on his face Elijah gives the command to Reginald. Reginald for the time being you will be in charge of these 3 men. I want you to return to the balamath castle and pretend that you are still loyal too him. I want you as my insider and inform me if any new information comes out, And what his plans are in the future regarding me. Bowing his head, I will fulfil my lord's orders to the best of my ability. But if i may be rude to ask. What should i tell him once i arrived? Stroking his chin, For the time being just say i refused, tell him i defeated the others and forced you back. Also since i know you need to consume blood. I don't mind if you increase the surveillance team, The more people loyal to me the better. But only choose those who you see as strong individuals. If you're theory is correct i don't mind having a few Vampire nobles, Or even a small army of regular vampires under my wing. Lets say, if you manage to transform anybody into Nobles keep it limited to 2. If others transform into Regular vampires, increase the number to a total of 10. Besides that everybody else you bite is only to be used for food. If they turn, kill them on the spot do you understand? I don't feel like having a plague of transforming vampires on my hand. Bowing once more Reginald says his good byes ready to leave. Hey you fuckers, stop cowering in the trees, We have an important mission from our lord. If i catch any one of you slacking. i have no issue in Throwing you out into the sun to burn!. Well then My lord i will be off then. Waving his hand Elijah let Reginald off with his final words. Come back in a day or so and i will have that Storage bag prepared for you. Saying that Reginald and his men leave at a Tremendous speed, leaving after images. Damn they got so fast after transforming Elijah said while shaking his head. Master is that alright letting them leave like that? Hmmm? Yeah i think they will be fine. This way we now have all of our avenues covered for the future. Lets head back for today, We got to sell the remaining monsters too the guild. And we got to get lyssa registered in the tamers guild. Can we get something to eat afterword's? Lyssa asked in hesitation. Ruffling her hair, Sure you can get what ever you want. Woo hooo, Lyssa cried. After 45 minutes of walking the trio finally made it back to the gates of Morxi, But before they could enter Elijah saw a familiar person standing in the middle of the road. Good god what now? Squinting his eyes Elijah could see the person but for the life of him was having difficulties remembering her face. I finally found you!! Said Lilith.... End of chapter 11 Hopefully you liked this chapter. Love you all anime light novels.