
The Birth of the first True God

Christopher was transported to another world after his death. After arriving to said world he experienced the typical main protagonist life. Cheat like abilities, Friends, and woman who flocked around him without doing anything particular. Unfortunately he realized to late that he had a skill called "Infinite Growth". With said skill Christopher no longer needed to train to become stronger. That might sound like an amazing ability which it was but sadly he reached a point where Christopher achieved Immortality. Doing so Christopher had to watch as the woman he loved died in front of him. The children he raised passed on along with his grandchildren, and great grand children. After witnessing all of this Christopher tried committing suicide but sadly was unable to complete said wish. So with no options left Christopher encased himself inside an indestructible tomb in hopes of dying while in hibernation. Will Christopher dream come true? Or will he have to continue living with the fact that he could never die? Continue reading to find out what happens next!

Anthony_Magnuson_9113 · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Chapter 0 The pain Of immortality

Immortal? Immortal? How can anybody understand the concept of immortality? Most people believe it to be something amazing.

Well, They are not entirely wrong about it but the vast majority of individuals who have wished for immortality in the past forget to realize how long That time represents.

Look at me! I was once transported to another world just like those novels created in the eastern part of my previous world.

They would all write about immortal gods, and saints that traveled across the endless horizon of their said Universe.

They made it seem like the perfect existence. Endless strength, Unfathomable intellect, endless youth, and the other myriad of perks that come along with said benefits.

But for me I consider this an endless hell. Immortality is wonderful. But the people around me just withers away, and die before I can barely blink my eyes.

My perception of time has warped to such an extent that 10, 20, hell even 100 years passes by in an instant from my perspective.

My name is Christopher, not an interesting name but it was the only thing I could think of after coming to this world. Now the name has grown on me and has sort of stuck.

In the beginning, everything was exciting, Endless adventures, multiple friends to keep me company, and I even managed to fall in love with 2 of the girls I met on my adventures.

As time slowly ticked by I started to notice the abnormal growth in my abilities. While I continued to improve slowly my comrades hit the walls on their potential, and the gap between us grew so large that even their full-blown force would be unable to leave even a scratch on my body.

My muscles became as hard as Carbon fiber, My skin seemed to take on the hardness of Diamonds, My attacks started to become invisible due to the speed. I learned how to fly in the sky and eventually became faster than rockets in my prior life. and to top it all off even though I was growing older the people around me noticed that I wasn't aging like everyone else.

Yes, there were people in this world who could push their levels, and skills to increase longevity. But it paled in comparison to what I was experiencing.

Eventually, I grew too strong that nothing excited me anymore. I could kill any beast that I came across. I gained a wealth so vast that I felt i could never spend it all. My rank in the guild reached its highest point of SSS Grade, and after 30 more years, the guild had to create a rank specifically for me Named Rank Alpha. Because I stood at the summit of the world at this point.

Kings had to bow their heads to me, Emperors had to serve me when I came to visit, and anywhere I went became an instant sensation. But on the inside, I started to feel empty.

I spent the better part of 60 years building myself up with my comrades working towards a goal that I thought would lead to an eventual end. Either I would hit a bottleneck in my training or I would eventually get tired of endlessly training to perfection but the reality is a cruel bitch.

Without doing much I continued to improve. I would wake up some days realizing that I improved once again. It almost seemed like my potential was endless.

It wasn't until it was too late did I notice the finest words in my status board with the words.

"God skill, Infinite Growth"

Skill description - A skill created by the gods themself that allows the individual to grow to infinite heights. Overtime as the user's power increases so does the skill's effectiveness. Eventually, the user will be able to rank himself amongst the gods that brought him here and rule everything under creation.

Seeing such a skill, my heart sank, sadly it was too late. The moment I noticed the skill's existence was the moment my abilities went into overdrive and started improving at an accelerated rate. Seeing this i gave up and Now decided to live my life, Get married, and raise a couple of kids. butttttt....

My abilities never stopped... Even though I stopped training, and focused on my family I never aged, my strength slowly grew day by day, and even the smallest of tasks became torture to me.

I could no longer hold on to doors without crushing them into balls, I could no longer hold my kids out of fear of crushing their bones. I could no longer comfort the 2 woman in my life afraid I could kill them with even a little bit of strength.

And to make it all worse I was hit with a message one day.

Congratulations user for reaching the point in you're abilities to unlock the hidden feature "Immortality"

Due to the user's energy levels increasing, and reaching the peak of the world you have unlocked one of God's features of Endless life.

Good job for working hard over the years, and starting your journey of reaching godhood.

When I heard that message in my head I felt like the world had ended. I explained the situation to my family and tried to enjoy the life I had. But time doesn't stop for anything.

As the years dragged on the 2 woman I came to cherish in my life died in front of me. Even with an extended life span, they couldn't possibly compare to immortality so sadly I had to watch as my wives, My kids, Grandchildren, Great-grandchildren all died before my eyes.

I tried to kill myself multiple times but no matter what i did my body wouldn't allow me to die.

I tried jumping into a volcano but all I did was slowly sink deeper and deeper until I reached the core of the planet.

I climbed the highest peak and jumped off headfirst but sadly the only outcome was burying myself 10 feet deep with my legs being the only thing sticking out.

I tried going to the bottom of the ocean to drown myself but all I did was suffocate myself, without actually dying.

I used all my strength and flew outside of the atmosphere of the planet but all that happened was feeling like I couldn't breathe. Besides, that nothing happened.

At that point, I gave up and spent the next 100 years in solitude Hoping by not eating, sleeping, or drinking water I could kill myself. But again my body just survived on the natural mana I absorbed every day.

So after all these failures, I put all my hopes on the last idea I could think of. I spent 5 years creating a tomb so strong that nothing could escape. I gathered all of the rarest materials from around the world, and used every ability in my arsonal to create a casket so strong nobody regardless of time could crack.

And so 5 years later I stood inside of a cave deeper than any cave on the planet. With a diameter of 20x20x20 feet in height, length, and width I placed the indestructible coffin in the middle.

Opening the lid I slowly sat inside. Before closing the lid I activated the defensive formation at all 4 corners of the room.

Hmmm, "If my math is correct this formation should last at least 100 to 150 million years".

"The coffin itself should withstand even a billion years. Hopefully that amount of time will allow my body to die". "And to make sure it works I used a long-lasting spell that would absorb a large amount of mana in the air to continue running indefinitely".

This spell was something I created on my own that would cut off any mana down to the individual Atom out of a certain radius from the activation point. As long as the mana supply continued to activate the spell I can safely say that no mana will be present inside this enclosed space.

"Hopefully as my body is stuck in stasis the mana inside me will slowly decrease till eventually no mana is left to sustain my body functions, and I can finally cease to exist.

Let's just hope immortality is not possible even with my body not being present. Saying so I slowly laid down inside the coffin.

Lifting the heavy lid I slid it to incase myself hopefully to never be opened again. Closing my eyes I used all of the mana inside my body to activate a spell I created especially for this situation "Eternal Hibernation".

This skill would shut off my consciousness, and put me in a hyperbolic state for a period that I determined in my mind.

Doing so I activate the skill and chose the option of "Death", Which means I would never wake up period....

As my mind starts to become fuzzy I had my final Thoughts. Mary, Susan, Nick, Brian, Aby, Ash. I'll see you soon.....