
Fight To The Death

Li Fei slowly stood up from the ground. Her heart was pounding against her chest. Cold sweat rolled down her forehead as she glanced around for something that she could use for self-defense. But to her dismay, there weren't any twigs or sharp edges. The forest was clean and organized neatly.

So her only choice was to escape stealthy. With her back still on the tree, she circled around the tree trunk gingerly whilst keeping her eyes on the big mystical wolf. Her minds repeatedly comforted herself that she could escape this and soon everything's going to be alright. Her logic was as long as she didn't offend it, it would not attack her as well.

The wolf tilted its head in a cute manner. Its eyes were looking straight at Li Fei like it could see right through her. Next, it grazed its paws elegantly on the snow, swiping out the snow beneath its feet. Then, it bent down to relax, though its eyes were still fixed on Li Fei.

Li Fei was bewildered by the scene unfolding in front of her as she moved in a turtle's pace, little by little around the tree.

If one could see this scene, they would eventually laugh. A naked human was trying to escape while a wolf was watching her action like some sort of entertainment.

Nevertheless, Li Fei was still feeling lucky that it was just observing and she prayed very hard that it would continue to do so. However, she would shortly be disappointed by the wolf.

The wolf shuffled its body bit by bit on the snow towards Li Fei when she had successfully shifted to the side of the tree trunk, out of the wolf's sight. It seemed to be following her as she moved around. Noticing the movements, Li Fei halted her steps abruptly and the wolf followed as well. It tilted its head again.

Seriously, she would gladly pounce on it if she could make sure whether it was hostile or not. The wolf looked very adorable and its luxuriant fur appeared soft and smooth. But, Li Fei had zero knowledge of its species, what it could do, its behavior, and whether it was sensitive towards human. So, she could only forget her desire and focus on escaping.

Right when Li Fei took another step, the wolf suddenly got up and the next thing she saw was its body was cloaked with a layer of invisibility once again. Li Fei blinked her eyes as she stared at the spot where it had just disappeared. In fact, Li Fei was trying to track its movement from the traces on the snow.

But then nothing happened. It was a complete silence. Li Fei sighed in relief. Her tense body began to loosen up.

Suddenly, she felt a pair of eyes gazing at her from different direction. She knitted her eyebrows and turned her head to the front. Four visible swallow holes could be seen on the snow. Li Fei hissed and held her breath right away. If she could, she would pretend as if she was a statue.

The layer of invisibility was slowly peeled off and the wolf had once again appeared on Li Fei's sight. But this time, it was standing five steps away from her. Its pair of violet eyes had turned into golden luster, glowing brightly as it stared at Li Fei.

This time, she was sure. It was completely hostile towards her. The temperature dropped down even lower all of the sudden. The wolf bared its sharp fangs as it snarled at Li Fei. The claws on its paws grew longer and the glittering aura became denser, gleaming blindingly under the sunlight.

"Shit." After one word of curse, the wolf had pounced on Li Fei. Its move was so fast and agile that it gave Li Fei no room to escape.

However, thanks to her past lives in the False Realm, her reflex had always been good because she was continuously chased down to be beaten or assassinated. She had to also occasionally steal in order to survive. Therefore, overall, her agility was quite superb.

As soon as the wolf was close to biting her, Li Fei tossed her body to the side and she fell onto the ground, successfully dodging its attack. In return, the wolf bit on the tree trunk. It whined pitifully and as soon as it was freed, it became extremely pissed off and it howled loudly.

Li Fei's face turned ashen. She thought that it was calling for its pack for sure. However, her thought was soon proven wrong as the trees around them suddenly glimmered brilliantly into the colors of spectrum, each with different wavelengths.

The lights soared into the top of the trees, spreading towards the leaves and when the colorful lights vanished, the trees had literally turned into crystal trees. Their bodies were like glass as it glinted when the sunlight hit them. The leaves were luminously shining like shards of diamonds, swaying gently giving the trees a sense of life.

Li Fei's eyes opened up as wide as she possibly could as if they would pop out of the sockets in any given moment. She could not believe what she had witnessed. The trees had turned into fucking crystals!

That was still not the end of it. Suddenly, a halo circled the tree which was bitten by the wolf and before Li Fei could react, its root had penetrated out of the ground beneath her and swiftly bind her by the waist. Li Fei was buckled down on the snow.

Without waiting for another second, the wolf lunged towards Li Fei once again. But to its surprise, Li Fei had managed to grab on both its chin and muzzle. She stopped the wolf from moving any closer.

"There's no way in hell I'll die today!" she sneered through her gritted teeth while she painstakingly held the wolf back.

Still, the wolf persisted and pushed forward, inch by inch getting closer to Li Fei's neck. In the middle of it, the wolf had even slashed Li Fei's body with its claw to make her submit. But both of them were still holding on.

Right at this moment, a couple of roots rose up from the ground again and bind Li Fei's wrists. The roots were trying to pull her hands down.

Li Fei gritted her teeth in frustration. "F***! You cheater! B***h, I'll fight you to death if that's what it takes!!"

She had finally decided to finish it to the end. She was not Li Fei if she couldn't beat this monster's ass 'till it whined to its death.

With that, Li Fei shut her eyes and mustered up all her strength to fight back. The wolf squinted its eyes and growled silently. It could feel that its mouth was slowly being forcefully opened up by Li Fei. She was going to rip this shitty wolf's mouth apart!

While Li Fei got to her action, the tree was not giving up either. It bind its root even tighter as it pulled her wrists down with more strength. The pain was greatly excruciating as Li Fei started to scream. Despite that, her grip was not loosening at all.

She didn't know where the strength came from. She knew she wasn't supposed to be this strong. In fact, her power right now was totally not human. She could persisted this long and the more she got angry and stubbornly fighting, the more stronger she got. It was strange. However, she could care less about it now. All she cared about was getting rid of this fuckin' pest in front of her!

The next thing she knew, a monstrous force, out of nowhere, burst forth from within her and as her strength increased, she had begun ripping the wolf's mouth. The wolf whined in shock and its body trembled incessantly as it felt a tremendous spiritual power gushing out from Li Fei. When Li Fei opened her eyes again, one of them had turned bloody red.