
The Birth Of Angelica

Angelica grew up in a lab knowing nothing of the outside world only relying on her mother for experience. She lost everything when she was 6 years old and ends up being raised in a military family.... will she get revenge for the ones who stole everything or will she choose to live the normal life her mother always wanted for her. Follow Angelica as she decides her fate! Hey guys I just want you to know that I am just writing this for fun and I can stop at my time and there won't be consistent updates! Have fun reading! :p

Mack_an_Cheese · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Young Family


I leave my mum behind. The tears are streaming down my face I know I have to be strong but knowing I have no home to return to makes me scared of the future. I keep on running faintly hearing the sound of the gunshot in the direction of where I left my mother. Erasing that thought from my head I stumble down a hill tripping over a rock sending me into a river. I start getting pushed by the currents not knowing how to swim water starts filling up my nose and mouth, I might be an angel but this is the most I have run in my life since living in a lab doesn't really build up my endurance. Having no energy to fight against the currents I get dragged under water and my head hits a rock I feel a stinging pain as my conciouness slowly fades away the last thought I have is 'Is my mother alive?'


My grandfather is taking me out with my brother's to the forest to do some camping. My twin Even is currently trying to persuade my Grandfather to let us explore. He got that cute face and sweet personality that makes elders want to spoil him while I am stone faced and intelligent (if I do say so myself). Running towards me with a smile on his face I can tell he succeeded so I start packing some food since I am sure we will get hungry on the way. My elder brother Leo gives me a whistle so if we are in trouble he knows where to find us. We set of heading towards the river because my twin wants to try fishing. I sigh knowing this is going to be another boring day.


Running ahead of my twin Ethan I look back at him and struggle to understand how I am his twin look at my cute and loveable face then his stone cold face there's no way but DNA does not lie. I know he calls himself intelligent in secret which I personally find embarrassing if people found out how arrogant he was I will be too ashamed to show my face. We finally make it to the river and he see a blob floating in the river and of course I just have to investigate. I take off my shoes and socks then start swimming towards the blob that is oddly looking like a child.... oh no have I witnessed a murder! I quickly call my brother cause if I'm going down then he's coming down with me. He helps me drag her towards the shore and we turn her around only to see a cute but slightly bloody face. the blood seems to be from the cut on her forehead. I start to panic and already start CPR when my brother says she doesn't need it and she's already breathing. Welp I guess I overreacted. I pull out the whistle and blow as hard I can hoping they get here in time.


I just finished setting up the tents when I hear the sound of the whistle. I quickly call my younger brother Reece (second oldest in the family) and we head towards where the sound came from hoping that they are not in too much trouble.


My big bro and I arrive at a river and I immediately start checking over the twins asking them for the reason they called on me. They push me off and pull me towards the girl that Leo has already picked up and laid on his lap. As the aspiring doctor in the family I immediately check her pulse letting a sigh of relief at finding that her pulse is beating. I start questioning Eathen asking where they found her only to find out she was floating in the river unconscious. My brother picks her up already heading to the camp and I follow with the twins in front so I can keep my eyes on them but my eyes keep getting drawn to the girl wandering how she got here.


Carrying the child in my hand I carefully go up the hill so I don't jostle the girl to much we arrive at the camp with the sun slowly disappearing behind the clouds. My grandfather notices my arrival with the child in my arms and takes her out of my hands putting her in the tent and tucking her in he then pulls me over to question me on what happened. I explain what the twins told me and he leaves me be to go check on the girl.


I arrive at the camp after collecting firewood and see everybody surrounding my tent...I drop down the firewood and go see what they are all staring at; only to see a child with a bandage on her head that Reese probably did as he is the only one that knows anything about medicine. I go question Evan, one of the twins, as he would probably give me a detailed explanation as to what happened. After hearing everything, I am immediately suspicious of the girl since I don't know where her parents are or how she got here. I decide to question her when she wakes up.


I woke up with a blanket on me and a bandage on my head. When I sat up, I felt a sense of dizziness plus a sharp pain in my head. I heard shuffling outside what appeared to be a tent. The zipper opened and in came a boy that looked like he was in his teens. He had silky black hair and red eyes, he was already muscular for his age but the gaze he sent me made me feel quite intimidated. He immediately started questioning me and I started thinking back to the past events and I start crying. I tried being strong for my mum but knowing she might be dead and I might never see her again is like flood gates opening. I couldn't stop crying and the boy started to panic and an old man came in. Pulling his ear, he dragged him outside then returns to comfort me and pat my head. I slowly fall asleep out of exhaustion, tears still streaming down my face....