
The Birth of a Demon Lord

Labels affect people's lives in any world. As it turns out, being a demon brings a bunch of dangers. After his reincarnation the idea of being a demon didn't really bother Azemo, instead the reality of magic and fantasy occupied his thoughts. Gaining more power or a new technique was more important than learning about the war between demons, humans and beasts. Also he was reborn with modern day villains so being a demon was the least of his worries. At first it was like he was back at school, a school filled with violence and death but he was still learning stuff. However Azemo would be forced to learn about the gravity of being a demon when he ventured from the demon stronghold. Azemo did not have any grand goals or ideas but the world has a way of forcing troubles and tribulations upon beings.

Silloh · Fantasy
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277 Chs


The first thing Azemo had done after he left the dungeon was meet up with Bella and Ima. The sisters had been extremely excited to see Azemo and Kaede again and the group had spent a lot of time together.

Since Azemo had not fully recuperated from the fight, the fierce loving of the sisters had taken a toll and after the first couple of minutes he needed to go rest by himself.

A glorious week was spent in that carefree manner with Kaede, the sisters, Reginald and Shade. It was quite the party of odd characters and everyone was able to relax and forget about their worries.

Of course, Azemo knew his journey was not over, but he endeavored to enjoy the time as much as he could while he was recovering.

It was a sight for sore eyes to see Kaede in her small body rolling around with two massive monsters and Azemo had plenty of time to catch up with Reginald.