

After a few minutes had passed though, I broke off the kiss and pulled back slightly to look at James. While he wasn't looking at me directly though, his gaze flicked past me as he listened intently to the sound of the television playing in the background. Then he turned his attention back towards me and smiled wryly as he told me, "There's an episode of Law & Order SVU on right now."

I frowned at his statement then, remembering that I wasn't actually here with him alone. I'd forgotten entirely about the two guys standing behind us while he fucked me earlier; so much so that I wasn't sure what their names were anymore and I couldn't even remember the colour of one of them's hair either. However, despite my surprise at finding out that they existed at all, it wasn't like it mattered to me. After all, they weren't my boyfriends or lovers or anything like that. At least, I didn't think they were...