
The Billionaire Model

Nate, one of the presenters of the TV station, conducts an interview with famous billionaire Zoe, who is also a model at age twenty six. As a woman billionaire and a model, Zoe's coronation was ruined twice. The first time was when her mother, Connie, bribed the judges to ensure that her daughter is crowned Miss Atlantica when she was 21. While Zoe was being crowned, her mother was arrested together with two senior judges she bribed to raise her daughter's name. After she was crowned, she was divested, and for the next five years she was prohibited from taking part in the Miss Atlantica pageant. This vile act of castigation was witnessed by millions of Atlas city TV viewers and audience members. The second time was when her ex-boyfriend, Jasmine, surprised her shortly after her coronation at the age of twenty six with an engagement after five years without competing in the pageant since she was banned. Her boyfriend, Leon stopped Jasmine before he could engage Zoe. Zoe tried to run away, but slammed into the speakers and fell, passed out, and woke up in the hospital. The nightmare struck Zoe and the interpretation predicted the death of Jasmine and it was so. Zoe found new love with Earl, the son of the priest and owner of the Atlas city shopping center after breaking up with her current boyfriend. The strife between Zoe's Ex-boyfriend and her current boyfriend led to the her Ex-boyfriend. An illegal protest was organized against Zoe by her fellow models which meant to manipulated her reign as Miss Atlantica. The organizer of the protest, Naomi was imprisoned and charged with theft, illegal protest, and sabotaging the suburb and the house of the Zoe. The models later reconciled. Zoe’s love affair with Earl was successfully established with marriage plans involved. Her father, Frank and her sister, Menander were supportive to her until the end when she married to Earl the same night of her third coronation which she celebrated.

Mlamleli_Zide · Urban
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27 Chs

Nightmare Strikes The Model

The suicide of Jasmine was still unknown by Zoe even Naomi didn’t know about it as they were both asleep in their place of dwelling. Zoe slept in her bed while Leon was on the couch busy with his business work on his MacBook pro laptop. She slept like a baby because she was as tired as there was so much happening about her that same night.

But the night was not as beautiful as her coronation because the suicide of Jasmine brought dire fear and the nightmare Stoke her anxiety. She saw herself on the stage with Jasmine putting an engagement right on her but the blood gushed out of her ring finger where the ring was like the ring incised her finger.

The blood filled the event hall and the hall became empty only Zoe remained but her eyes were closed as she was embracing the moment of joy. She opened her eyes and looked at the entrance that she was facing but it was a distance far from her since the hall is big in size.

As she stared at the entrance, the doors opened wide and eight people with black gowns and black veils on their faces entered the hall carrying two coffins, four on each coffin. They matched slowly towards Zoe on the stage humming the song that they were singing until they arrived in front of Zoe and put the coffins down before Zoe.

Then went on their knees and prostrated round the coffins and Zoe looked down to see Jasmine but saw the two coffins floating on blood but the blood was not on the stage. Then, one coffin opened itself but it was empty. Then, the second coffin opened itself as well and Zoe looked and beheld the corpse of Jasmine inside the coffin.

She froze with fear trying to cry but two men with black gown appeared behind her and strangled her trying to put her in the coffin that was empty.

Zoe fought them crying and trying to run from them. At this time, she was kicking fighting in a dream, she was kicking and crying aloud. Leon stopped what he was doing and rushed to wake her up and Frank, Zoe’s father heard her crying as well and Menander also heard her.

They came rushing and Leon opened the door for them and they entered, then Zoe rose from her sleep loud crying. Frank came and sat next to her and Zoe threw herself upon her father’s arms crying and Frank caressed his daughter while Leon and Menander were standing round about her.

Tears filled her face, and tiredness also upon her spirit, she realized that she was in a serious nightmare. She could not speak and Frank placed her on the bed so she may continue to sleep with so much fear pondering on the dream that happened to her.

Frank asked Leon, “What is happening with her, my son, I can see she was in a dream but is there anything you can share with me?”

Leon replied, “She was truly fighting in her dream and I can tell that it was a nightmare. She was kicking and yelling like she was defending herself from people that were attacking her. I am scared now father and wish she might share the dream with you so that she might get interpretation.”

Frank went on his knees and prayed then Leon and Menander did the same but they were praying in tongues and no one understood the prayer of the other. Zoe gained strength and fear disappeared during the prayer and she stepped down from the bed and knelt praying like her family.

They finished praying and sat on the sofas that were in her big bedroom and Zoe shared her nightmare with them. When she finished telling her dream, Frank interpreted the dream.

He said, “something has happened to Jasmine, it’s either he became involved in a car accident or he committed suicide and his death will get the name and the works of child contaminated. People are always looking for someone to blame because they fail to take their responsibilities.”

The moment of silence occurred in the room and the fear smote them all. At the end, Menander opened the social media and bumped into the post from Jasmine. It was the valediction that he posted on social media. So, Menander read it aloud and noticed the eyes of her family were tearful and they were left entangled and no one said a word.

Menander continued to page the social media post and came across the one that explained Jasmine’s death.

So Menander read it as well, “the man that was turned down by his girlfriend during the engagement for marriage after his girlfriend’s coronation has committed suicide. He shared his valediction so that the country may know about the cause of his death.

Miss Atlantica 2022 is accused as the cause of Jasmine’s suicide and she is required to appear before the court to defend her accusations.

Miss Atlantica beauty pageant has been a great and most successful pageant in history but Miss Atlantica 2022 has caused a dire commotion that claimed the life of her future husband. We mourn with the family of the deceased and we ought to blame the source of the tragedy.”

Frank said, “I knew it and my daughter is purposed by the dark forces to be the next to follow the foolishness of Jasmine. However, I stand by the lord and vow, nothing will befall my child. What is it that she has done in this evil world? Is it because of her good works of lending her hand to the poor or her modeling career that makes people envy her without any reason? I stand by my child, Zoe and nothing evil will ever befall her.”

Leon, “the news teller spoke about the court appearance of Zoe, I just can’t get it. Like why does she have to go to court for some stranger whose foolish act caused him to kill himself?”

Frank, “it is the dark forces that aim to ruin the life of my daughter so that her good works to the people might be in vain and trouble her. So that she may lose the heart she has for the people.”

Zoe didn’t know what to do and could not say a word and was afraid even to read the social media posts as she anticipated all manner of evil that disgraces and manipulates her name. The family could not sleep but sat on the couch feeling turmoil with no one to speak to.

It was like the coronation of Zoe was not supposed to be or she was not supposed to win the beauty pageant. She started to regret her time she took to take part in the beauty pageant but Leon noticed her. He solaced her, “no need to regret yourself my love, you have done great for yourself and we are proud of you as a family.

In every single thing that you do great, you will always experience opposition but your family is here to support you as your backup. I love the way father fights for you and I promise to stand by him and we will fight to rescue your name from the evil mouths of the adversaries. I love you and the family is here to stand by you and all this evil foolishness will pass and you will enjoy your success whole-heartedly without anyone to Envy you because you will be greater than them all.”

Zoe smiled and she was able to speak and Frank with Menander smiled too and Zoe thanked them.

She said, “You guys are amazing, I mean, your support for me proves that I am here not by mistake but there is a purpose for my life. Thank you father, thank you Leon, my love and Menander, my sister. Now I am able to stand and I will continue to fight and never back down. The devil is a liar, my life will not be like this forever and I will continue to take part in the beauty pageant until they are all acquainted with my level and status.”

Frank smiled, “now you remind me of your mother, Connie. She was ambitious and could not sit until she obtains what she wanted.

Her audacity was something unspeakable like she was of supernatural descent. You have taken her ambition and even surpassed her in doing things and in fulfilling your dreams. Stand strong my child, daddy is proud of you and will fight to defend you in any occasion.”

The family smiled and the hangover started to strike Menander. She cried aloud, “Oh headache, I guess it’s time to drink more alcoholic liquor to release this hangover.”

They laughed at her and she ran out of the room and came back with whiskey and some low alcoholic liquor with glass cups and placed it on the coffee table. Frank opened the whiskey and poured it in the cup for himself and his son in law and started drinking.

Menander took her low alcohol drink and started to drink but Zoe didn’t want to drink. Instead, she opened the television and watched a comedy movie that amused them until the morning laughing and enjoying themselves like nothing wrong happened.