
The Billionaire Model

Nate, one of the presenters of the TV station, conducts an interview with famous billionaire Zoe, who is also a model at age twenty six. As a woman billionaire and a model, Zoe's coronation was ruined twice. The first time was when her mother, Connie, bribed the judges to ensure that her daughter is crowned Miss Atlantica when she was 21. While Zoe was being crowned, her mother was arrested together with two senior judges she bribed to raise her daughter's name. After she was crowned, she was divested, and for the next five years she was prohibited from taking part in the Miss Atlantica pageant. This vile act of castigation was witnessed by millions of Atlas city TV viewers and audience members. The second time was when her ex-boyfriend, Jasmine, surprised her shortly after her coronation at the age of twenty six with an engagement after five years without competing in the pageant since she was banned. Her boyfriend, Leon stopped Jasmine before he could engage Zoe. Zoe tried to run away, but slammed into the speakers and fell, passed out, and woke up in the hospital. The nightmare struck Zoe and the interpretation predicted the death of Jasmine and it was so. Zoe found new love with Earl, the son of the priest and owner of the Atlas city shopping center after breaking up with her current boyfriend. The strife between Zoe's Ex-boyfriend and her current boyfriend led to the her Ex-boyfriend. An illegal protest was organized against Zoe by her fellow models which meant to manipulated her reign as Miss Atlantica. The organizer of the protest, Naomi was imprisoned and charged with theft, illegal protest, and sabotaging the suburb and the house of the Zoe. The models later reconciled. Zoe’s love affair with Earl was successfully established with marriage plans involved. Her father, Frank and her sister, Menander were supportive to her until the end when she married to Earl the same night of her third coronation which she celebrated.

Mlamleli_Zide · Urban
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27 Chs

After the Beauty Pageant Party

The venue’s order and legal requirements were successfully enforced by the security staff. While a small number of people returned home in tears, the majority stayed. In her absence as Miss Atlantica 2022, Zoe was celebrated by Danny, the master of ceremonies, coming up on stage to give a speech.

When he entered the stage, everyone was still watching the performance from their seats. So he picked up the microphone and circled the platform, trying to figure out how to get started. The audience applauded him to act after he had been wandering around for a time. Then he declared, “Zoe Layla is the Miss Atlantica 2022! The crowd started clapping with their hands and yelling for Zoe all of a sudden. He used the cloth to wipe the perspiration from his face.

“But she’s not here, and she’s not with us,” he went on. “Because of our silliness as guys attempting to become famous by shocking the well-known and prosperous woman, she was eager to celebrate with her family. It’s okay, even though our hearts are broken to see our little girl taken to the hospital and her career and coronation destroyed.

I hope everything is correct for her and her family, though, and I’m pleased with the conclusion. In order to prevent such absurdity from happening again, I also want to advise guys to make good decisions. I become hurt when our women’s rights and festivals are infringed. Zoe has returned home as Miss Atlantica 2022, demonstrating her audacity as a victor. She is a princess deserving of all the best honors the world can bestow upon an angel like her. I give her the letter of credence and commend her and her backers for the stunning sight we just watched.”

“I’d like to call upon the stage anyone that would like to celebrate the Miss Atlantica 2022,” he said, drawing applause from the audience. “Sharing anything with her, even if it’s only a song or some words of encouragement, as she is not physically present among us but rather with us spiritually.”

Zoe’s representative appeared on stage and spoke about his model, Zoe, using a microphone. Similar to how the master of ceremonies moved around the stage, he began to speak.

“I am grateful for this chance to express my gratitude to my business partner and model,” he remarked. “Zoe has made it possible for everyone to rejoice and take in this historic occasion by providing the funding for the entire beauty contest. I’m not talking about just any old individual; I’m talking about Atlas, the woman who has transformed our city and is a national treasure. The bulk of charitable organizations are able to thrive because of her ability to advocate for her country and provide financial assistance; this is a well-known fact, and I tell you the truth.

This is as a result of her aiding the underprivileged. Without intending to elevate her, I would like you to be aware of the woman you are honoring and her enormously beneficial impact on our community. I would like to tell men not to act recklessly when it comes to such valuable people, because I love and respect Zoe so much.

To honor her beauty and her perfect perspective, I would like to create a book on her. Her modest demeanor allows her to flourish, and her composure comforts our hurt emotions and losses. As a devoted giver, she has extended her hand of love to numerous charity groups, enabling them to flourish and better their communities. The condition of her heart is what makes me wish she was here; thank you. She is still a kind child who needs our love and care.”

As soon as he left the platform and went back to his seat, he was showered with praise. Naomi entered the platform to speak about Zoe. The ambulance that brought Zoe to the private hospital was not accompanied by her; instead, Zoe went there with her father, Frank and Menander, her sister. The crowd gave her a round of applause as well. Her eyes got teary, and she started to speak in a trembling whisper that came from the bottom of her heart.

“Thank you for giving me this opportunity to share about my sister and my friend, but I’m scared,” she said as she started to speak. “Just like Zoe’s coronation and her rights to celebrate her triumph were shattered, my rights can also be infringed. On behalf of the models and women who face the same criticism as Zoe, let me express my views. To all the males out there who are willing to be our wedding guests, I would like to make an appeal. Since we have equal rights as humans, they might first be taught our rights as women.

I would like to advise the individuals who defamed Zoe and the models on social media to love and respect themselves. I want children to understand that mistakes are made by humans. We need role models who can guide us in the right route to reach our goals because we are still young. My sister Zoe, you, and the other modeling contestants all have my undying love and admiration.

She has shown to be a powerful lady, and for that, I am grateful. You have given us the strength to stand up and pursue our goals. I am grateful to Zoe for enabling the countrywide hosting of this beauty pageant, which has attracted over twenty thousand participants. Thank you, and best wishes for whatever and everywhere you want to go.”

Naomi went back to face the other models as Danny, the ceremony’s master of ceremonies, entered the stage and announced the arrival of the entertainment. As a result, the musicians took to the stage and began playing. The models entertained the audience by walking the stage after the fashion presentation.

People celebrated the beauty pageant and the restoration of the show’s fire. All television networks carried it, and social media users couldn’t stop praising Zoe for her crowning and criticizing Jasmine for his botched marriage proposal.