
Chapter 47: Caught In The Rain

When I get outside the building, I still don't see Alex.

I turn desperately to the doorman. "Did you see where Mr. Grant went?"

"Just down the block, miss," he says, pointing. "Didn't tell me where he was going, though."

I don't stop to think. I just run down the street in the direction he indicated.

Even though it's getting late, there are still a lot of people out and about. I try to spot Alex on the sidewalk ahead of me, but I don't see him anywhere.

Frantic, I keep searching. I look down side streets. Glance inside the handful of restaurants and convenience stores I pass. After several blocks, there's still no sign of him.

Where the hell did you go? I stop on the corner and turn, looking around me in every direction. Would he have jumped into a cab? Walked back into the park? If I'd been smarter, I would have thought to grab my cell phone before running out the door after him. But it's too late for that now.