
Chapter 26: I Still Contend It Was a Good Plan

The tension stretches between us, strange and thick. Abruptly, Alex stands up.

"I was thinking I might shower while we're waiting for the pizza," he says. "You're welcome to use the guest bath if you'd like."

"Thanks," I say, both stunned by and a little grateful for the sudden end of our conversation.

Alex goes to his room, and a few minutes later, I hear the shower come on.

So much for pretending that everything's fine, I think. One minute we're the best of friends, and the next, everything gets weird again.

I should probably shower, too. The drive here took only a few hours, but I still have a bit of road trip stink on me. Before I clean up, though, I need to call my parents. I promised I'd check in when I got to New York safely.

I reach into my pocket for my phone, but there's nothing there.

Hm. I could have sworn it was in my pocket. I set my guitar aside and go over to my purse, but my cell isn't in there either.