
Chapter 7

Jessica parker

He left us alone for some hours, because he was having meeting again.

He left us to explore the club, we saw bar attenders was getting ready.

We came across of V.I.P rooms and clubbing area's, after today's examine work in club with amy.

We got tired of it, so we went back to sam office. Half hour later, he came inside and saw we both was sleeping next to each other.

When i opened my eyes, it was 10:30pm.

Oh fish we slept so much.

Get up you sleepy heads, sam told us .

Oh what's the time? i asked while rubbing my eyes.

Senorita it's 9:30pm .

Why did you let us sleep? Because you were looking cute senorita he said smirking at me.

Club is already open, so are you guys want to join ?

yesssssssss, but you should make sure that you will not regret it later! ok mumma she said with mocking voice.

We headed towards our V.I.P table, we sat on our seats.

Five minutes later, sam asked us what you will you guys like to drink? one bottle of beer and i said plain water please.

Ok ladies he said and vanished in crowd, there was perfect music for dancing, lot's of peoples were on dance floor.

He came back holding our drinks, where is water? i asked him.

Come on senorita you can drink one short, oh please no i can't i said.

she really get drunk with just one short. Amy said.

Fine then, can you please bring her water? he asked one of waitress. Ok Sir.

they both went in crowd, leaving me alone.

After some hours playing with my phone, they came back.

Sam and amy came back, let's go home she said. Ok let's go now.

Twenty minutes later, we were standing in front of our house. When sam told amy something in her ears, she was blushing at me.

Ok guy's i am taking off first. Amy said with wide smile on her face.

When he was about to say something to me there was a blast in our home.

Ammmmy.... I shouted her name.

then she came out catching fire all over her body. Sam unbuttoned his coat and rapped over her body where fire was covering.

Within a few minutes she was unconscious.

we took her to hospital, where doctor took her in I.C.U.