
Chapter 4 Jessica parker

Jessica parker

Saturday at 11:30 am, we have to be there ok. she winked at me. left my room.

It was Friday today, everything was usually normal.

We went to Mud restaurant.

We worked hard like every single day.

Nothing was different.

We headed towards our house.

What do you want to eat? amy i asked her.

Maybe we should just order one large extra cheesy pizza. Wow that great amy thank for your treat.

Oops, no my money is over jessy. ok then it's last time i am giving you my money.

We enjoyed our pizza with HBO.

it was 9:30pm i am feeling sleepy amy good night. jessy please wait, what?

take this bea face mask, apply it and sleep.

good night dear. Amy said.

After counting 390 sheep's, i could finally fall asleep.

Get up you sleepy head it's time to wake up Amy siad, hmm let me sleep for two minutes.

We should be ready, today is interview conducting.

oh yeah, i totally forgot about it. Amy thank you.

I will be ready after taking hot bath, ok bea come soon.

fifteen minutes later, i came out of bathroom.

Amy called me, in her room.

Are you sure you can do it Amy, i asked again.

Yes let's give a try as we have three more hours left she said.

what if this turn into disaster? i asked her.

Because i have never applied any make up stuff before. shut up bea amy said.

After thirty minutes we finished our make up stuff . When i saw myself in mirror, wow i looked completely different from before.

What should we wear? she asked me with panic voice.

Hmm let's wear bikini top and panties, sound amazing know. Amy said.

Of course not we will look like sluts.

then let's dig out something to wear. she said.

I tied my hair into high ponytail, black and white tunic dress, white sling and finally white

heels. Amy was wearing read and white frock, her hairs was open.