
The Billionaire's Top Secret

Amelia divorced her billionaire husband and father to her three kids for reasons unknown to the press and media, but rumor had it that it was due to infidelity from his side. Her ex-husband Ryan still tries to win her heart back but she falls in love with Tom, a guy he met at the gym, he was a regular gym goer. Amelia is in great dilemma although her heart still yearns for Ryan but she couldn't ignore the fact that Tom treated her right. The police are on Ryan. They thought he was linked to some illegal activities that lead to his wealth but they have no tangible evidence to take him down. What could be the reason for the divorce? And do you think the Billionaire is guilty as suspected?

ruthafe22 · Urban
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Chapter 5


Ryan wasn't exactly sure why he was angry or who he was angry at. Was it the reporters or whoever the man is that was spotted with Amelia or at himself for being so angry.

He was home and had been following stories and articles on him since the press interview. What he kept finding over the past week shook him more than a little bit.

There was almost entirely nothing on the company case except for the possibility of him serving jail time. Most of the articles were on his marital status, his divorce and more importantly the man Amelia seems to have been spotted with on a date along with a couple other sightings.

He sat in his room with a glass of whiskey in his hand staring out the window. He did not know exactly what was going on or what to do about it but he was certain he was angry. His mom still hadn't gotten hold of Mr Clancy. D lookespite his interview, Harkland and the rest of the board were still on his neck, and now this.

They were divorced for almost half a year, but it felt like she was cheating.

He hadn't really dealt with the divorce. He just immersed himself in his job so hard for this past six months to distract himself from his emotions. But now all his feelings were overloading on him and was threatening to break through his usually expressionless mask he has always had.

This should be the least of his problems but it just seems to bother him the most. Maybe he could call her. What would he say though?, that she should stop dating the guy. Were they even dating? They should be if they were spotted so many times together. If it was an old friend of her's, he would know. Even if they were dating, what right did he have to say anything about it?

He poured more whiskey into his glass. At this point he might as well look for answers at the bottom of the bottle


Amelia got there on time, this time.

Lately she had been showing up late to pick up her kids. She had a fashion show on her hands in a couple days. She has had so much to do. Even as she had promised herself that the kids would come first, she had been slipping up a lot lately. They've missed one ice cream day already and it seems they were about to miss another.

"Hey Joey, June, Danny, how was school?"

Joey and June both murmured something inaudibly about ice cream. Danny, as always, was quiet.

Amelia could see how much things had changed and it hurt her. She wasn't sure how to balance it all but she would have to try before she become one of those parents who were alien to their kid. That last thought made her think of Ryan ever so slightly. She threw away the thought as quickly as it came.

As they all came down the steps of the middle school entrance, the kids suddenly broke out into a run towards the road. Amelia was about to scream when she noticed what, or rather who, they were running to.

Ryan stood there in a black three piece suit and sunglasses with open arms to receive his kids. Amelia hurried to join them.

"The kids visit isn't due till next week."

Ryan had Danny on his shoulder.

" I know. I just came to see If I could join them for ice cream day."

The kids, mostly June and Joey, screamed in delight. Amelia did not share their enthusiasm. She had to be at the fashion home three minutes ago.

"We aren't going to get ice cream today, you know that kids. Mommy has work."

The twins enthusiasm died almost instantly.

"Dad could take us." Danny said, almost completely inaudibly.

"No Danny"

"Why not?" Ryan quickly chimed in, "we'd get ice cream and I'd get them back to the fashion home and your assistant could take them home or something."

Amelia did not like the plan. But she had to go and she couldn't say no to them especially with such a full proof plan. Besides she had deprived them of a lot lately since she wasn't always around.

"An hour. Get them back to the fashion home by 3:30."

Ryan smiled and the kids squealed.

Ryan put Danny down and ushered the rest of the kids into his car.

Amelia made to rush to her car when Ryan stopped her.

"Hold up."

"Ryan I don't have a lot of time"

"I can imagine. The fashion seems to be booming. You know if you need any help..."

"I'm okay. I've got it all covered "

"I'm sure you do, especially since you seem to already have help."

"Ryan I really don't have enough time to talk much. If there's something you'd wanna say, just say it."

"I've noticed you've gotten back into the dating market again."

He noticed Amelia's countenance change with that last statement like from a slightly cloudy day to an imminent storm.

"What I mean is, don't u think it's too early to start dating, you know with the kids and all..."

Amelia chuckled quite scornfully

"Oh I see what you're doing here. My life is no longer any of your business Ryan. Get over yourself!"

Ryan felt like he was stabbed right in the heart.

His face almost contorted with pain. But he kept up the little smug smile he always sported.

"3:30 Ryan. Don't be late." Amelia finished with a note of finality and stormed to her car.

She couldn't help but feel a little bit at least, like she was cheating on him. Besides it didn't matter. Tom and her weren't dating, at least not yet.

As she got into her car and drove away, she noticed through her rearview mirror that Ryan stood there and watched her till she disappeared into downtown traffic.