
The Billionaire's Personal Maid

Just when she was trying to avoid him.. How could the man she'd ran from last night was going to turn out to be her boss?? How was she suppose to work for him?! She had to hide before he notices her..... "Lastly...." his eyes lands on her "I am not the type to forget people easily" He moves closer to her ""Epecially women who run off after a night with me" he whispered . He straightened up "See me in my office Miss Hazel Miller"

Setemi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
50 Chs

Page 42

Hazel's eyes flutter open. The first thing she noticed was that Vincenzo wasn't in sight and his warmth was nowhere within radius.

She glanced at the clock on the wall and her thoughts were, where exactly was he?

It was 2am in the morning and there seemed to be no traces of him.

Hazel wondered what had interrupted her sleep. She wasn't the type to wake up in the middle of the night for absolutely no reason.

"Vincenzo?" She called

No response

Where on earth is he?

Hazel got out of bed, wrapping her arms around her as she checked out the bathroom and the clos3t but he wasn't there.

Maybe he's in his library.

Hazel puts on her bedroom slippers and heads out the door. She felt the hairs on her neck stand as though someone was watching her. She took a glance over her shoulder and sure enough, there was no one there. The only response she got was the silence she had woken up to earlier, nothing out of the ordinary was in the room…

Hazel heads out and shuts the door behind her. She was welcomed by another thick silence in the hallway.

The guards seem to have been reduced by half and there was this eer feeling she was having as she approached the library which was just a door away from Millie's room.

Hazel pushed the door to the library gently and scanned the area. She had no intention of scaring Vincenzo in case he was really occupied with work..

"Vincenzo?" She called

Silence was her reply. The room was unusually quiet and the lights were off too. Hazel fiddled with the switch for a while before she finally turned the lights on.

The room was empty. It was almost like he never came here.

Hazel frowned

Where the hell are you Vincenzo?

She asked in her head, knowing if he was awake, he would have heard her voice by then..

Hazel shuts the door after switching off the lights. Looks like she would have to go down the stairs herself.

Why is he up so late and why is he making her worry so much?


She turned to see Yin by the entrance to her room,wrapped in a night robe and eyes staring at he'd quite livid.

"Aunt. I'm really sorry if I woke you up. I was trying to look for Vincenzo" Hazel said, dripping her voice in a whisper.

"You shouldn't be up so late darling. You should get some rest" Yin coaxed

"I know…I don't know why I woke up by this time. I was really tired from last night but then I woke up … and I couldn't find him anywhere" Hazel said

Yin chuckled

"Vincenzo is not a kid is he? He's probably out and he will be back soon before you know it:" Yin assured

"By two am? He didn't tell me he was going anywhere." Hazel said

She knew if he had something to attend to he would have informed her. Should she be worried?

"Vincenzo is a business man darling. He is often out for most of the day and he's probably taking the night off at his office or something. There is nothing to worry about dear" Yin assured

Hazel shook her head, she wouldn't allow Yin brainwash her into believing what isn't true.

"No. He was with me last night. We spoke about a lot of things before I slept off" Hazel said .

Yin examined Hazel, face twisted in worry

"Are you sure dear?" Yin asked as though sceptical, "I didn't see Vincenzo last night…"

"I did! I saw him last night and we spoke ! I didn't imagine things, I swear! " Hazel said

"Hazel dear. Are you sure about this?"

"I am sure aunt!" Hazel snapped, making Yin bent forward in a submissive bow.

"I saw him last night and we talked. I am not seeing things!" Hazel snapped.

She was losing her temper.

She was tired of people making her think she didn't see what she saw or feel what she said she felt. And at that point she felt like she had some kind of authority over Yin and she could dismiss her if she wanted.

Where she felt that surge, she couldn't explain but she wanted to be left alone.

"I don't Where he is but he is but he is out there. I'm going to find him Aunt and you can go to bed" Hazel turns her back to her.

She could feel something really dark and different staring up within her and she had no idea what to do about it.

"If that's what you want , I will email on my way then" Yin took her leave immediately

Just when Hazel gained control of herself, she turned back to apologise to Yin only to discover she had left for her room .

Hazel felt scared, she had just acted out for no reason and it was almost like she felt the very right she had to make such indeed….

None of this made sense to her.

She had to call Vincenzo. She needs to find him and have him explain what was going on with her.

He had told her once that she was a part of them. That she wasn't totally human….

What is she then?

Hazel heads down the stairs, her very step seemed to echo through the entire room. The guards were indeed half the regular number like she had guessed but they seem at the edge as they sight her. It was almost like they wanted to tell her to go back but they wouldn't dare to say it.


They had better not as she is looking for her man and anyone with a deathwish can try to stop her.

She had no idea what she was going to do but the idea of suspending them in the air, upside down seemed to fascinate her greatly.

Yet a part of her found her courage amusing. Where was that confidence coming from? It was almost like she wasn't the same person…

Like she was Hazel but then…a better and stronger version of Hazel..

She found it hard to explain. It scared and excited her at the same time.

She needs to go find Vincenzo and fast.

"Has any of you seen Vincenzo," she asked calmly

"My apologies." One of the guards managed to say.

None of the guards could say where he was…

Why does she feel like he's in serious danger and she wouldn't rest until he appears right in front of her in one piece.

She's never felt this way about anyone and had never been so concerned in a very long time.

Hazel frowned, containing all her anger in the words she had to say to Vincenzo.

//If you don't show up this instant, I am going to stay mad at you for the rest of our lives. You can bet on that!//

Hazel turned at her heels and towards the stairs. He had less than a minute to show up or he can as well talk to himself for as long as he lives!


Vincenzo called calmly.

Hazel turned to see him standing right behind her, his hands by his side lazily.

"Where the hell were you?" She asked, walking towards him.

"I'm really sorry" he apologised soberly

Hazel's anger melts suddenly on seeing how sober and calm he was.

"Were you…drinking?" She asked in amusement

"For the record, no matter how much I drink, I can never get drunk " he offered

Hazel moved closer, eyes studying him closely

"What's wrong?" she asked

Vincenzo opens his arms to her , urging her for a warm embrace. She steps into his warmth, his arms wrapped around her tightly.

"I'm really sorry I got you worried" he whispered

"I'm sorry too. I just got mad because I didn't see you anywhere. I checked the library and I was just worried…" Hazel said

"Well,your threat saved my life" Vincenzo offered, his grip around her tightened

"What do you mean?" She asked

Vincenzo steps away from her, a smile on hid face.

"Well,you told me you were going to kill me…"

"I never said I would kill you but now that you mentioned it…."

Hazel gave him a knowing look.

"I just signed my death contract didn't I? And you telling you would stay mad at me is the same as pulling a dagger through my head" Vincenzo offered in seriousness

"Where were you Vincenzo?" She asked in concern

"I'm here now and that's all that matters Hazel" he whispered

She doesn't want to know where he was and what he's done .She's probably going to run if she heard the first part of what has happened to him…

Vincenzo lifts her off the ground heading up the stairs with her in his arms. His eyes never leaving her.

He couldn't let her see how sorry he was and he managed to cover up with a smile. He was going to make her happy and make sure she never finds out about Chole if he could help it….