
The Billionaire's Personal Maid

Just when she was trying to avoid him.. How could the man she'd ran from last night was going to turn out to be her boss?? How was she suppose to work for him?! She had to hide before he notices her..... "Lastly...." his eyes lands on her "I am not the type to forget people easily" He moves closer to her ""Epecially women who run off after a night with me" he whispered . He straightened up "See me in my office Miss Hazel Miller"

Setemi · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Page 22

Once it was 10:30 pm, the majority of the female staff were in bed already. Hazel wasn't sure they were doing the right thing but a little excitement isn't a crime is it?

Chole and Hazel waited patiently for Orna in their room, their hearts racing in excitement.

Finally something fun!

In this line of work, fun is almost unachievable. They couldn't imagine spending a whole year in this mansion without doing anything fun!

"Why is she taking so long?" Chole asked impatiently.

"She should be here by now" she adds

"Let's wait a little bit longer, Chole. She might show up any second now" Hazel assured

Orna could be the last person anyone would want to work with on a day like this. Orna could have lost track of time, talking and laughing with her roomie.

Hazel hoped she would show up soon. Once it's 11, she's going straight to bed.

Hazel was glad she already had dinner or Orna could have used that to get her out of bed. Chole was nice to remember she didn't have dinner. She had gotten a plate of pasta and a few fruits too.

Orna steps into the room with a weird-looking flashlight and a ridiculous helmet on her head.

"What took you so long?!" Chole snapped

"I was trying to get a flashlight. You have no idea how difficult it is to get one of these where you have electricity all day all week" Orna replied

"What exactly is this discovery of yours Orna? Chole told me it's a room full of paintings" Hazel asked getting down from her bed which was the top of the bunk.

"Yes. And there's more in that room. Come on! We have to hurry" Orna steps out of the room, beaming in excitement

Chole and Hazel caught up with her in a matter of seconds, trailing behind her quietly. If Gwen were to see them still up, they would spend the whole night cleaning the ground floor with a toothbrush!

Orna led them to the kitchen, earning her sceptical looks from Hazel and Chloe.

"And you're saying these paintings are here?" Chole asked

"The more I see it, it feels like this painting can only be seen on a white marble plate with steams rising above it.." Chole said

Hazel chuckled

"Very funny Chole. I'm taking you through a shortcut. If we go through the living area, the guards will certainly question us" Orna said in seriousness

"What are you? Detective Orna?" Hazel asked

"I know right? That would go with my name" Orna beams in excitement

"Too many novels will surely ruin your view on reality I tell you" Chole muttered

Hazel smiles

"Hey, a girl can dream" she informs

"Right? Finally, someone who gets it!" Orna said in excitement

"You two, need to check your fiction consumption. You're starting to replace your imaginations with reality!" Chole snapped

Chole was right, her imagination doesn't only feel like reality, it was starting to get crazy with the passing minute! Hazel knew she needed to see her doctor and she would have to take a leave to do that. Either from Gwen or….

Mr Vincenzo.

Hazel would rather starve than tell Vincenzo about her condition! And that could even get her fired.

Hazel knew how difficult it had been for her to get a proper job for her qualifications. Her medical history seems to create one barrier or another. No company wanted to employ so. one with a history of serious hallucination. Even though her reports state that she's clean, nobody wants to take that rusk on her.

"Okay, we're here"

Orna stood in front of tall open cabinets with a dozen utensils neatly arranged there.

"Great. Some open sesame?" Chole asked

She shouldn't have allowed Orna to convince her about joining her little adventure. She should have stayed in her room and slept. She needs that rest, to be honest…

"Patience Chole. Good come to those who wait, watch and listen" Orna pushed the cabinet to the side to reveal a door behind the wooden furniture.

"Goodness! I've worked half my years here and I have never seen that door…" Chole muttered in amusement

"How did you know about this?" Hazel asked

"I was going to get spatula from the top shelve but it fell back and I had to move the whole thing to get it." Orna shrugs

"And that was the only spatula available?" Chole asked, arching her eyebrows.

"Or you were trying to buy some time to avoid cooking?" Hazel teased

"I wasn't trying to avoid cooking!" Orna said in her defence

"I was saving my energy for something more productive " she muttered

"Yeah right" Chole rolled her eyes

"Regardless of my intentions, I found this. I waited till everyone was out of here and I went in to see for myself what was behind the closed door"Orna explained

"Come on. I'll show you " she turns the doorknob and pulls the door open.

There was barely any light in there. Pure darkness.

"I don't know about this Orna," Hazel asked, a bit worried

"How could you walk in there alone in the first place? What if something happened to you and nobody could help you in time?" Chole scolded

"Oh please, Chole. Try something fun and mysterious every once in a while. It's not going to hurt!" Orna snapped

"Hazel?" Orna called

"I don't know…are you sure about this?" She asked

"I've been here Hazel and it's safe. I promise" Orna offered

Hazel nods

"Let's get this over with "

Orna switches on her flashlight and leads them into the room.

"What about the cabinet? What if someone comes into the kitchen and finds the door?" Chole asked

"Just relax will you?" Orna hands Chole the flashlight while she walks towards the door. She pulled the cabinet to cover the door, leaving a little space for her to slip into the room.

"Done" Orna returns

"Shall we?" She asked smiling

"You're a really weird person Orna. How could danger seem to interest you? '' Chole asked

"Take risks, Chloe. You never know what you might discover" Orna took the flashlight and led them down the narrow pathway.

The walk continued in silence for no longer than two minutes until they felt the space in the room widen.

"We're here. Now, where is that switch?"

With a loud tap, the lights came on Beighton the room.

For a room that ought to be hidden and unknown, it sure has quite an expensive chandelier. The walls were a different shade of pink.

Rose gold maybe?

"Tada" Orna beamed

The room had several paintings, covered in white clothes that were quite dusty.

"How long has this been in here?" Chole coughs as Orna pulls a few of the clothes away to reveal the paintings.

"Four years. Since I discovered it, that is. It could have been here for a way longer time" Orna offered

"Woah" Hazel smiled, feeling the paintings with her fingers. There were a few abstract drawings but the major ones were paintings of flowers, Dawn, and different things from nature.

One of the paintings caught Hazel's eye: it was a painting of dawn, reflecting into a room with white curtains and sheets.

The sight of it seems to make her smile…

It is a really lovely painting!

"Whoever owns this thing is a collector," Chole said, fiddling with an ancient hairpin, placed in a box.

"Or an artist " Orna sits behind the harp, admiring the gigantic-looking instrument. It looked nothing like the modern-day harp but everything like the ones from the 90s. If not way back…

"Or a memory" Hazel offered without much thought.

"Hey, you're right! Everything in here is just collections of random items Orna reasoned

"And the pin?" Chole shows it to the girls.

"This should be the last thing I should find here. You're right Hazel, this is all in memory…of someone." Chole admits.

Orna smiled sweetly

"Imagine a man who keeps everything you touch in a secret room.." Orma sighs dreamily.

"Isn't that the same as stalking?" Choke asked

"It's romantic!" Orna explained

"There is nothing romantic about stalking! Couldn't the women then make a report to the cops or something?" Chole asked in irritation.

Orna shook her head.

"You'll never get it will you?" She sighed

"The only thing I get is the fact that novels are no good" Chole concluded

"Tell me Chole, do you have plans to get married?" Hazel asked

"I do" Chole replied

"And how do you suppose the whole thing would happen?" Orna asked

"If he is responsible and serious about life, why not?" Chole shrugs

"He doesn't need to be handsome and charming?" Orna asked

"And all that sexy to die for body" she adds with a dreamily look

"No. Those things don't matter to me" Chole waves her off

"What a being life you've got there" Orna snapped, earning a laugh from Hazel.

She laid eyes on a portrait at the furthest end of the room. Hazel approached the drawing ng and pulled away the white sheet as the argument behind her turned into a faint echo.

She couldn't believe what she was looking at.

A portrait of her…