
The Billionaire's Pampered Wife

[Mature Content.] “Afraid? Oh, dear, I can burn the world and no one will blame me as long as I have my husband’s money in my pocket.” — Irene Russell’s hard work for years was turned into junk when her boyfriend stole her work and gave it to her wicked step-sister. The public immediately recognizes her step-sister as a genius, while Irene must bear huge losses. Her boyfriend dumped her and declared he had been cheating on Irene’s step-sister since the beginning. After drowning herself in bottles of red wine, a piece of cake suddenly fell from heaven. Her boyfriend’s boss suddenly asked her to marry him to clean his name from a nasty scandal. Desperate to earn money, Irene accepted his offer. However, after she read their marriage contract, she realized every point in the contract was intended to spoil her to the root. — “You’re the perfect candidate to be my future wife.” Irene, “A woman like me can give you a headache, Mr. Delacroix.” “Oh, it’s such a coincidence,” Sebastian told her with playful intonation. “I like troubles.” — With the help of Sebastian Delacroix’s money, Irene could climb the ladder of success. At the end of the day, would her ex-boyfriend and her step-sister cry the blood of tears after betraying her? — Contact me Instagram: @zenanicher

Zenanicher · Urban
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21 Chs

Irene Gives Sebastian a Headache

Sebastian was speechless. His jaw dropped because he had not expected to hear such nonsense as soon as he returned home. "What are you talking about? No, the important question is ... why do you think I would do such a disgusting thing?"

"I know about your scandal." Irene pointed her finger at Sebastian and bombarded him with many complaints. "It seems everyone knows about your scandal except me, your fiancé. Did you want to marry me to cover up your relationship with your sister?"

Irene gasped as she realized something. She looked at Sebastian in disbelief and muttered, "Oh, God. Did I have sex with someone who also fucked his sister?"

She hugged herself, shuddering as she remembered their hot night. She wiped her lips repeatedly, thinking that maybe Sebastian had also kissed or touched his own sister.

"What are you doing?" Sebastian held her hands. His pupils dilated as he realized why Irene was doing this. "No! Fuck no! Whatever you're thinking right now, I never did it!"

"Did you think I would believe you?" Irene jerked her hand away and yelled, "How could such a disgusting scandal spread if you didn't do anything to make them think so!"

Sebastian rubbed his forehead, which was beginning to hurt. "You also know that the news that spreads is not necessarily true. Irene, you've been there too."

Irene wanted to say something but fell silent when she realized that Sebastian wasn't wrong. She, too, had been a victim of fake news spread by people who wanted to bring her down.

"But the reason you want to marry me is really because you want these nasty rumors to stop, right?" asked Irene seriously.

Sebastian brushed his hair back, tired of dealing with such a headache right after work.

"Let's talk about it in my office." Sebastian went in first and muttered, "I need my damn coffee."

Irene followed him like a duckling following its mother. Instead of sympathizing with Sebastian's apparent headache, she mocked him.

"I told you I'd give you a headache, but you don't listen." Irene quickened her pace to match his. "Now you have no choice but to tolerate it, because I'm not going anywhere until I steal your wealth."

Sebastian laughed sarcastically. "I thought you were using a metaphor. But don't worry, I've dealt with bigger problems than a marriage problem."

"Oh, this can't even be called a marriage problem yet," Irene reminded him.

For some reason, Sebastian got goosebumps after hearing her words. He didn't seem to regret choosing Irene as his wife, but he began to guess what kind of problems she might have after they got married.

Sebastian led Irene to the third floor. The third floor seemed quieter than the other floors because there was only Sebastian's office and a library.

"There's an empty room here that you can use as your office later," Sebastian revealed.

"It depends on you. I'll rent the place outside as my office if you truly have a romantic relationship with your sister." Irene grimaced, "Fuck, you both give me the heebie jeebies."

If the rumors were true, Irene wanted to cancel her marriage, but unfortunately, she had already signed the contract, so the only thing she could do was try not to see Sebastian too often.

Sebastian stopped when they reached the door of his office. He stared at Irene and said, "Stop it! How many times do I have to tell you it's just a rumor?"

"Then explain it!"

"I will!" Sebastian opened the door and let Irene into his office. "But after I have had my coffee, or maybe some wine. Oh dear, you are giving me a headache." 

• •

Sebastian grabbed the wine from the cupboard and drank it straight from the bottle. The rumors seemed to bother him so much that he couldn't keep his composure.

"Do you want some?" Sebastian offered the bottle of wine to Irene.

Irene shook her head. "I have to be sober tonight or else."

She didn't want to lose the opportunity to get information and end up in Sebastian's bed like last night.

"Tell me first, why are you suddenly talking about the scandal?"

Irene sat down on the sofa and crossed her legs. "Your sister came to see me this afternoon. We don't talk much, but I have the feeling that she considers me her rival."

Sebastian raised an eyebrow. "Heather came to my house? I didn't even know she was coming."

"That was my question. You made me face your family before you officially announced my existence." Irene clicked her tongue. "If I were a cowardly woman, I would have run away after being confronted by Heather."

Sebastian let out a heavy sigh. He leaned back against the sofa and rubbed his face roughly. "She always does what she wants."

"Maybe because you let her. I still need your explanation."

"All right ... maybe my explanation will sound strange to you, but it is what it is." Sebastian took a deep breath before he said, "Ever since we were little, Heather loved to stick to me like glue. But isn't that normal? Siblings staying together is not unusual, is it?"

Sebastian didn't know who started the rumor, but he suddenly heard someone say that he hadn't gotten married until he was thirty years old because he had been in a romantic relationship with his own sister, Heather.

At first, Sebastian didn't take the rumor too seriously, thinking it would die down eventually. Unfortunately, he had made a foolish mistake that caused the rumor to grow instead of fading.

"On New Year's Eve, Heather invited me to celebrate with her friends at her new club. There's nothing special about that party, I just watched a bunch of kids go crazy from booze and drugs".

He continued, "Heather also got very drunk, so I had to drive her home. Unfortunately, my car had a flat tire and no taxis were passing by in the middle of the night."

So Sebastian took Heather to a hotel near the club. He didn't pay much attention to the name of the hotel or its reputation because he was too busy taking care of his sister who kept complaining of stomach pains.

Sebastian lowered his head and hid his face in his hands. "I didn't know that it was a love hotel. Unfortunately, some asshole took pictures of us entering the place and posted them on social media".

Of course, the photos were immediately deleted by Sebastian's team. Even though the public didn't know his face, Heather's reputation would suffer if the photo got out. Unfortunately, the damn photo had spread to his circle, who always wanted to dig up bad information about him.

"The rumors have been circulating in my circles for six months and it's giving me a headache." Sebastian raised his head when he noticed that Irene had said nothing. "Why are you silent?"

Irene twitched her eyes, thinking the story sounded like a fake story. "Are you stupid? How can you not know the difference between a love hotel and a normal hotel?"

Sebastian, "It was urgent! I also went straight home and asked her friend to take care of her until she woke up."

"So you and Heather are just a brother and sister?"

"Of course we are! However, people will never believe me until I marry another woman." Sebastian continued, "My father wanted me to marry a woman of his choice, but I refused and told him I already had my own."

Irene looked confused and wondered, "Why? Isn't it the same to marry the woman of your father's choice or to marry me? We were strangers before."

Sebastian chuckled. "Of course, you are different. The woman of his choice will surely demand love and affection from me because she thinks she's married to me, while you don't bother to ask for it because you know we're only contractually married."

"You're right." Irene smiled. "Besides, affection and love can't buy diamonds."

All she needed was his money, nothing more. Irene had to keep reminding herself of that so she would not suffer in the future.

"If you don't have any more suspicions about me, then go to sleep. It's late, I'm tired too." Sebastian seemed reluctant when he said, "My father has invited us to have dinner with my family tomorrow. He wants me to introduce you to them officially."